Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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She claimed she switched the SIM card out of the blackjack phone BEFORE losing the blackjack. She claimed the babysitter's number was stored on the blackjack phone's memory, not the SIM card. She said she used the SIM card in her new phone.

I've skipped several pages because if I try to read them all as they are posted, I just simply will NEVER get through! So, if this has already been said, please excuse my repeating it.

According to what I understand, Casey said that the babysitters number was stored in the blackjack and not on the SIM card; however, she also had not had the blackjack for long. (two weeks is what I think I remember reading). Sooo, that would mean that she loaded the sitters number in the phone within the two weeks that she had the phone. If she had been using this sitter for the past two and a half years as she said she had, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the sitters number was in her previous phone?? Otherwise where did she get the sitters number as she seems to be denying that she has it memorized. So is she trying to convince everyone that she put the sitters number in the new phone and deleted it from the old one? If so, wouldn't it also stand to reason that she had done the same with the REST of the numbers in her old phone? So if she still had all the numbers in her old phone EXCEPT the sitters number, then it doesn't seem that it would be a very far leap for the police to make a case that she is obviously lying through her teeth about the phone number. Her family (Lee) should be able to come to the same conclusion.
They can delete all, but the information is still on the hard drive. :)

And LE still has the hard drive, no? I can only imagine the information they have gathered.
THAT'S RIGHT! I forget all about that - until you said that. There was a discussion earlier about the dog ever being in the house and I don't think they ever brought the dogs in BUT now I remember at one point Cindy whining and crying about getting her computer back - so they had to have been in the house and, at least, took those computers.

I know they took a laptop and Cindy said that LE changed the password on the other one.

But Lee has the password to all accounts and never heard they took his computer, so Lee maybe the one deleting a lot of stuff.

Guess they need Lee's computer too!
THAT'S RIGHT! I forget all about that - until you said that. There was a discussion earlier about the dog ever being in the house and I don't think they ever brought the dogs in BUT now I remember at one point Cindy whining and crying about getting her computer back - so they had to have been in the house and, at least, took those computers.

They took evidence from the house for testing, per an article I read today.
Oh, it doesn't ... it doesn't explain too many things ... it was just simply the thought that I had when I read that post. Just interesting how specific to use the legal term 'murderer' is as opposed to say, 'killer.'

Which leads my back to Casey being involved in a crime. No she does not have to fear her safety when she is in jail, but she does have to fear for the safety of her child.

Her life was going down fast. She was hanging around a crowd that was not the most up and up. In the very least there had to have been drugs involved. From what many have uncovered here there is most likely much deeper crimes there as well.

Think about it. If you were that young, naive, and scared would you go to any lengths to protect your child? She had not been involved in this lifestyle long enough to know what the hell they were capable of. She knew what she knew and that was bad, what would lead her to believe that any threats they were making were not true?

For a naive girl like her looking for an out she would be prone to believe anything was told to her.
How does this explain Cindy saying that Casey will be a hero for protecting her daughter, and that we will all owe Casey and apology.

Tell me Cindy did not really say this. :rolleyes:

So I guess all the people who are NOT searching for Caylee are heroes also? Who knew.
I know they took a laptop and Cindy said that LE changed the password on the other one.

But Lee has the password to all accounts and never heard they took his computer, so Lee maybe the one deleting a lot of stuff.

Guess they need Lee's computer too!

Didn't Lee ask Casey, during one of the phone calls, for her password for some account?

More than likely, Casey had her passwords saved to her computer so that he didn't need them to get into websites like myspace. I think the only reason that the photobucket account is still up is that often it logs you out, and you can't get back in unless you know your password.
"the photos of Casey shown partying were not taken during Caylee’s disappearance, but rather three years ago when Casey was actually pregnant"...quote from George.

What??? she sure didn't look pregnant to me. and the photos are with Anthony's friends, who she didn't even meet until late June. and her hair is exactly the same style and color as it is now. Was Fusion even in existance 3 years ago?

I think the photographer confirmed what date he took the photos. He said he only took pics on Fridays at Fusian.
Tell me Cindy did not really say this. :rolleyes:

So I guess all the people who are NOT searching for Caylee are heroes also? Who knew.

Yep it was coupled with when the truth comes out.......blah blah blah.
I don't know but I will assume they have that too!

They definitely took the was just a day late when they arrested her. Casey was at home with them from the 911 calls till time of arrest. I'm sure they recovered all that they needed. It just speaks volumes to me that they comments stop RIGHT THERE. It shows that she was trying to cover up her behavior.
Didn't Lee ask Casey, during one of the phone calls, for her password for some account?

More than likely, Casey had her passwords saved to her computer so that he didn't need them to get into websites like myspace. I think the only reason that the photobucket account is still up is that often it logs you out, and you can't get back in unless you know your password.

On the ranting first call on the 16th they got the myspace password.

On the "I am lying about my 2 phones call" her got her AT&T log in info.
I'm sick of Casey being tagged as a "good mother" by her parents. I don't consider her a good mother. NOT reporting her child missing as soon as she knows the child is missing and continuing to NOT inform LE to the best of her ability as to WHERE the child went missing does NOT make her a good mother.

Isn't that the truth. Who just leaves there child with a babysitter they know nothing about. If it were me I would know everything and if that babysitter were taking my child here and there I would know how to reach her at all times.
Didn't Lee ask Casey, during one of the phone calls, for her password for some account?

More than likely, Casey had her passwords saved to her computer so that he didn't need them to get into websites like myspace. I think the only reason that the photobucket account is still up is that often it logs you out, and you can't get back in unless you know your password.

Lee asked for the pw to her At&T account so he could look at the details of the phone calls.
Oh, she's buying time all right!!! If - and that's a really big IF - they ever find Caylee's body, it will be so decomposed that there won't be a cause of death determined and she's going to stick to the story that the "kidnappers" killed Caylee. She's never going to admit to any accident or any responsibility on her part. She thinks sitting in jail is just a blip on the radar screen and she'll be out and about before too awfully long, because she doesn't think they have enough evidence to charge her with anything relating to Caylee - no body, no cause of death, no evidence. She's just biding her time until she's released and back to partying it up in the clubs.

They've made a point several times of saying a number of people have been convicted of murder with no body found.
I think the photographer confirmed what date he took the photos. He said he only took pics on Fridays at Fusian.

The denial of an effing time stamp and disregard for the fact that Casey didn't even KNOW Tony until May 24th just shows you the mind set of this family and how you cannot trust ONE thing that they say maybe with the exception of Lee. And insinuating on top of the lie that those photos were taken when she was pregnant is also just mind boggling. Oh NO she's not a murderer but she went out and partied hard while with child Give me a break with these people already. They are CRAZIER than we think.
They definitely took the was just a day late when they arrested her. Casey was at home with them from the 911 calls till time of arrest. I'm sure they recovered all that they needed. It just speaks volumes to me that they comments stop RIGHT THERE. It shows that she was trying to cover up her behavior.

Yup, I agree. The one thing you don't do is jump on MySpace and start updating it!
I've skipped several pages because if I try to read them all as they are posted, I just simply will NEVER get through! So, if this has already been said, please excuse my repeating it.

According to what I understand, Casey said that the babysitters number was stored in the blackjack and not on the SIM card; however, she also had not had the blackjack for long. (two weeks is what I think I remember reading). Sooo, that would mean that she loaded the sitters number in the phone within the two weeks that she had the phone. If she had been using this sitter for the past two and a half years as she said she had, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the sitters number was in her previous phone?? Otherwise where did she get the sitters number as she seems to be denying that she has it memorized. So is she trying to convince everyone that she put the sitters number in the new phone and deleted it from the old one? If so, wouldn't it also stand to reason that she had done the same with the REST of the numbers in her old phone? So if she still had all the numbers in her old phone EXCEPT the sitters number, then it doesn't seem that it would be a very far leap for the police to make a case that she is obviously lying through her teeth about the phone number. Her family (Lee) should be able to come to the same conclusion.

I think that it is funny that (according to her convo with Lee) the police have the "other" phone but apparently the sim card (she was swapping back and forth) was in her jeans ... and now it has mysteriously disappeared (happens a lot with her ... Bermuda Freaking Triangle) ... they should have x-rayed her gut ... or checked her poop ... cause I bet she swallowed that trick as soon as she found out she was to be arrested. She is soooooo naive though to think that LE could not get all her records from her cell phone company including text messages and detailed information about all calls from either phone ... from as far back as they want to go!
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