Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #36

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I think that today just might be the day! I am praying that it is.
Last night while I was TRYING to go to sleep I was thinking,... here the whole world is wondering where this poor little girl is and some of us are having a hard time sleeping and I bet CASEY ISN'T HAVING A HARD TIME SLEEPING! I bet she sleeps just fine! *puke*

My first post on this case but, I've read everything.
This one dragged me out. I was thinking/feeling the same thing last night.
Poor Caylee.
Fox reporter tried to weasel info out of a couple of the crime scene techs. "They were pretty gruff." Told him "I ain't talking to you." He tried again, the guy responded, "I got nothing to say - don't ask me any questions."

Fox showing B-roll of the CSI techs getting into their van and leaving.
Do you mean it was in the car and the GP's disposed of it?

Not both the gps, just grandfather. He may have picked it up and done something before bringing it home. I say this because gm emotion was too real on that third 911 phone call. Also, she wouldn't have mentioned that the car smelled like it had a dead body in it had she known for a fact it had. I also don't think the gf would have told her if he did find Caylee in the car. He would protect her from that.
Again, George knows that the consequences for lying to the FBI or being less than forthcoming is a much bigger ballgame than with LEO.
I have thought that George had covered up the smell in the trunk as much as he could that very evening.
Little Caylees body could have been in that trunk when he drove the car home.
I read that discussion late last night when I got up this morning. That could very well be a huge possibility. I find it hard that George - being ex-LE - that he would have disposed on poor little Caylee and NOT say a word.

Went through the garbage - possibly looking for those maggots. I do believe those would have "hatched" or "morphed" into flies by now.
I will tape it and see if I can put the video up for those who can't access a tv.
I feel sick. I was honestly holding out hope that she is alive. UGH!

Did they take anything out of the house, meaning was there something in the bags that they brought in? I missed it on tv.
CSI???? My hairs are standing up, I am nervous. I live in Tampa and all I think about is my almost 3 year old daughter who is in NY visiting her dad. Right now I just want to hold her.
Again, George knows that the consequences for lying to the FBI or being less than forthcoming is a much bigger ballgame than with LEO.
I have thought that George had covered up the smell in the trunk as much as he could that very evening.
Little Caylees body could have been in that trunk when he drove the car home.
:eek: Fox back on CSI came with empty bag, and left with full??? Lordy, if this whole family has been covering up, this thing could be BIG!
Went through the garbage, left with full bags.

I think he meant to say "went through the garage", not "garbage." At least that was what I heard on the original guy's (the hairbrusher) report. Through the garage. Correct me if I am wrong.

Posted via Mobile Device I have wonder that myself. You never here Casy ask her brother when he says do you have anything you want to tell me. she never once asks if they found her??? just seems like she already knows what happened to her ...........
As far as the speculation about the body being in the car when it was abandoned... didn't the car sit at the towing place for a few days before the parents were notified?
Me thinks George is finally "spilling the beans" - funny he was in unmarked car with no Cindy in sight. Wonder if he put some type of "key evidence" away (maybe in some corner of the garage" and told no one - at least so far. Once FBI is involved you can't hide, lie, or conceal and he knows this.

Yup. I think George has quaked, finally.

Just saw the video on Fox. Looks like George opened the garage door for 2 CSI people. Another woman got out of the car that George was in - long hair, wearing jeans, didn't look "official", but who knows. CSI had blue latex gloves on. Doesn't mean they were looking specifically in the garage. Could be the way the Anthonys enter and exit the house regularly.
Was that Padilla on the phone suggesting they may have been taking more soil samples?
As a public school teacher, I see the results of what happens to kids when their parents make excuse after excuse after excuse for the child's blatantly bad behavior.

I suspect that Casey is screwed up because Cindy allowed her to get away with murder (no pun intended!) throughout her childhood and adolescence.


I am not a teacher but I have 4 daughters and have seen the same thing with various friends over the years. Some parents are in denial as soon as the child is born it seems. No matter what their child does, either it is always someone elses fault, or their little angel could never have done that, or both.
If George and Cindy have known more and been covering it up all this time I am going to stick by the theory that there was something Casey had on them. No person in there right mind would play LE like they have! Some reason we haven't found out yet.
Also I was just thinking that maybe now the FBI is interviewing George and Cindy apart from each other. This might be a better technique to get to the truth!
I hate Fox, ordinarily, but they've kept up with the breaking news on this case better than other networks.

Fox is the only network who covers any of these criminal cases substantially from morning to night. It's my main source for crimes like these. Hope this isn't a random search to scare the family. I hope there is something they're onto.
:eek: Fox back on CSI came with empty bag, and left with full??? Lordy, if this whole family has been covering up, this thing could be BIG!
I already believe this thing is not only BIG but HUMONGUS!!!! I also believe in the end not only Casey but Cindy and George are going to end up behind bars - maybe even Lee - if he was told anything - oh wait - hold up - there has been speculation that Lee has been working with LE since the beginning of the week. Did HE tell them something and then the feds confronted George and George could not longer "stay mum"?
Darn it, I'm at work. Fox and CNN should have live feeds.
Maybe George was there to open up the garage - he used the keypad to lift the door.
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