Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

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Police have ruled out that caylee died inside her car seat. So I am assuming they ruled out she died in the back seat of the car.

Cause they never found any fluids, etc
lady, the stain was in the trunk so if the carseat cleared this is actually more ominous imhoo. That means she didn't die accidentaly in a hot car strapped to the car seat but rather she was alive in the trunk, or placed in the trunk dead...if forensics validate that... and sorry to be graphic
But, how does this jive with Cindy? If it's obvious to us, what will she think? I'm not so sure he's playing it out for LE. We might be the ones getting played. Sorry, this case is making me VERY cynical.

I posted this several threads ago, but I think Lee and Caylee are very close. Recall that he was the one to get her to admit Caylee was missing in the first place- I believe Det. Melich has explained to Lee that the best chance his sis has is to confess before they find Caylee. I think he would be willing to cross Cindy as LE would have told him the longer this goes on, the longer she sets herself up for an obstruction charge,and 50% of his family is in the clink and this baby deserved better- it really is the only way to begin to heal.
Cindy's petulance is astounding.

"I kept the receipts and stuff out for two weeks, and no one wanted to look at it. It's too late now, I've put it away and I'm not going to pull it out."


I wanted to bi!ch slap her when she said that.......yep she sure wants to find her Granddaughter. Easier to blame LE & the world for Caylee being missing!
I haven't decided the difference between psychopath and sociopath with Casey. She could fall into either.
lady, the stain was in the trunk so if the carseat cleared this is actually more ominous imhoo. That means she didn't die accidentaly in a hot car strapped to the car seat but rather she was alive in the trunk, or placed in the trunk dead...if forensics validate that... and sorry to be graphic

Yep I agree!
After hearing the phone call between Lee and Casey that was posted today, I fully believe that Lee knows something is not right. I'm sure Lee loves that baby girl and his sister, but.. how can I say this without sounding sexist.. He doesn't have those motherly reactions that Cindy has. He doesn't appear that he'd want to conceal things like the feline side of this family. George strikes me this way also. These guys are sharp, I think they'll surprise us.

I think so too. Cindy's reactions and interviews have all been based in emotional outbursts. But George and Lee seem to be operating more from logic.

I'd like to know what Lee's occupation is...........has it been mentioned?
lady, the stain was in the trunk so if the carseat cleared this is actually more ominous imhoo. That means she didn't die accidentaly in a hot car strapped to the car seat but rather she was alive in the trunk, or placed in the trunk dead...if forensics validate that... and sorry to be graphic

You're a nurse, let's get graphic for a moment. You've seen someone die, right? I don't know the size of the stain in the trunk, but IIRC (lol) we heard "A" stain, meaning only one. You know where I'm going with this? Soo.. that makes me think no one died IN the trunk, but was placed in the trunk after death.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate it and the welcome! You are amazing! I have been here on and off since the Hacking case. It is awesome the way you all work together.

Have a great night, LM
Welcome GG!
lady, the stain was in the trunk so if the carseat cleared this is actually more ominous imhoo. That means she didn't die accidentaly in a hot car strapped to the car seat but rather she was alive in the trunk, or placed in the trunk dead...if forensics validate that... and sorry to be graphic

Dirt being in the trunk along with the odor makes it even worse.
I'd like to know what Lee's occupation is...........has it been mentioned?

He appears to travel quite a bit and also it seems like he might write for sports columns. I am not sure but if you read his myspace messages they seem geared toward that type of occupation.
Where was this from? I must have missed it earlier, do you have a link?
thank you!
Not yet. It was a B-roll interview that opened Greta's show tonight, recorded by a local Fox reporter just before they went to air.

Are you on the west coast? If you are and have access to Fox News network, it'll be on again at 10pm. It might be up online soon, at least on the Fox Orlando site.

Cindy expressed anger at the police for not sitting down with the family since last Saturday to keep them informed of progress. Apparently she wasn't paying attention in court the other day when the detective testified that her daughter is now considered a Person of Interest. (Sure, ma'am, we'll be right over to let you know about all the evidence we're amassing against your daughter.)
I posted this several threads ago, but I think Lee and Caylee are very close. Recall that he was the one to get her to admit Caylee was missing in the first place- I believe Det. Melich has explained to Lee that the best chance his sis has is to confess before they find Caylee. I think he would be willing to cross Cindy as LE would have told him the longer this goes on, the longer she sets herself up for an obstruction charge,and 50% of his family is in the clink and this baby deserved better- it really is the only way to begin to heal.
Blink, as always, you make sense on so many levels. Thanks for that post!
I've been wondering if Cindy read Lee the riot act, after his comment that Casey is willing to talk to investigators. It completely contradicted what Cindy tried to spin about talking to FBI, not trusting local LE, etc.

Cindy and Lee seem to have a different view of the situation. That can't be a fun thing to deal with in that household.
That's why it's confusing me. Would he really oppose his mother outright?
Drippy...speaking of that...I recall hearing on msm somewhere today that the final psyche eval must be in before the wednesday renegotiation of bond hearing! This SHOULD BE INTERESTING IF THEY RELEASE ANY EXAM DETAILS (which you would think they would have to release at least a few from the DA to deny reduction of blue? what say you?) is our websleuther taking the bar exam soon! GOOD LUCK BLUE!:)

Good Luck Blue- think LSATS on crack, you'll be fine.
They will reduce her bond about as fast as her Mother gets her head on straight.
Baez gets a gag order tomorrow, Casey's reduction of Bond gets denied based on her own parents claim it is the safest place for her, the psych eval, and yes, minimum new evidence that this is now a homicide investigation. Flight risk for the girl missing for a month (according to mommycindy), I think she sits and rots till she cracks, which will be soon.
You're a nurse, let's get graphic for a moment. You've seen someone die, right? I don't know the size of the stain in the trunk, but IIRC (lol) we heard "A" stain, meaning only one. You know where I'm going with this? Soo.. that makes me think no one died IN the trunk, but was placed in the trunk after death.

I don't want to make the wrong assumption, so can you tell me what you're referring to here? (if it's too graphic for the board feel free to PM me.)

How... long after death does an uninjured body.. leak?
That's why it's confusing me. Would he really oppose his mother outright?

I think he wants this over, his niece brought home, and his sister the opportunity to do the right thing. But maybe I am just desperate for a decent person in this family right now.
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