Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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I'm on the right track baby. I was "Born This Way"
Nov 29, 2007
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I've started a new thread. Will contact a mod to close other one
not necessarily - it just means that "someone" else was in that trunk - and now LE has a different murder/homicide/death to solve.

I sure hope you're right, but what are the odds? Caylee has been missing for a month and a half, Casey's clammed up completely, cadaver dogs hit in the Anthony's yard, all leads go nowhere when supplied by Casey, LE isn't exactly doing grids in Charlotte and NY.

The "some other body" theory just seems to be looking for zebras, not horses.
When you tried to call the number back, did you try to do it more than once? Could there have been a "glitch" in signal processing that caused a mis-dial? Is it possible to have a number that only makes out-going calls and callers to that number would receive that message? Any other way this could happen? With technology, perhaps anything is possible?

Still, interesting!

I work in telecom and there are several ways this could happen. For instance, when a company has a group of line numbers that they use and they designate one as the lead or billing number. Somewhere down the line they may disconnect that line as a working number but it might still show up as the billing or lead number on a bill or a caller id. It doesn't happen frequently but it does happen.
The other day I sent a letter to Deputy Carlos Padilla because I was tired of the news media reporting this and that and confirming OCSD said this and that ... so here is the letter I sent via email ...

Up until Friday, August 1, 2008, I have had no problems what-so-ever with all the briefings you gave to the media or any of the information you spoke about on any of the Morning Shows, or Cable News Shows I even respected the fact that during your media briefing on Friday, August 1, 2008 you didn't reveal any information to the media as the general public was watching in anticipation for "bigger news".

However, after watching "Geraldo" last night (August 2, 2008), it was reported and confirmed that you clearly told the FOX news reporter that it was gas cans that were taken by CSI on Friday from the Anthony home. Also just about every on-line newspaper, TV stations etc., are saying: "sources said, local investigators said etc., etc., that CSI took gas cans from the Anthony home.

I like facts, not speculation from journalists running around and speculating or giving the general public information from sources, local investigators and revealing that it is "confirmed" that they spoke with Deputy Carlos Padilla and this is what was said.

So, Deputy Padilla, if you truly said that "gas cans" were removed from the Anthony's house, please share this with the general public and either confirm or deny the reporting by FOX as well as other local or cable news stations.

Thank you,
Bradenton, Florida

and he just responded to me:

We in the Orange County Sheriff's Office endeavor to provide pertinent information in a timely and accurate manner. Due to the "emotional" circumstances surrounding this case, the media coverage (as you may well know) has been 24-7.

We have appreciated the media's coverage of the missing child Caylee Anthony. As I have stated numerous times, our goal is to locate Caylee. That being said, I can assure you that at the time of the conference, I was not aware of what was removed from the house. It is my understanding that George Anthony informed the media that gas cans had been removed from the residence.

I understand the importance of the case and the medias involvement. Although, our working relationship with the media is positive, we must be prudent in the release of information that may affect the integrity of the case. As stated bfore, our desire is to locate little Caylee.

I appreciate your concerns that have made me aware that certain news outlets are stating that I have "confirmed" certain information. The information released from the Orange County Sheriff's Public Information Office is released equally to all media outlets. We will continue to provide information that is correct and pertinent .

If you should have any other concerns, please feel free to call me at (321) 558-9147

I will thank him for responding to me personally because he certanly didn't need to get back to me at all especially with all that is happening. My faith in Deputy Padilla has been restored!

Carlos M. Padilla
Why do people keep mentioning a razor? Am I missing something?
Why do people keep mentioning a razor? Am I missing something?

Occam's Razor...theory that the simplest most straightforward explaination for anything is usually correct.


Before posting, look around the forum!!!!


there are threads already started on many topics.

please...please....please...before posting look at the forum and put your posts in the proper area.

eta....I posted this last night to try and explain the purpose of having a forum
I posted that to explain to new posters how 'it works'.....k......

Imagine this.......someone walks into a police station...says, my grandchild is missing...file gets opened...A THREAD....we started this case with A THREAD...this thread, went on and on...prolly got in the teens (we close at 15 to 20 pages and start new)....then we FILE (thread) is not working...we need to spread out. So we open a forum...MANY FILES (threads) each discussing a particular part of the case.

So, if you want to talk about Myspace, go to here, Myspace and facebook comments

If you want to talk about 911 calls, go here
911 Transcripts

If you want to see maps of the area, go here

If you want to know about searches, go here
The Search for Caylee-Possible Physical Locations

Think Ricardo is the dad? I do...LOL...go here
Casey and Ricardo

The discussion thread is to bring up things there is NOT ALREADY being discussed. Look through the forum before in the right area.

No one is trying to be mean. You ALL ROCK! Just trying to organize so this goes smooth. Lately it's been post after post of the same thing in this one's not helping.

There is an AMAZING group of posters joined here...let's make it work.
Well Cindy keeps saying things like "Get off your*** and look for Caylee" Well okay, where are WE supposed to look. No sketch of "Zanny", the elusive nanny, no place where they think she might be, nothing at all to go on, but the lies of a sociopath!

I believe that Cindy knows what happened to Caylee. I base this on the fact that NOBODY, NOT ONE PERSON has seen Caylee since the video we have of her at the Assisted Living facility on father's day.

The only person that has said that they even "heard" Caylee is Jesse. Can we believe him? Don't think so!
The other day I sent a letter to Deputy Carlos Padilla because I was tired of the news media reporting this and that and confirming OCSD said this and that ... so here is the letter I sent via email ...

Up until Friday, August 1, 2008, I have had no problems what-so-ever with all the briefings you gave to the media or any of the information you spoke about on any of the Morning Shows, or Cable News Shows I even respected the fact that during your media briefing on Friday, August 1, 2008 you didn't reveal any information to the media as the general public was watching in anticipation for "bigger news".

However, after watching "Geraldo" last night (August 2, 2008), it was reported and confirmed that you clearly told the FOX news reporter that it was gas cans that were taken by CSI on Friday from the Anthony home. Also just about every on-line newspaper, TV stations etc., are saying: "sources said, local investigators said etc., etc., that CSI took gas cans from the Anthony home.

I like facts, not speculation from journalists running around and speculating or giving the general public information from sources, local investigators and revealing that it is "confirmed" that they spoke with Deputy Carlos Padilla and this is what was said.

So, Deputy Padilla, if you truly said that "gas cans" were removed from the Anthony's house, please share this with the general public and either confirm or deny the reporting by FOX as well as other local or cable news stations.

Thank you,
Bradenton, Florida

and he just responded to me:

We in the Orange County Sheriff's Office endeavor to provide pertinent information in a timely and accurate manner. Due to the "emotional" circumstances surrounding this case, the media coverage (as you may well know) has been 24-7.

We have appreciated the media's coverage of the missing child Caylee Anthony. As I have stated numerous times, our goal is to locate Caylee. That being said, I can assure you that at the time of the conference, I was not aware of what was removed from the house. It is my understanding that George Anthony informed the media that gas cans had been removed from the residence.

I understand the importance of the case and the medias involvement. Although, our working relationship with the media is positive, we must be prudent in the release of information that may affect the integrity of the case. As stated bfore, our desire is to locate little Caylee.

I appreciate your concerns that have made me aware that certain news outlets are stating that I have "confirmed" certain information. The information released from the Orange County Sheriff's Public Information Office is released equally to all media outlets. We will continue to provide information that is correct and pertinent .

If you should have any other concerns, please feel free to call me at (321) 558-9147

I will thank him for responding to me personally because he certanly didn't need to get back to me at all especially with all that is happening. My faith in Deputy Padilla has been restored!

Carlos M. Padilla

Good work Patty G!!!:clap::clap::clap:
About Lee being out there (and especially on here):

Lee has been AWOL for the last few days. I don't think he's spending time sitting at a computer, reading and reading and reading - I would like to think he's been out there - searching. I could be wrong but I just don't think he's been sitting around - could be that he's been at work too. When you are THIS CLOSE to such a horrible situation - sometimes work is good for you - it is treated as an escape - a way to keep you sane. A way to distance yourself, take a breather, regroup, whatever.
I don't think Cindy knows where Caylee is, she may "know" deep in her heart that her daughter knows and is responsible but as far as actual factual knowledge, I think no way.

I also don't think either of her parents actively helped Casey destroy any evidence or cover up anything related to Caylee's disappearance. They're doing what they've apparently always done...make excuses for their daughter's behavior instead of facing the truth.
I don't think Cindy knows where Caylee is, she may "know" deep in her heart that her daughter knows and is responsible but as far as actual factual knowledge, I think no way.

I also don't think either of her parents actively helped Casey destroy any evidence or cover up anything related to Caylee's disappearance. They're doing what they've apparently always done...make excuses for their daughter's behavior instead of facing the truth.
BTW Medea, I love your name it reminds me of my favorite Tyler Perry movie's!

I do however disagree with you. Cindy exhibits all the personality traits and actions of someone who is guilty as heck and is trying to deflect people from the truth.

I will go one step further, I expect Cindy to be arrested before this whole thing ends. Lets' just see.

Either one of us could be right!:blowkiss:
About Lee being out there (and especially on here):

Lee has been AWOL for the last few days. I don't think he's spending time sitting at a computer, reading and reading and reading - I would like to think he's been out there - searching. I could be wrong but I just don't think he's been sitting around - could be that he's been at work too. When you are THIS CLOSE to such a horrible situation - sometimes work is good for you - it is treated as an escape - a way to keep you sane. A way to distance yourself, take a breather, regroup, whatever.

True...but it's fairly intriguing that the last several interviews with authorities that we know about are with the grandparents, and not Lee.
I don't think Cindy knows where Caylee is, she may "know" deep in her heart that her daughter knows and is responsible but as far as actual factual knowledge, I think no way.

I also don't think either of her parents actively helped Casey destroy any evidence or cover up anything related to Caylee's disappearance. They're doing what they've apparently always done...make excuses for their daughter's behavior instead of facing the truth.

I agree.
I have a question. I know between all of you, there is a broad knowledge of what has been said and what hasn't been said by the Anthony's.

Fwiw, my opinion is that the entire family is a chaotic mess of lies, enabling, maniputation, etc. I'm sure it's been this way for years - thus possibly leading up to the current circumstances they are finding themselves in.

My question is this:

Has anyone at anytime heard Cindy, George, or Lee say, "Casey is innocent", "Casey did not do this", "This is not Casey's fault", etc.?

It appears to me they are "doing her dance", but has anyone actually heard them come out and say those words or any variation that might indicate they don't think this is all a direct result of her actions?
Well Cindy keeps saying things like "Get off your*** and look for Caylee" Well okay, where are WE supposed to look. No sketch of "Zanny", the elusive nanny, no place where they think she might be, nothing at all to go on, but the lies of a sociopath!

I believe that Cindy knows what happened to Caylee. I base this on the fact that NOBODY, NOT ONE PERSON has seen Caylee since the video we have of her at the Assisted Living facility on father's day.

The only person that has said that they even "heard" Caylee is Jesse. Can we believe him? Don't think so!

This is also very frustrating to me! And confusing...

If the Anthony's really think Caylee is alive and nearby, what exactly do they mean by searching for her? Knocking on people's doors and asking if we can look inside? If someone asks us to search for their missing granddaughter, I assume that to mean look in parks, fields, streams, etc, like you are looking for a dead body (sorry to say). If they really feel that she has been taken or kidnapped, why aren't they pleading to the media "will the persons who have our darling Caylee please return her to us?"

As far as getting off my a$$ and looking for Caylee, Cindy you lead the way! I'll be right by your side.
I have a question. I know between all of you, there is a broad knowledge of what has been said and what hasn't been said by the Anthony's.

Fwiw, my opinion is that the entire family is a chaotic mess of lies, enabling, maniputation, etc. I'm sure it's been this way for years - thus possibly leading up to the current circumstances they are finding themselves in.

My question is this:

Has anyone at anytime heard Cindy, George, or Lee say, "Casey is innocent", "Casey did not do this", "This is not Casey's fault", etc.?

It appears to me they are "doing her dance", but has anyone actually heard them come out and say those words or any variation that might indicate they don't think this is all a result or her action?

I believe that I recall Cindy saying the first 2 of those statements.
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