Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #57

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If somebody "took Caylee" to punish Casey, how likely is it that they would have kept her around with the nationwide attention given to this case, and the liklihood of getting caught?

Exactly....and Casey doesn't sound like a punished mother to me !

Is this not frustrating or what? The sad thing is, I am afraid she might get away with this. This is being dragged out awfully long.

I just have to keep reminding myself that Scott Peterson wasn't arrested for quite some time! Almost 4 months, I believe. When I have these terrible thoughts that she might get away with it, which are often, I tell myself this! They were obviously waiting on the body in that case. I think they are trying to do the same here, unfortunately(that there is one).
Karen, there IS a thread to vent. I just posted one there about the non-productive crud some posters are spewing on here. Disappointed...this is not becoming of us or WS and very unusual.
I do remember the commercials! I really think the only way to break one of those locks would be with a bolt cutter. I keep thinking back to how much the gparents went on and on and on about the lock and the bamboo. They were offering up way too much info.

LOL, I was agas (pun intended) after the inconsistencies in that interview and how well scripted it was to address all issues..
It was obvious she was uncomfortable when Greta went toward the shed,
which after a cut to commercial was opened, so Greta must have requested that..

Lying is not a crime?? I truly thought my head would explode. She just told us all that she can sit there and give this BS to us, and technically LE. Here's next- there's a diff between intentional misstatement of fact and answering questions under duress
Saying it again, day- wee hours of 6/23 Caylee died, buried in yard, gas stolen to burn evidence. 6/27 body moved and car dumped.

Aah, Im all angry again.. ffff
I don't know about everyone else but I am sooo ready for this to be over. Each day I pray for this little girl, she occupies my thoughts constantly. Everytime I see her sweet little face it makes me want to cry and every time I see Casey or the Anthony's I just want to rip their hair out. If that was my daughter I would def. schedule a visit at the jail... and then beat the truth out of her. I am holding out a small piece of hope that Caylee is somehow alive, only because I believe in God and I believe in miracles. I just don't want to believe what the evidence is pointing to. It truly breaks my heart.
I posted this originally in the poll thread, and want to re-post here, as this is the most active one.

I voted that I think Caylee is fine. Why? I have been following this story closely over the past few weeks. I have also read a good bit of other's ideas on this site (you guys are great!).

Last night, GP said that Casey was the one who stole the gas cans, that he saw them in the trunk of her car on the 24th. There must not have been a "dead body" smell in the car on the 24th or he would have noticed. Now, could Casey have been SO dumb, to have left such clear evidence (shed break-in), if she was going to use the gas to get rid of Caylee's body? Maybe, but why not just buy gas (she reportedly had GM's credit cards). Or, maybe she was running out of money on the ccs, had no money and needed gas for her car?

Saw GM on another show this morning (gotta figure out what it was and post it - M&L or something like that), and the reporter asked her to "speak" to the person who had Casey. GM said something that alluded to the fact that the person who took Caylee, took her to punish Casey. She said just bring her back - she's confused and scared. Just drop her off someplace anonymously or make up a story, so you can get the reward money. Not once, did she say, don't hurt her...

So, at least this is what GM believes (I really do think she is being honest about what she believes). Either Casey told her this on the night Caylee was reported missing, or she told GM during the Sunday visit.

I find it odd that they have not release the video of GP's visit with Casey (just maybe she gave real details about who has Casey and the police don't want that out in the public). Then, Cindy canceled her visit yesterday for the sole reason (she said) that she didn't want to put Caylee in danger, because the video could be released to the public.

Then, yesterday, the police have the preliminary reports back on the the spot in the trunk (but aren't releasing, yet). And, they formally charged her only with the child neglect and giving false information, but no homicide or murder.

So, maybe someone did take Caylee to punish Casey for something? If she was involved with gangs, this is entirely possible. Maybe Casey was hoping the person would give her back or was just in denial? Maybe she was trying to "right the wrong" for whatever made a person take Caylee?

Sorry for the long post, but this is my random thought pattern. Or, maybe it's wishful thinking cuz I just want that little darling to be ok.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Im sorry but none of this is plausible. Nothing that they say ever resembles the truth. And please....there are entire threads dedicated to the silly gang theory which the moderators do not want discussed on here. Casey was not in the gang world, throwing those "signs" is a stupid generational thing and has to do with hip hop being so commercial. She into the club scene, designer drugs, drinking, promoting, dating the DJ etc. Very popular scene in florida and has zero to do with gangs.....:bang:
Oh,,,anyone else look up the meaning of Bella Vida ,,it can mean beautiful life or in a negative way easy woman
hmmmmmm......found that interesting
isnt that was Casey's tattoo says
I posted this originally in the poll thread, and want to re-post here, as this is the most active one.

I voted that I think Caylee is fine. Why? I have been following this story closely over the past few weeks. I have also read a good bit of other's ideas on this site (you guys are great!).

Last night, GP said that Casey was the one who stole the gas cans, that he saw them in the trunk of her car on the 24th. There must not have been a "dead body" smell in the car on the 24th or he would have noticed. Now, could Casey have been SO dumb, to have left such clear evidence (shed break-in), if she was going to use the gas to get rid of Caylee's body? Maybe, but why not just buy gas (she reportedly had GM's credit cards). Or, maybe she was running out of money on the ccs, had no money and needed gas for her car?

Saw GM on another show this morning (gotta figure out what it was and post it - M&L or something like that), and the reporter asked her to "speak" to the person who had Casey. GM said something that alluded to the fact that the person who took Caylee, took her to punish Casey. She said just bring her back - she's confused and scared. Just drop her off someplace anonymously or make up a story, so you can get the reward money. Not once, did she say, don't hurt her...

So, at least this is what GM believes (I really do think she is being honest about what she believes). Either Casey told her this on the night Caylee was reported missing, or she told GM during the Sunday visit.

I find it odd that they have not release the video of GP's visit with Casey (just maybe she gave real details about who has Casey and the police don't want that out in the public). Then, Cindy canceled her visit yesterday for the sole reason (she said) that she didn't want to put Caylee in danger, because the video could be released to the public.

Then, yesterday, the police have the preliminary reports back on the the spot in the trunk (but aren't releasing, yet). And, they formally charged her only with the child neglect and giving false information, but no homicide or murder.

So, maybe someone did take Caylee to punish Casey for something? If she was involved with gangs, this is entirely possible. Maybe Casey was hoping the person would give her back or was just in denial? Maybe she was trying to "right the wrong" for whatever made a person take Caylee?

Sorry for the long post, but this is my random thought pattern. Or, maybe it's wishful thinking cuz I just want that little darling to be ok.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

We all wish that this were true, but there are so many things pointing to this being impossible. Life is much simpler than this. This possibility involves the truth and everyone in this family has lied and changed the story so often we can't keep it straight. If my daughter were kidnapped by a gang I would be crying my head off and working with the FBI to get her found.
"Breaking the lock" may not necessarily mean the lock itself. She could have broken the hasp away from the shed door. This is how my mind perceived it anyway.

AAAAAAAHH I get using the shovel to PRY open the shed pushing them with a force so it breaks the hatch thingy that the lock is hooked on THAT I can see as probable! thank you for that visual!....breaking and severing the lock with the shovel was a lot harder to comprehend. However...a SHOVEL...would likely be able to slide in between the space of the doors and be used as a wedge.
I posted this originally in the poll thread, and want to re-post here, as this is the most active one.

I voted that I think Caylee is fine. Why? I have been following this story closely over the past few weeks. I have also read a good bit of other's ideas on this site (you guys are great!).

Last night, GP said that Casey was the one who stole the gas cans, that he saw them in the trunk of her car on the 24th. There must not have been a "dead body" smell in the car on the 24th or he would have noticed. Now, could Casey have been SO dumb, to have left such clear evidence (shed break-in), if she was going to use the gas to get rid of Caylee's body? Maybe, but why not just buy gas (she reportedly had GM's credit cards). Or, maybe she was running out of money on the ccs, had no money and needed gas for her car?

Saw GM on another show this morning (gotta figure out what it was and post it - M&L or something like that), and the reporter asked her to "speak" to the person who had Casey. GM said something that alluded to the fact that the person who took Caylee, took her to punish Casey. She said just bring her back - she's confused and scared. Just drop her off someplace anonymously or make up a story, so you can get the reward money. Not once, did she say, don't hurt her...

So, at least this is what GM believes (I really do think she is being honest about what she believes). Either Casey told her this on the night Caylee was reported missing, or she told GM during the Sunday visit.

I find it odd that they have not release the video of GP's visit with Casey (just maybe she gave real details about who has Casey and the police don't want that out in the public). Then, Cindy canceled her visit yesterday for the sole reason (she said) that she didn't want to put Caylee in danger, because the video could be released to the public.

Then, yesterday, the police have the preliminary reports back on the the spot in the trunk (but aren't releasing, yet). And, they formally charged her only with the child neglect and giving false information, but no homicide or murder.

So, maybe someone did take Caylee to punish Casey for something? If she was involved with gangs, this is entirely possible. Maybe Casey was hoping the person would give her back or was just in denial? Maybe she was trying to "right the wrong" for whatever made a person take Caylee?

Sorry for the long post, but this is my random thought pattern. Or, maybe it's wishful thinking cuz I just want that little darling to be ok.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

I am believing more and more that Casey could have bought gas at the gas station. If nothing is going on and she's just driving around, who cares if she is seen on camera. Even if she's using her mom's cc etc. So what?

On the other hand, if you don't need the gas for the car, but for something else, then you take the gas in the cans, unseen by any cameras.

I have run out of gas before and I have always been able to 'borrow' a can from the station. Casey knew this gas was in the shed and she knew that the only witnesses to the fact of the cans missing were the parents that she has so blindly wrapped around her finger.

My point is, the gas was not for the car.
Oh,,,anyone else look up the meaning of Bella Vida ,,it can mean beautiful life or in a negative way easy woman
hmmmmmm......found that interesting
isnt that was Casey's tattoo says

Yes. And it's also a street 15 miles away from the Anthony's home. Flbeachdawg went and scouted it out yesterday. Lots of construction, dumpsters and 2 retention ponds on Bella Vida Blvd.

I am uploading the video of Cindy on Fox and her strategy theory.:rolleyes:
Im sorry but none of this is plausible. Nothing that they say ever resembles the truth. And please....there are entire threads dedicated to the silly gang theory which the moderators do not want discussed on here. Casey was not in the gang world, throwing those "signs" is a stupid generational thing and has to do with hip hop being so commercial. She into the club scene, designer drugs, drinking, promoting, dating the DJ etc. Very popular scene in florida and has zero to do with gangs.....:bang:

Every Myspace page is full of pictures of young people throwing gang signs. And they all do stupid irritating pout thing. It bugs the crap out of me. I do not see any gang connection here.
Please remember to "snip" the part of someone else's post that you are quoting....mods ask that we do this to keep the threads shorter and avoid pages of repeated, very long posts =)
I don't know about everyone else but I am sooo ready for this to be over. Each day I pray for this little girl, she occupies my thoughts constantly. Everytime I see her sweet little face it makes me want to cry and every time I see Casey or the Anthony's I just want to rip their hair out. If that was my daughter I would def. schedule a visit at the jail... and then beat the truth out of her. I am holding out a small piece of hope that Caylee is somehow alive, only because I believe in God and I believe in miracles. I just don't want to believe what the evidence is pointing to. It truly breaks my heart.
i am feeling this way too .. whenever im at work and i see a customer walk in i look for her . i have posters of her on the walls which my manager put up especially for me .. she knows this girl means alot to me .. i am the mom of a little girl my kikabird . if it were her id want people to care . and i am praying so hard this baby is found safe and alive . i work at a truck stop and thousands of people come in there daily so i wont lose hope . i also have posters of other children too . but she touches my heart so much . i hope she is alive and safe :(
Last night on Greta, Cindy stated she had told CA about the shed being broken into and the gas cans stolen. So which is it? Did CA call and tell Cindy she had the gas cans, did George have to use a ruse to check CA's trunk to see if the gas cans were there or did Cindy tell CA the shed had been broken into and the gas cans stolen? :confused:

Don't you just love the spin!

I hear Cindy in my head, Caylee is missing, I want you to find her, she is the most important part of my life, no one is looking for her, I know what happened, but I can't say because something will happen to Caylee, and if I tell you, something will happen to me, but go and find Caylee, it's going to be the media fault if Caylee comes up dead, your fault, because you didn't go and look for her, but I can't tell you, Caylee's at an apartment, just not that apartment, and no, you can't get the SWAT team there because Casey doesn't trust LE, George never said Casey stole gas, but we found the gas can in Casey car, and even found pizza in the car which smelled like a dead body, but no Casey ran over something and parked left the car in the parking lot so it could be towed.

It's and endless thought with no direction.
Every Myspace page is full of pictures of young people throwing gang signs. And they all do stupid irritating pout thing. It bugs the crap out of me. I do not see any gang connection here.

agreed Suzi...I don't want to be rude but if I hear the gang thing one more time I will tear my hair out.
The bamboo story is bunk, of course, but since I am a bit of a bamboo fancier I have to add my :twocents:!

As someone has already stated bamboo has two types running and clumping. This source is discussing the running and reflects the experience I have had with ours - no shovel needed to control the shoots.

Bamboo can be controlled in a small area (a normal city yard) simply by mowing or stepping on the young shoots. New shoots could also be used for culinary purposes and cooked, much like asparagus. Keep in mind that running bamboo only puts up new shoots for a short time each year, and when they are "shooting", the new plants are very fragile and easy to destroy.
LOL, I was agas (pun intended) after the inconsistencies in that interview and how well scripted it was to address all issues..
It was obvious she was uncomfortable when Greta went toward the shed,
which after a cut to commercial was opened, so Greta must have requested that..

Lying is not a crime?? I truly thought my head would explode. She just told us all that she can sit there and give this BS to us, and technically LE. Here's next- there's a diff between intentional misstatement of fact and answering questions under duress
Saying it again, day- wee hours of 6/23 Caylee died, buried in yard, gas stolen to burn evidence. 6/27 body moved and car dumped.

Aah, Im all angry again.. ffff

That's the timeline I think as well. I don't believe Caylee was gone when those partying pics were taken. Casey is a great liar but she is hiding it TOO well if that's the case based on these pictures.

Who was always watching the baby when she was out??? If I was going out all the time, my parents would put their foots down and say, "You're not going out, plain and simple." Were they always there to watch the baby while mommy was out?
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