Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #37

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I don't see where this has been mentioned before but if it has please forgive. It could be caylee's carseat , just not from her mom's car, my great neice has 4, one in mommys, one in daddy's ,in GM and in GP's cars it saves so much time. Perhaps it was either from Cindy's car or they switched the one from cindy's car to Casey's because it was soiled.???
I think they took Caseys droppings that Cindy has been whining about....probably had them stored in the shed...Cindy is probably bleating that some "puzzle" pieces are in there.
Here is a picture of what I aws speaking of...

lots of people around here dont like this type of comment. :rolleyes:

(not my opinion, just my experience) :)
Yeah, but even if they 'know' a lead isn't going to pan out, they still have to pursue it until it can be confirmed.

In a case like this where the POI is such an accomplished liar, it must make things difficult - the fact that her mother was out there diverting attention in a million directions doesn't help.

On the other hand, it is satisfying to have a hunch confirmed!

Same thing is happening in Boston with the 'Rockefeller' kidnapping - LE can't even figure out who this guy really is because he's created an entire phantom background for himself.
could it be one of those seat things people buy to float in the pool? I am not sure if you all have seen one, I just say one myself this summer. It is a flexible seat that you sit on but it stays under the water so it almost looks like you are standing up in the water but you are really floating...I will try yo see if I can find a photo of one.

i know what you are talking about, daughter has one. It might be.

I am jsut hoping that if Caylee was killed (which I think she was) that is was an accident. And if she was killed on purpose HOW COULD CASEY LOOK INTO THOSE EYES OF BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CAYLEE AS SHE KILLED HER??? It tears up my heart that the last thing that Caylee saw was her mother's face as she is killing her :(
I think they took Caseys droppings that Cindy has been whining about....probably had them stored in the shed...Cindy is probably bleating that some "puzzle" pieces are in there.
Droppings? I am not sure what you mean.
I have to drive past the Orange County Jail on my way to lunch...I will let you know if there is a bunch of buz around...with news crews and such.
LOL- SUZ, that's what happens when your on night shift- I think I noted your last post at like 3:40am, I was thinking "Im not worthy, must stay up later..:blowkiss:

Please don't pull my crazy hours. It sucks! lol. Oh I woke up bright and early after sleeping my typical 4 or so hours. But I woke up with a stupid cold or allergies (I haven't decided which) So I crawled right back into bed.

Hmmmm, the shape of that one bag does look like a framed backpack.
sorry... not to offend anyone... that IS strictly my opinion...

absolutely :) some people seem to forget that opinions that differ from their opinions are still just opinions... but hey, thats just my opinion. :p
This may have been gone over but I can't find a separate thread for it: In the state of Florida, does a defendant need 2 defense attorneys in a death penalty case. I seem to remember that in some states it is required.

I heard on TV somewhere (I don't have a source) that Walsh was a specialist for appeals and was brought on for the bail appeal. Can't be sure...
It looks like maybe a suitcase or a folded carseat HE IS HOLDING the WOMAN In the photo has a smaller bag, there are carseats that are not that large and bulky - I have used them in rental cars. There seems to be a handle, maybe it is a toy found in the car. George did say he cleaned out the car - he may have teken that item out and put in the shed and then mentioned it this morning and they went to get it.

Since the gas cans (per George) have been "returned to him" and the detectives opened the shed door this morning and left the home with 2 large paper bags..... I'm going to venture to guess that these are the gas cans being taken in as evidence.
I totally understand that LE had to make the determination as to whether the nanny existed... I just never personally believed it would turn out to be true.
Has anyone been watching msnbc this morning? The reporter at the anthony home just said that another Fox reporter covering the case said they had never seen the anthony's so unhappy. something is going down today. I just got online here so don't know what you are discussing but I am sure you have seen LE taking out big bags.
Here is a picture of what I aws speaking of...


ok,.. not the same thing I was thinking about but a three year old could do that IF SUPERVISED. Maybe she tried to get on that while Casey wasn't watching her and she was floating on it. jmo
I posted this on anther thread and wanted to share my conclusions here. Cindy Anthony reported that the "dead body smell" was actually a bag of pizza covered with maggots. What do maggots like more than anything else? A DEAD BODY. So in defense of Cindy (she obviously doesn't want CSI's Gil Grisham ;) there was pizza covered in maggots. After the body was dumped, the eggs hatched or the maggots were still in the trunk and they looked for the nearest meal. Dried up pizza.

Insect activity
From the moment of death flies are attracted to bodies. Without the normal defences of a living animal, blowflies and house flies are able to lay eggs around wounds and natural body openings (mouth, nose, eyes, anus, genitalia). These eggs hatch and move into the body, often within 24 hours. The life cycle of a fly from egg to maggot to fly takes from two to three weeks. It can take considerably longer at low temperatures.

This information was taken from

This evidence combined with the stain, dirt and hair found in the trunk are pretty damning. I pray that this is wrong. I pray nothing happened to Caylee. Unfortunately, not one shred of evidence that Caylee is alive right now has been shared with the media.
Has anyone been watching msnbc this morning? The reporter at the anthony home just said that another Fox reporter covering the case said they had never seen the anthony's so unhappy. something is going down today. I just got online here so don't know what you are discussing but I am sure you have seen LE taking out big bags.
Hmmnn. Yeah we have all been discussing it since the moment we first heard. I hadn't heard that though. I wonder if the forensics are back and it's bad, bad news?
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