Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #49

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The big question is who else knows? Also Casey and Lee's associations were not of the innocent type's, if ya know what I mean?

Lee shows signs of knowing things of Casey's lifestyle. I also think Lee and Tony were friends and not just because he was Casey's current boyfriend.

I also believe that Casey's attitude may have changed drastically since she became involved with Tony. A great big possibility as to why Cindy appeared to be hard on her for the first time in her life, trying to make her take responsibility for her own actions.
Another possibility has been tossed around as well, that even Casey doesn't know who Caylee's father is and made up yet another lie about the mystery father who died in a car accident.

The medical examiner's office said the blood is still available for a paternity test. In the crash, Ortiz was found at fault and alcohol was not involved.

Wouldn't it really be sad if this poor dead man has nothing whatsoever to do with this case and its just another lie by Casey? I would almost bet a months salary that Casey has no idea who the father is and just told her mother this story because the poor guy is dead and can't defend himself.

Casey never said anything about Jose. Posters here did.
From the arresting affidavit :

INVESTIGATORS NOTE: Page 4 Last sentence...I request she be held on NO BOND status until the child is located

Does this mean regardless of 33 day rule that she will be held "until the child is located unless bond is posted??
If there is really blood in the back of the trunk like has been reported, then there is more to the death of Caylee than just leaving her in the car. There must have been an injury. Something else to consider. I also believe that Caylee most likely died shortly after the 15 or I believe Cindy would have been able to talk to her. I think that Cindy tried to talk to Caylee from the 16th on and was never able to. I think something happened to her on the 16th or shortly thereafter. Just my opinion.

On that note: It has been driving me as to why Casey would claim in the 911 call on July 15 that her daughter had been missing 31 days. And then turn around and tell the police when they show up it was June 9.

I realized maybe Casey wants the day to be ambiguous so if any witnesses claim they saw her do x or y on x or y date she can weasel out easier if the timeline isn't concrete.

And I agree about the limited immunity possibility. She may just want to not face drug, neglect, manslaughter, prostitution (wherever you guys imagination takes you) charges.
I saw some video of Jose from today online. He doesn't look half as cocky anymore. I think he has caught onto Casey too. He is still doing his job of course. I notice he has been pretty quiet lately too. I also saw a video of Cindy from today saying how Casey has already been convicted across the country. Gee, I wonder why?
I saw some video of Jose from today online. He doesn't look half as cocky anymore. I think he has caught onto Casey too. He is still doing his job of course. I notice he has been pretty quiet lately too. I also saw a video of Cindy from today saying how Casey has already been convicted across the country. Gee, I wonder why?

Do you mean Jesse?
From the arresting affidavit :

INVESTIGATORS NOTE: Page 4 Last sentence...I request she be held on NO BOND status until the child is located

Does this mean regardless of 33 day rule that she will be held "until the child is located unless bond is posted??

That was a detectives request. It's not binding unless a judge signs it.
The women in crime site also states "Casey’s mother’s behavior alone sets off big warning bells (pictured below smiling and running from media after visiting daughter in jail last week). She goes onto news programs and thinks she can use the public’s airwaves how she sees fit. She shows arrogance and refuses to answer questions about her own daughter’s involvement."

I could not agree more

Truly Truly!!! I am so sick of that woman. That comment she made at the prayer vigil last night "Get of their A@@ and go find Caylee"
I have thought about that all day and the more I think about it the matter I get.
I have NEVER, EVER heard something like that from a crime victim in my entire life. :eek::furious:
I saw some video of Jose from today online. He doesn't look half as cocky anymore. I think he has caught onto Casey too. He is still doing his job of course. I notice he has been pretty quiet lately too. I also saw a video of Cindy from today saying how Casey has already been convicted across the country. Gee, I wonder why?

Maybe it is the whole country's fault she "lost" caylee?
I have read two different comments from todays threads on immunity. In my opinion its possible they could give her limited immunity. The only reason I'm saying this. Could there another possibilities and factors involved? The question is what are those invisible factors? Maybe there is a ring involved in criminal activity, to which Casey was either a part of or knew about? If there is and it involved say international, the FEDS could come into play? No, Yes?

Cindy is saying she can't release other's names? Also she mentioned, Casey gave the right apartment but wrong bldg. In fear they may walk in and Caylee would then be harmed? I know its hard for most of us to trust anything coming Cindy via Casey. I also read LE would not be releasing evidence? Just a consideration.

This is the most reasonable comment that I have heard in a while!:clap:
Cindy has been real quiet since the FBI became involved with her. She is always in a hurry every where she goes now. If she knew something "bad"
(Caylee is definitely gone) I don't believe she could act as she is. As far as
Casey goes, I am going out on a limb here so please don't be too hard on me,
just M A Y B E she feels she has to keep her mouth shut because she is scared.........:blowkiss: I love you all.......JMO
Dear WSers: Other detectives are weighing in on Caylee's Case. Since I am an amateur "crime junkie" I thought you would like to read this article:

Believe it or not, many of you have commented on themes in this article too. WSers are very "wired in" on this case.:)

Thank you so much for posting this. I especially love the reference to Cindy:

Q: If Casey is not "extremely mentally ill" . . . could she still be a sociopath?

A: We’ve dealt with sociopaths. They don’t have any feelings for other people. Casey seems to have no conscience in her daughter’s situation. If Casey’s story were true, she should be feeling very guilty for leaving her daughter with a babysitter who would kidnap the child. A normal mother would blame herself for even a kidnapping. The public hasn't seen a morsel of guilt or remorse for supposedly leaving her child with the “kidnapper.”

Sociopaths known for having an abundance of charm and wit. Casey was a cheerleader in high school (pictured left)—a social, outgoing girl. The pictures of her in the bar show her outgoing nature. Yet the photos also reveal she has no moral conscience for the well-being of her child.

A homicide detective always does a background on the family. Casey’s mother’s behavior alone sets off big warning bells (pictured below smiling and running from media after visiting daughter in jail last week). She goes onto news programs and thinks she can use the public’s airwaves how she sees fit. She shows arrogance and refuses to answer questions about her own daughter’ involvement.
I agree Check, can you expand on your opinion?
I'm of the belief that Casey and Lee were running with a crowd of individuals you would rather your parents not meet. Well, in our case that is. :rolleyes: Casey grew to trust in these individuals in a dependent twisted way. This may sound off the wall but Casey may have been turning tricks, *advertiser censored*, dealing, crime spree, etc., heaven knows. Casey was strung out either way in my opinion, when she left Caylee or shortly there after. Who the individuals were at time we have no clue, or we don't yet have enough info to tie us in. For all we know, we could be looking right at them in the photo's we do have and not even know it.

I understand this now would not make Casey the alleged killer of her child. There are just too way many loose ends, including the Grand parents possible involvement. Nor do we know how Baez was hired and by whom. Casey was given his info but I personally think thru Lee. Baez handled immigration cases too, is this not correct?

I think looking at other crime and arrests in the area she frequented around the dates we do have, may help us in tying things in a bit better. I stand that Casey was initiated into gang life and or considered property due to drug use, her weakness. Her icons present, *advertiser censored*, sex, bi-sexual, alcohol, drugs, gang life and indifference along with depression. Her photo's call out to more than a party drunk. She was caught in a web of deep lies already.

Could Casey have been involved in a crime on the night she left Caylee? Was this part of the guarantee thru sick trust over time, (aka her version of an extended family:rolleyes:) that Casey would both complete the task and see it through? Yes, I understand we have hits in the car and yard but we yet do not know who it is and LE is silent, ugh. Stranger things have happened. Sorry, and I understand this brings us into a whole new investigation of our own but there are too many strange triangulations in this night mare.
This is the most reasonable comment that I have heard in a while!:clap:
Cindy has been real quiet since the FBI became involved with her. She is always in a hurry every where she goes now. If she knew something "bad"
(Caylee is definitely gone) I don't believe she could act as she is. As far as
Casey goes, I am going out on a limb here so please don't be too hard on me,
just M A Y B E she feels she has to keep her mouth shut because she is scared.........:blowkiss: I love you all.......JMO

IMO, Cindy has been quieter lately because she, like her daughter, is getting some LE attention that she asked for. You can bet she isn't being told inside information from the investigation, only questioned and they are letting that birdie sing, sing, sing.

Casey... hmm.. I don't think she has ever been scared a day in her life. In jail, she smiles at an inmate in a flirtatious manner as she walked by, saying her ex-boyfriend has Caylee, while other inmates were yelling obscenities at her. She wasn't scared of that. Most women I know would be floored with intimidation and meekness. Not Casey. She's a slick one. She's smooth. Don't forget, she was engaged to Jesse, him thinking Caylee was his. So what's that say? How many others was she fooling around with while she was with Jesse? At least one, Caylee is proof of that.... (and I'll stress this last part) IF Jesse really did take that paternity test that his father said he took, proving he wasn't the father.
Lee shows signs of knowing things of Casey's lifestyle. I also think Lee and Tony were friends and not just because he was Casey's current boyfriend.

I also believe that Casey's attitude may have changed drastically since she became involved with Tony. A great big possibility as to why Cindy appeared to be hard on her for the first time in her life, trying to make her take responsibility for her own actions.

That would explain why Casey asked Lee for Tony's phone number.
Most brothers do not have access to their sisters current boyfriends phone #s.
I agree. I think the DNA testing must have come back at best inconclusive and I don't think in a case this serious...dead 3 year old, mom partying for a month...they would be offering any kind of immunity if they believed they had what is necessary to prosecute her.

IMO its a bluff...we will give you limiited immunity if you tell us where Caylee is and we won't use what you tell us in our case....wreaks of desperation.

Is it that they won't use the information or they won't prosecute her. I think immunity means "you talk" we won't prosecute, not "you talk" but "we will throw away the tape evidence of you speaking about x and y" (for example) "but we will still file whatever charges we please."

From the above link posted by ____:

Q: What should detectives look for? -- What her friends say about how Casey was acting while she was conducting “her own investigation” will be a major clue. She may have told a friend that her life would be a lot easier if she didn’t have a daughter. That would be compelling evidence to a jury. It’s part of the puzzle.

Funny how Cindy keeps talking about how the pieces of the puzzle are coming together (as if any minute now, she is going to crack this thing)... but it's only a puzzle because her daughter has made it one.

Her behavior at a VIGIL at which people came together to support and pray and wish them well ... words fail; is unbelievable. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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