Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion # 18

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:) Thanks!
I actually was not thinking of the credit card fraud. I was thinking of the police report that Amy had to make, and also the checks (theft of a monetary instrument). Casey left her car at a check cashing place. Now, if Casey wrote a check and cleared out Amy's checking account as she said she did, then that is theft as well as forgery. Amy said it amounted to approximately $1,000.00. There would be a misdeameanor and a felony charge here.
Also, say if the check cashing place and the bank are within the city limits, it would be the Orlando Police Department jurisdiction. Casey is in OCSO custody. She could make bail, BUT if there is a detainer on her from Orlando Police Department, then they would be called, Casey would be picked up from the jail by them, then booked in there. Arraignment first, then bond set.
Maybe I did not word it very well. I was in LE for 10 years, and saw this happen many times.

Sure make bond get re-snatched up. That is the way it works. Thank you for serving.
Interesting point...

Howver, if casey did indeed go into the check cashing store, there should be video survelliance and maybe a possibility of a sighting of Caylee with her. All of this makes my head spin

Its not un common for these locations with interior camera's to re-tape over. It was five weeks later. Clever
I'm surprised LE hasn't charged Cindy yet too.The game playing is over!

I think they all have known something bad happened to Caylee & it seems now all they're worried about is there image.

Casey needs given 24 hours notice either talk or murder charges are coming down on you & then charged ASAP. LE has been more then willing for a turn of events. The lawyer .......well he needs ran out of Fl. :furious:

Well, please do not send him to Louisiana! We have enough of that type here!
She had an icon in photobucket account that said "I (heart) Jesus Ortiz". They obviously knew each other.
I think anyone who partied at the hotel knew Jesus. I didn't see anything on his site that made me think that they were involved in any way other than either old friends from high school or party buddies. He did know JP remotely so could be this is how she knew him. I find it very odd there isn't a single post from Casey since his site was put up a couple of days after the birth of Caylee in Aug. '05. You would think that Casey would get angry and lash out or something. (It is her style to do that, imo.)
In my opinion, that myspace page that has kaysee in the title is something Lee made also and is a copy of his mom's page with an alternate spelling of her name for anyone looking for her on myspace. I see no evidence whatsover that it is a police site. sorry. Any family member or friend or stranger even could have copied cindy's (mom's) page with an alternate spelling of the child's name just in case someone wants to report something. Another way to get the info out to the public.
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Originally Posted by Patty G
When my son's friend (female) was in jail not prison she had to buy all the items except for the outwear and shoes. She was jailed in Florida!

The jail could have gotten in trouble for not providing a toothbrush, miniscule tube of toothpaste, tiny bar of soap, a disposable razor, and 1 roll of toilet paper.
Every jail, detention center, and prison HAS to supply that!


Detention center is one thing, jail is another and prison is another. I had to help fund my son's friend's account while she was in the Florida jail for a day short of a year. You may be provide a small soap, toothbrush etc., but after that you have to buy it.
I think anyone who partied at the hotel knew Jesus.

What hotel? I must have missed that conversation.

He could have deleted her comments while he was still alive if she was leaving nasty messages. Also, if he was trying to avoid her, he could have deleted her from his "friends list" and she would not have been able to leave messages.
But why would she run up $45 grand on GMAs credit cards if she was prostituting?

I really do not think it was $45,000 on credit cards. I think Nancy Grace made a mistake on that.
Of course Casey would need all sorts of new outfits for every night if she were prostituting!
Why didn't they allow her to just talk to Tony? I would be VERY interested in hearing that tape!! If she was going to slip would have been with him, imo.
What hotel? I must have missed that conversation.

He could have deleted her comments while he was still alive if she was leaving nasty messages. Also, if he was trying to avoid her, he could have deleted her from his "friends list" and she would not have been able to leave messages.
He was a doorman for the Hyatt Regency.

Hmmm...true...good point.
In my opinion, that myspace page that has kaysee in the title is something Lee made also and is a copy of his mom's page with an alternate spelling of her name for anyone looking for her on myspace. I see no evidence whatsover that it is a police site. sorry. Any family member or friend or stranger even could have copied cindy's (mom's) page with an alternate spelling of the child's name just in case someone wants to report something. Another way to get the info out to the public.

The Kayseeomaree is Casey's page. There are years of comments to her as well as a video uploaded june 15th.
Lee wrote on it that he changed it.
Location: Big city
Posts: 159

Originally Posted by Patty G
When my son's friend was in jail ... (female) she had to buy all the items except for the outwear and shoes. She was jailed in Florida!

Interesting comment again u have spoke of isolation. Casey's is not allowed under wear? How was she mingling with other inmates in order to obtain her attorney's name? Baez said all she had was a blanket, no bedding and no under wear and in isolation???????? He says it the interviews. LE is not suppose to advise an attorney, big no, no. Is this more Casey stories???
CheckDaFacts ... you took my quote and responded to something different. I never said Casey was in isolation. My response had to do with buying articles while in jail. :)
I think its entirely plausible that Caylee is being held for insurance hence the "give me one more day" line...

Anything about now makes sense and the other poster who said could code be for Zany is dead, possible illegal or another missing? DNA will tell.

Each jurisdiction have their own missing. Zany many not even have been reported if it were her/him?
Only for the benefit of discussion here...

IF Casey were telling parts of the truth, LE should be looking for a 20-something, hispanic female who lived in or around those apartments during the time Caylee went missing. She may not have lived there, but been a "visitor". She could also be an illegal using someone else's identity to be here. (I know from experience here, one person will lease the apartment and 20 people move in...sleeping on every inch of space available.)

Is it at all possible? Extremely remote...but it is possible.

Also, could Caylee have been taken over a debt or a theft that Casey was responsible for and part of the reason that Casey won't fess up? She is obviously more worried about saving her own hide in every way than saving Caylee's.

I have been saying this all along, because I so desperately want to believe Caylee is alive. Zanny could very well be an illegal or stolen the real Zanny's identity. Hence why Casey couldn't ID Zanny in the pictures LE showed her.

Why would she lie about working? There has got to be angle here to explore. Why would she be so insistent to everyone that she had a job? I doubt she was afraid Tony would tell her mother. Was this a cover for something and if so, what? Prostitution, drugs? Why work "out of the apartment"? She obviously wasn't going anywhere to be up to any shenanigans, so why lie?

Because I think that GM has been playing this, "we will get custody of Caylee" for awhile. I think Casey was an irresponsible parent and she knew that if she didn't have a job that GM would try to take custody of her and kick Casey out. She is letting Casey stay there because of Caylee. No job= no contributing to her daughters needs financially. I know that Cindy said Casey's job was for her to have "spending money" that Cindy and George paid for everything. But behind closed doors I highly doubt that if Casey didn't have a job that they would let her stay there.

Would this not be hard? You;d have to have a boat and go way out?
It it kind of hard to even imagine this:( But then, Willie Crane, the guy who was convicted of killing the little girl, was gound guilty, he dumped her body in the gulf off Tampa causeway, no body ever found but he was convicted. So....I guess it is possible.
I could just think a body would wash ashore unless yo could go way out?
As in a boat.....
Even if they never find Caylees body, she could still be convicted in a trial, that is about the only good thing. It just takes all the right evidence and presenting it at trial the right way.

I have been thinking that myself all day. I just keep thinking we will never find her body, if in fact she is dead. I am still holding out hope.

all of this is JMO
Is the tip line number still published wrong? That really bothers me. A sleuther here called and reported that. They should have updated it right away.
Its not un common for these locations with interior camera's to re-tape over. It was five weeks later. Clever

Yes, even at the jail here, tapes are held for 30 days, then reused. If there is an altercation in booking, or in a dorm, then the tape is kept forever because of potential lawsuits.
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