Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #17

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She had NO IDEA who this person was.. and she even acted like she didn't even want him there.

I totally agree with you on that count, but his strange comment to "let it go" if she had something she wanted to talk about, is very, very odd and could be interpreted as either advice, a warning, or a threat.

boy did I mangle this quote.... sorry!
Is the person she's so scared of somehow connected to LE? Ok...grasping now. Sometimes I so want to give this girl the benefit of the doubt...I still can't imagine her hurting her child, but then I have to say "So, what did she do...just lose her somewhere?" There's no affect here. What's wrong with this girl? I don't believe that GM and GPA have done anything "criminal" except a) skew what little information we have about their daughter and b) interfere with LE investigation by propagating all this bs (maybe that is a crime!) JMHO

I was being cynical, sorry.
Im missing something, Casey said she was not at the Ovieda house in 9 days, not the Anthony's. How can Cindy state Casey was at the house on the 16th and say Caylee was missing since 6/9 originally- everything I read is that she did not see either and was texting them?
Blink, where was that originally posted? I never could get a clear picture of what she way saying. I kept thinking the was "drama" at her house and that she was expecting to move into a house in Oviedo. Is it on a MySpace link?
Am I the only one that doesn't read Patrick as pathetic but as reaching out (to Mike on his Blog and Casey in jail) to people that may be on the wrong path. I think it's kind of sad that the one kid who posts nice memories and not about how drunk he's been for the last few years is seen as pathetic. i don't think it seems like he's hanging onto the past either I think it's sadness that so many of his friends have lost their innocence. As someone who is pretty clean cut, I can relate.

I don't personally see him as pathetic either, or nerdy or immature. Actually, I think he might be the most sane person I've come across this whole case LOL!! The only thing I find odd is the whole jail visit. The logical part of me says it meant nothing and he was genuinely just there to as a friend. The imaginative side of me thinks that it is somehow connected to Mike and possibly he was giving her a secret coded message or something. The fact is, we just don't know what his intentions were. But as far as his character, the vibe I got off him was that he seemed to be a nice, caring guy who has possibly recently found religion and is wanting to spread the word. Could it be the total opposite? Sure. Who knows though?
I don't personally see him as pathetic either, or nerdy or immature. Actually, I think he might be the most sane person I've come across this whole case LOL!! The only thing I find odd is the whole jail visit. The logical part of me says it meant nothing and he was genuinely just there to as a friend. The imaginative side of me thinks that it is somehow connected to Mike and possibly he was giving her a secret coded message or something. The fact is, we just don't know what his intentions were. But as far as his character, the vibe I got off him was that he seemed to be a nice, caring guy who has possibly recently found religion and is wanting to spread the word. Could it be the total opposite? Sure. Who knows though?

The problem is only that he was NOT a friend, because Casey didn't even recognize him and I felt she was a bit annoyed by his visit. Maybe he was a Casey groupie.... but he sets off my hinky meter.

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.

miss ya, yo.

I took this to mean that she hasn't been at the Anthony house in 9 days, which would put that date at June 15.
The problem is only that he was NOT a friend, because Casey didn't even recognize him and I felt she was a bit annoyed by his visit. Maybe he was a Casey groupie.... but he sets off my hinky meter.

He didn't seem to me that he was a friend of hers either, but why did he feel it important to mention Mike? He had to know somehow that she and Mike were friends.
Makes little difference now, she agreed with LE said she made a mistake. She produced a video of Caylee I saw no time stamp. She also said her mother writes a letter to her aunt every night and I guess she related her mom mentioned it but I never saw anything out there physically showing such. All under oath at bond hearing.
I know...was just being sarcastic. She always sounds so convincing at first until that one little bit of untruth nulls and voids everything else she's said.
Pitiful thing is, that's only 5K short of bail, and now they can't get her out.

But.. OUCH! That's a lot of moola! What did she spend that much money on?

I assume it was $45,000 during a duration of time; not at one time.

I can do some serious damage shopping but no way to $45,000 at once.

Kind of ironic that would have been her bond $ + $5,000

karma is a bitc*:)
There were two Bourgeois' (Frank and Patrick) that signed in to visit Casey and both signed in as "relationship." I didn't see Frank anywhere on the screen.

Initially I thought Frank and Patrick Bourgeois were relatives of Casey because of the way Patrick and Frank signed in at the jail as "relationship". So I looked up Patrick and Frank and came up with ...

Patrick Bourgeois is a builder in the State of Florida and runs his business under G. Patrick Bourgeois & Associates Inc.

And Frank Bourgeois runs a chartered fishing boat.

Does anyone know Granny's maiden name?

Has anyone else heard about the interview Granny and Grandpa gave on Saturday to People Magazine?
Was he out of town? Brother Lee headed over there, Wait dad had to be there he knew about the car. Was he the one who drove it home that day, plus he saved the garbage and approached the LE? why wasn't he with them? If it had been my father, he would have dragged me by the hair!!!
I think, other than being mentally disturbed, Casey is one smart cookie. I believe, unfortunately, that the worst has happened, that Casey did away with Cayley – circumstances and manner yet unknown. She then decided to get rid of the body, a much easier proposition for a 2 year old than a full grown adult. It was either dumped in a lake, river, or dumpster somewhere. She then “disappears” for several weeks, hoping this much time will allow the body to decompose and be lost forever either to scavengers in the water, or in the bottom of a landfill. She then comes out of hiding and invents these ridiculous stories of where she’s been and how Caylee was taken.

Her goal – she doesn’t want the body to be found, and in case she is still charged, she wants to go the “insane’ angle on the defense. This is one cold-blooded cookie, I believe. I hope I’m wrong, but I think this is another Susan Smith we have here.
I think if they can prove the dead body that must have been in the trunk was Cayley's, they should go ahead and charge her with murder.
I would be scared to death to go to a jail and talk to someone. I think his Dad brought him for support.

Just thinking out loud here -- maybe Patricks dad brought him b/c Patrick doesn't have a car right now. I had read in one of his MySpace messages where he's talking about being in college... so maybe he doesn't have a car if he's living on campus. Dunno. :waitasec:
The problem is only that he was NOT a friend, because Casey didn't even recognize him and I felt she was a bit annoyed by his visit. Maybe he was a Casey groupie.... but he sets off my hinky meter.

Yeah he set off my hinky meter too lol. I know she didn't recognize him as a friend, but it's possible, as others suggested that in HIS mind he was an old friend, possibly had a crush on her previously. I should've worded it differently I guess. I meant he could have been there because he saw himself AS her friend. Although clearly from her reaction to him, they weren't good friends, at least not recently.
If Granny was in default with Bank of America and late with payments, chances of Granny having credit cards with high limits are highly unlikely.

I heard NG say $45,000, but I couldn't find a thing that even references that amount of money anywhere.

I know Granny says she has receipts of where Casey was but the police didn't ask for them.

Credit card companies would definatly call the owner of the card if they see the card is being used a lot!
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