Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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Listen, instead of making the rounds of the shows, why don't they organize some folks to get out in those wooded areas that are in walking distance of their home AND LOOK FOR CAYLEE THEMSELVES.

I would have done the search myself if it was my grandbaby!

...because they are in denial and won't allow themselves to beleive the inevitable...the public in that area needs to take it upon themselves to organize a search of those wooded areas...without the police heading it since they aren't doing it. I bet if someone would step up and start would build fast and they could have they area combed in a day
OK -- so looking at past posts, I noticed this:
This is a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando.
She has two emails listed near her picture. One is connected to this account( The other ( is connected to an account with a different name and age. But I can't read spanish, so I dont know what the profile says.
I found it interesting one seems to be a fake profile.
One's URL is sexygoldy, the others email is sexygoldy.


I had found that page as well. If you look at the second profile described in the above post, for a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando, it links to a 18 girl in Puerto Rico. She has 1 friend, named Tom, from California. I knew I had seen him before. He's ALSO a friend of Casey's, on her myspace page -- shows up on the direct link.

NOW, maybe I'm imagining things, but doesn't that seem huge? A link between Casey and an actual Zanny Gonzales in Orlando?!?
Thanks Patty G conformation

I don't know about that. He said, "It is my understanding that George Anthony informed the media that gas cans had been removed from the residence." I don't believe a thing out of George's mouth. So was it the gas cans or not?
I've actually bought and used a spoofcard before. It's neat and scary all at the same time. I'll never again take for granted what the caller ID says.

With that said, the Spoofcard company can surely give the real indentifying information over to LE if they are asked too (or ordered to by a judge). They do have that on record. Some of the calls are even recorded and there is a possibility that if this was used in the case of Caylee calling her mom, it was recorded as well. (Don't hold your breath though!)
What I'm about to type here probably won't be very popular, but please understand I am not trying to personally attack anyone. I'm new here, and I think what people do here is very interesting.

Although this case is unusual and the surrounding circumstances horrifying to many of us, I feel we all may tend to lash out against people involved, such as Caylee's grandparents, uncle or adult friends.

I would hate to think what people would say of me if my grieving process, my behavior in times of great stress, became national or international news. If the only side of me people ever saw was the side brought out in a time of great personal tragedy, I imagine they wouldn't like what they saw.

I think many of us can say that.

With that in mind, and knowing how awful this time in their lives must be for those close to Caylee, I would hope that we could be compassionate people.

Although I believe the discussion of motive, honesty, and behavior is appropriate to people searching for clues and trying to solve a case, calling people names or bashing them does not move the discussion in the appropriate direction.

This is just my opinion. I sincerely mean no harm to anyone.

Welcome to WS's. This is not bashing, it's the way we "investigate" crimes here at WS's. You have people from all walks of life here, from housewives to professionals (psychologists, lawyers, private investigators, ect.) Sometimes we get a little passionate, and say things we shouldn't but this is not a "sunday school" board and we all bring our own area's of expertise together to try and figure things out.
Imagine yourself around a big table trying to figure out "what's really going on." you have all sorts of folks, just like at your work place, and different personalities and each person brings something different to the table.
That's what we do here, and You like everyone else here can state your opinion. You might want to read the TOS. IF you see someone here violating them, please, report them.
Again, welcome!!!
According to Detective Carlos Padilla it was
What I'm about to type here probably won't be very popular, but please understand I am not trying to personally attack anyone. I'm new here, and I think what people do here is very interesting.

Although this case is unusual and the surrounding circumstances horrifying to many of us, I feel we all may tend to lash out against people involved, such as Caylee's grandparents, uncle or adult friends.

I would hate to think what people would say of me if my grieving process, my behavior in times of great stress, became national or international news. If the only side of me people ever saw was the side brought out in a time of great personal tragedy, I imagine they wouldn't like what they saw.

I think many of us can say that.

With that in mind, and knowing how awful this time in their lives must be for those close to Caylee, I would hope that we could be compassionate people.

Although I believe the discussion of motive, honesty, and behavior is appropriate to people searching for clues and trying to solve a case, calling people names or bashing them does not move the discussion in the appropriate direction.

This is just my opinion. I sincerely mean no harm to anyone.
Great post!:clap::clap::clap:

ETA: For all we know Cindy and George could be victims of Casey's lies as well.
OK -- so looking at past posts, I noticed this:
This is a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando.
She has two emails listed near her picture. One is connected to this account( The other ( is connected to an account with a different name and age. But I can't read spanish, so I dont know what the profile says.
I found it interesting one seems to be a fake profile.
One's URL is sexygoldy, the others email is sexygoldy.


I had found that page as well. If you look at the second profile described in the above post, for a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando, it links to a 18 girl in Puerto Rico. She has 1 friend, named Tom, from California. I knew I had seen him before. He's ALSO a friend of Casey's, on her myspace page -- shows up on the direct link.

NOW, maybe I'm imagining things, but doesn't that seem huge? A link between Casey and an actual Zanny Gonzales in Orlando?!?

Tom is the creator of Myspace. He is on everyone's list of friends.
Worriedmom, TOM is a friend on EVERYONE's myspace. It's the first friend you get, and it's automatic. No connection.

Please skim the first 40+ threads a lot of this was covered (yeah I know it's a ton of posts to sort through!)

I'm slow - disregard :)
This is the only case I have seen where NO search of the surrounding area was done. WHY???

I am wondering that myself. Even if LE thinks that Caylee is no longer alive, surely they would want to locate her body. Are there secret searches going on? Or, do they think that Casey will eventually break and tell them exactly where to find Caylee?
This is the only case I have seen where NO search of the surrounding area was done. WHY???

Maybe they have info. based on Casey's movements that make it unlikely that Caylee would have been burried in the surrounding wooded area near her parents house.
WORRIEDMOM - you are as out of the myspace loop as I was. I have learned from the good folks here that Tom is the guy who invented myspace and is everyone's friend unless you delete him out.
I work in telecom and there are several ways this could happen. For instance, when a company has a group of line numbers that they use and they designate one as the lead or billing number. Somewhere down the line they may disconnect that line as a working number but it might still show up as the billing or lead number on a bill or a caller id. It doesn't happen frequently but it does happen.

Also, doesn't this happen when someone calls you from an old-school pay phone that is set up not to receive incoming calls?
I forget what the message is that happens in this case, but I think it may say "not in service."
OK -- so looking at past posts, I noticed this:
This is a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando.
She has two emails listed near her picture. One is connected to this account( The other ( is connected to an account with a different name and age. But I can't read spanish, so I dont know what the profile says.
I found it interesting one seems to be a fake profile.
One's URL is sexygoldy, the others email is sexygoldy.


I had found that page as well. If you look at the second profile described in the above post, for a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando, it links to a 18 girl in Puerto Rico. She has 1 friend, named Tom, from California. I knew I had seen him before. He's ALSO a friend of Casey's, on her myspace page -- shows up on the direct link.

NOW, maybe I'm imagining things, but doesn't that seem huge? A link between Casey and an actual Zanny Gonzales in Orlando?!?

Worried, this has been posted in a previous thread, fyi
I am wondering that myself. Even if LE thinks that Caylee is no longer alive, surely they would want to locate her body. Are there secret searches going on? Or, do they think that Casey will eventually break and tell them exactly where to find Caylee?

There might be secret searches going on???? But again, why secret? Poor little Caylee. It totally breaks my heart.
I agree with you. I don't think any of the Anthony's are covering up any evidence. I also don't think what they tell the police is what they tell the public. I think they want Caylee found however Cindy is in denial as to what happened to her.

As far as Cindy's 'lies'. I think all along Cindy has been trying to cover up the dysfunction of her household. The 'secrets' of their family. They have the same secrets as any other homes across america. money troubles, divorces, weird kids etc etc. None of us would like all our dirty laundry aired across the country. She didn't want her arguments with Casey and the 'way' Casey is to really get out to the public. She just wanted people to find Caylee, to keep their eye out for Caylee. I think its understandable the way she is thinking. I just hope she told LE everything and didn't hide anything. They are the only ones that need to know the family secrets. Not us. The family can't stand the thought that their daughter may have killed their baby or sold her or did any horrible thing to her. They are in denial.

I don't think Cindy knows where Caylee is, she may "know" deep in her heart that her daughter knows and is responsible but as far as actual factual knowledge, I think no way.

I also don't think either of her parents actively helped Casey destroy any evidence or cover up anything related to Caylee's disappearance. They're doing what they've apparently always done...make excuses for their daughter's behavior instead of facing the truth.
The question was raised, can we trust Jesse? Apparently he's revising his story now...


Mother Casey Anthony's on again-off again boyfriend, Jesse Brund, backpedaled on his statement that he heard Caylee in the background of a phone call with Casey Anthony on June 24. He now says he wasn't 100 percent sure he heard Caylee in that phone call.

Momofboys - I just PM'd you.
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