Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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Thanks, alphaville. I was worried I'd get the reaction you say you've received!
I mentioned this before but I was unable to come back to see what people thought. Anyone else think Caylee is fine and Casey is just trying to keep her from her mother?
I'm with you!

I personally don't really care what Casey did at nightclubs, who she dated, what she stole, who she slept with etc., etc. I only care about what happened to Caylee. Plain and simple.

As a mother, I think "what if my son went missing" and everyone got into my son's MySpace page and started pulling out all of his photos. You would be surprised what my 40 year-old son has on his MySpace page. Although decent but he loves to party with people, he is also a part-time bouncer at a strip club, something he has done for 20 years and also holds a full time job working 6 days a week, plus the part-time one. No children, no drugs but a man who likes a good time. But if he went missing, I could see his personal life spinning out of control as well as mine ....

Not neccesarily, unless you lied to investigators (as his mom) misconstrued timelines places and events. Unless his actions were one way for say 20 years and the vastly different in say the last 2 months. Patterns of behavior are a key indicator in missing people cases. Myspace pages and great party photos or not, if you are who say you, where you say you were, and who you were with, I think everything would be fine.
OK -- so looking at past posts, I noticed this:
This is a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando.
She has two emails listed near her picture. One is connected to this account( The other ( is connected to an account with a different name and age. But I can't read spanish, so I dont know what the profile says.
I found it interesting one seems to be a fake profile.
One's URL is sexygoldy, the others email is sexygoldy.


I had found that page as well. If you look at the second profile described in the above post, for a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando, it links to a 18 girl in Puerto Rico. She has 1 friend, named Tom, from California. I knew I had seen him before. He's ALSO a friend of Casey's, on her myspace page -- shows up on the direct link.

NOW, maybe I'm imagining things, but doesn't that seem huge? A link between Casey and an actual Zanny Gonzales in Orlando?!?

Tom is immediately added to your profile as a friend when you sign up for myspace. If you read his profile he mentions if you don't want him as a friend to delete him. I don't think there is any connection there. The Zanny Gonlazes might be worth looking into though!
I think the investigators already know what the outcome will be, based on their experience with other cases in which decomp has been a factor. Sadly. :(

I am sure you are right about this. Sadly.

However, wouldn't LE still want a body, no matter what level of decomposition it is in? For evidence? To increase the probability of a conviction?

I am sure they are using their resources how they feel will best bring a resolution in this case.
Quick thank you to Patty, Nice letter you sent.
It's a shame that Padilla always has a lot to say
but in the end never really says much.
Does anyone really think it is even possible to keep any kind of search a secret? With the way the media is all over this case, I really don't think it's possible.

I don't believe there are any searches happening.

I think that no searches have been organized by LE simply because the evidence shows that they won't be searching for a living child. There's no pressing reason to search right now, when the mother's given them no place to start. They are probably waiting on the forensics to come back, showing that Caylee is dead, so that they can use that to pry some kind of info, ANYTHING, from Casey.

I know that volunteer groups often search, but without something to go on, where would they start?

Like Padilla said, Casey holds the key. Until she talks, there won't be any grid searches going on (although I do believe that investigators are following up leads and tips that they have).
I mentioned this before but I was unable to come back to see what people thought. Anyone else think Caylee is fine and Casey is just trying to keep her from her mother?

I would, except for the cadaver dogs. They hit on Caseys car and the GP's backyard. There was a dead body in those 2 places. If not Caylee, then who?
I mentioned this before but I was unable to come back to see what people thought. Anyone else think Caylee is fine and Casey is just trying to keep her from her mother?

No, I don't think Caylee is fine at all. Not sure she will ever be found, although I pray Caylee will be found. It is ~50 days this child is missing.
FYI....not sure if this link was given to you guys before but if when you follow links and see one in another language you can go to

That page offers straight up translate words or you can choose to put in a website url and tell it to translate from Spanish to English... or whatever language.

So copy the url of the page, then go to babelfish and past URL into box meant for URL's... and then choose what langauge you want to read it in. Of course, you should know wether the original page language is spanish or japanese or whatever.... they expect you to know what language babelfish has to translate from.

Play with the bablefish page... you will get what I mean.
The question was raised, can we trust Jesse? Apparently he's revising his story now...


Mother Casey Anthony's on again-off again boyfriend, Jesse Brund, backpedaled on his statement that he heard Caylee in the background of a phone call with Casey Anthony on June 24. He now says he wasn't 100 percent sure he heard Caylee in that phone call.


This really surprises me. It's obvious Jesse cares for Caylee a lot. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was probably just confused or mistaken. I really don't think he has anything to do with her disappearance. I think someone mentioned the only reason he dealt with Casey and all her crap was so he could be part of Caylee's life.
Quick thank you to Patty, Nice letter you sent.
It's a shame that Padilla always has a lot to say
but in the end never really says much.

Actually what more can he say until Casey speaks. Right now, we wait on the report of the findings and that should be the next briefing.
Where should the police search in a 31 day window when the mother isn't talking?

Usually they would focus on the last known whereabouts of the missing person [no one knows] and the home of the prime suspect [already done].
Not neccesarily, unless you lied to investigators (as his mom) misconstrued timelines places and events. Unless his actions were one way for say 20 years and the vastly different in say the last 2 months. Patterns of behavior are a key indicator in missing people cases. Myspace pages and great party photos or not, if you are who say you, where you say you were, and who you were with, I think everything would be fine.

I agree.
Actually what more can he say until Casey speaks. Right now, we wait on the report of the findings and that should be the next briefing.

FOX is already teasing, mentioning test results then going on to another story.
There might be secret searches going on???? But again, why secret? Poor little Caylee. It totally breaks my heart.

Secret searches ??........the media is reporting "bathroom breaks" on the players of this saga......anything a secret, would have to be done behind closed (& locked) doors.....LOL, shades down also.
Has anyone heard more of when the DNA results are supposed to be back? "Sometime this week" is pretty vague, I was wondering if there was a more specific expected date.
I am sure you are right about this. Sadly.

However, wouldn't LE still want a body, no matter what level of decomposition it is in? For evidence? To increase the probability of a conviction?

I am sure they are using their resources how they feel will best bring a resolution in this case.

Yes, they will want the body. But where to start looking?

Once the results come back, they can use that to lean on Casey. When they know for certain that Caylee is dead, they can press her hard.

If she doesn't talk, they may never find the body. They can still file murder charges and get a conviction without a she won't be scot free if the body is never found.

What makes me sick is thinking that this child's body has been treated as out there somewhere alone...has not had the burial she deserves.

:( :( :(
Actually what more can he say until Casey speaks. Right now, we wait on the report of the findings and that should be the next briefing.
Yep - its in those forensic results. But now we are going on 3 weeks of Casey being in jail. That's a long time. With the FBI, FDLE, and the Quantico lab being involved - I am willing to bet they have at least preliminary results. Maybe not comparative results as those take longer - but 3 weeks. LE's silence on this is deafening.

"OH to be a fly on the wall"
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