Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #49

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At least they are professional and noncombative with the press. I remember what a nightmare the BRPD caused in their shoddy investigation and handling of the press. Makes OCSD look like the pros from Dover
I don't see her getting immunity way. They can't stand her. I really feel that Caylee will be found and Casey will never get away with this. I don't say that about many cases, but I do with this one. Her friends will start backing off from their "stories" too I think.
Another possibility has been tossed around as well, that even Casey doesn't know who Caylee's father is and made up yet another lie about the mystery father who died in a car accident.

The medical examiner's office said the blood is still available for a paternity test. In the crash, Ortiz was found at fault and alcohol was not involved.

Wouldn't it really be sad if this poor dead man has nothing whatsoever to do with this case and its just another lie by Casey? I would almost bet a months salary that Casey has no idea who the father is and just told her mother this story because the poor guy is dead and can't defend himself.
If mom and dad were pressing her to file and get support for Caylee it would be a convenient way of sidestepping their demands and a way to get sympathy at the same time. If he has nothing to do with Casey, and his family seems to think he didn't, Casey's dragging him/his family into this is despicable.
The only way they generally give immunity in missing children's cases is in the first 24 hours when there's great hope that the info could lead to finding the child alive. Such is not the case here.
they were taken by professional photogs that were hired by the club.

I figured as much, but to find the actual data of shutter speed, zoom used time file originated, etc was interesting to me. You can't always get that when posted on a page. Like I said O/T and probably old news...
Saw it, I also edited my post. Said I was mistaken. sorry

Thanks White, no problem and I know no malice, I am just careful to make sure of what I post as fact vs. opinion, given the recent, um, you know.:blowkiss:
heck, if you think about it, it's sad for Jesus' family either way...
Lets face it, it's pretty much a given that they have the forensic back. This could be the new media's way of trying to put some spin on why they are not releasing the info. I for one don't think after what this par tay girl has put them though that they would give her immunity.

I have read two different comments from todays threads on immunity. In my opinion its possible they could give her limited immunity. The only reason I'm saying this. Could there another possibilities and factors involved? The question is what are those invisible factors? Maybe there is a ring involved in criminal activity, to which Casey was either a part of or knew about? If there is and it involved say international, the FEDS could come into play? No, Yes?

Cindy is saying she can't release other's names? Also she mentioned, Casey gave the right apartment but wrong bldg. In fear they may walk in and Caylee would then be harmed? I know its hard for most of us to trust anything coming Cindy via Casey. I also read LE would not be releasing evidence? Just a consideration.
My theory is they have the results and the DNA is Caylee's. That's why the immunity--perhaps taking the DP off the table if they recover the remains.

I hope you're right BUT could they go for the DP without a body?

Casey wouldn't fall for that trick. Not that party girl.

Maybe the key is what charges & what sentences the FEDS might have in store for her if she doesn't cooperate?

Maybe they uncovered lots of other criminal activity in her life & are willing to ignore that IF she talks?

Arrgghhhh. If they don't make an example out of this cold-hearted & TERRIBLE MOTHER.... it sends a very bad message to the next mother who grows tired of her kid & wants to be free....,2933,396826,00.html

WATTS: We're here in Blanchard Park, in the middle of Orlando. This park is about 15 minutes from Casey Anthony's home. And the reason we're here is because Casey Anthony, in a phone conversation from jail with her brother, Lee Anthony -- Lee was questioning her about a cell phone she had mentioned she had. And they were trying to locate the cell phone. In that conversation, she said she had come to this park with some friends and believed this is where she lost the cell phone.

We would hope that investigators came here to check it out, maybe not just for the cell phone, but for any signs -- maybe perhaps she brought little Caylee here.

Now, if the name of the park sounds familiar, it is because June 10 of this year, another young woman, her name was Nicole Ganguzza, was murdered here. She went jogging, and her body was discovered the next day. Her killer's never been found.

COLBY: Now, we're not saying there's any connection necessarily between the two cases, but boy, it sure is interesting, Steph, that this park was the location of a murder investigation previously, and now Casey brings it up in this phone conversation with her brother about her phone. What else do you read into that conversation with the brother? It's so interesting. His questions really did seem prepared by investigators.
One other thing...has anyone thought that the ex heard Casey just say, "Get off the table.'", not "Caylee, get off the table" and she was talking to a cat or a dog and he just assumed she meant Caylee?

Sorry....way behind here....connection keeps dropping d/t thunderstorm moving through...

Could have been one of the guys she was living with also....
I don't thing Casey has any idea who Caylee's biological father is.

Personally as a grandmother, if my adult child was not cooperating to find out what happened to my grandbaby, I would need just a few minutes to speak to said child and the clouds would part and we would know.

Cindy and Georg have catered to Casey so long they are blind. If this does not make them see her for what she is nothing will.

Casey could not just hand over Caylee to Cindy, that would be giving Cindy too much control. Besides where would Casey get money and a home between boyfriends?

I believe she knowingly gave Caylee a drug and went on her merry way. Got back at Cindy and gained freedom.

What I cannot work out in my mind is HOW Cindy went a month without speaking to Caylee herself. That is a long time for a 2 year old who has been brought up in your home to be on 'vacation' and NEVER available to talk to Cindy.
heck, if you think about it, it's sad for Jesus' family either way...

I have been pretty verbal I think he is Caylee's father, and I think he may never have known it. If he is not, how tragic for this family- your right either way, I can't imagine. Prayers to Jesus and Caylee
I have read two different comments from todays threads on immunity. In my opinion its possible they could give her limited immunity. The only reason I'm saying this. Could there another possibilities and factors involved? The question is what are those invisible factors? Maybe there is a ring involved in criminal activity, to which Casey was either a part of or knew about? If there is and it involved say international, the FEDS could come into play? No, Yes?

Cindy is saying she can't release other's names? Also she mentioned, Casey gave the right apartment but wrong bldg. In fear they may walk in and Caylee would then be harmed? I know its hard for most of us to trust anything coming Cindy via Casey. I also read LE would not be releasing evidence? Just a consideration.

Just so you know Casey hasn't given any correct or truthful information in the discovery of her daughter's where abouts! Here is a great place to actually read the story!
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