Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #57

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Somehow I don't think Casey would part with Xanax. I wonder though if LE checked to see if she had a prescription for it? I think if anything Casey would have given her kid Benadryl or someother OTC stuff. But I do know in Florida we have to go to the counter now to get certain cold meds and show our license. Cause of the Meth thing.

As far as I know, Benadryl is not restricted under Meth laws. Benadryl is used quite a bit by people and babysitters to knock out kids with bad results. I did a bit of research on it regarding the Maddie case and I was shocked at all the murder and manslaughter cases from kids being medicated with drugs. These people literally use meds as a babysitter.
To me, that puts her borrowing the shovel when she came back, that man took those gas cans out of the car on 7/15 when he picked up the car, he is FOS..

I have to agree w/ this b/c in TWO of Cindy's 911 calls she states they haven't seen Casey OR Caylee for a month, that would be 6/16....I don't buy the whole story about her coming back to the house 6/24...they were obviously already worried about Caylee's where abouts. I doubt they would just take, "She's with the Nanny." Most of their statements indicate that while there was phone communication over that time there was no physical contact.

If Cindy lied and said one month instead of two weeks could she get in trouble for lying in the 911 call?? They can lie to the media all they want, but does the 911 call count as misleading authorities?
I just gave my dog benadryl this morning. over the counter.
So this is where the dogs alerted?


Could it be she was killed in here and then moved and that's why the cadaver smell in her car?

When I saw that sand box with the lid on it last night I got the chills. My mind wondered right into Caylee being placed in there, suffocated, etc., etc. Just can't get that thought out of my head. :(

One up for Greta for getting access to that backyard as I had no idea that covered sand box was even there.

Fox News also had a clip asking Cindy what the motive is for Caylee's kidnapping and Cindy said "I can't tip our hand answering that." SNIP

You know the story will be "Casey knew something or witnessed something and if she talked it would put someone else in jail. That's why the child was kidnapped, to keep her from talking."
I am starting to believe that maybe Casey has Multiple Personality Disorder and Zanaida is one of her personas.

It's an interesting idea, but I think if this were true, it's likely that the Zenaida personality would have made an appearance by now while Casey has been in jail....
Then again, I don't know how often the switches occur in these cases.
The lock on the shed seen last eve on Greta, is a Masterlock- does anyone else remember the old commercials? I believe they were shooting it with a 22 and it would not break- imo, there is ZERO chance this 100 lb. girl broke that lock with a shovel, not to mention the neighbor was outside, they would have heard her hacking at that shed, and the shovel would show indentations, imo..
As I reviewed the police report from the "burlary" File by George-
it occurred to me the officer did not include vandalism or destruction of property- I say the shed was either NOT locked or Casey had a key they did not know about, and the lock went on the shed AFTER the 6/24 theft.

To me, that puts her borrowing the shovel when she came back, that man took those gas cans out of the car on 7/15 when he picked up the car, he is FOS..

I do remember the commercials! I really think the only way to break one of those locks would be with a bolt cutter. I keep thinking back to how much the gparents went on and on and on about the lock and the bamboo. They were offering up way too much info.
i apologize if this has beenmentioned already, but i can't keep up w/ u guys (LOL) has anyone noticed this
CINDY ANTHONY: I was told that the dog was inconsistent on a hit here and...
VAN SUSTEREN: Here being right here at the house?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes. And inconsistent where her sandbox was.
VAN SUSTEREN: Which is where?
CINDY ANTHONY: Where it's at now, roughly.
VAN SUSTEREN: Oh, is this the sandbox?
CINDY ANTHONY: That's the sandbox.
VAN SUSTEREN: That has a cover on it. OK.

from this,2933,398490,00.html

bold color change is mine...
i can only asume (W/o seeing pics) this is one of those types that looklike a turtle w a cover- a toddlers body would fit in there and never be noticed w/the cover on.
Maybe it was a new lock? The old one was broken, right? And why did she make the comment "sorry about the shed."?

That's my point, I believe it was made up, the lock on it now is new. Remeber Cindy saying she had not been able to find her for a month, now she is chatting up the shed- and Cindy was never told she came back on 6/24 allegedly- no way
Fox News also had a clip asking Cindy what the motive is for Caylee's kidnapping and Cindy said "I can't tip our hand answering that." Are you kidding me? Then they want to know what the strategy is since Cindy was the one who was making the calls as to how we can find Caylee as fast as possible. Cindy says: The strategy is to let people know to not believe is not with us." And more how there's no proof that Caylee was in the back of the trunk. Right.

I thought the same thing!

I think I am going to buy a fip video today to record this (insert bad word) stuff!
right, if you "keep'" extra gas around because her guage is faulty then you don't lock it up and not give her the key.

Way back when this case first broke the Anthony's stated that they keep the shed locked because Casey has stolen gas from them before........and credit cards....and checks.....and everything else that wasn't nailed down apparently . This girl has deceit running through her very veins.

And don't forget the car. When Cindy called 911, she was trying to get Casey arrested for grand theft auto.
Based on someone's statement ( I did not catch it on Greta) I believe someone said she actually pushed the car into Amscot, I took that to be a ploy to say it was abandonded for being out of gas. He never admitted he got them back until yesterday and I do not recall that in the Greta interview.

Maybe the car had gas in it when it was towed from the lot punching a whole in her "it ran out of gas" story..

Hence the "new" information from Cindy that she had a problem with her gas guage. Constantly covering for her...of course.
As far as I know, Benadryl is not restricted under Meth laws. Benadryl is used quite a bit by people and babysitters to knock out kids with bad results. I did a bit of research on it regarding the Maddie case and I was shocked at all the murder and manslaughter cases from kids being medicated with drugs. These people literally use meds as a babysitter.

Someone in my husbands family does this. She has a very hyper little boy and when we still spoke to them at times she would give the kid benadryl to calm him down. It made me feel awful b/c I would watch him sitting on the couch nodding off like a zombie... One of the many reasons we don't speak to them anymore.
I posted this originally in the poll thread, and want to re-post here, as this is the most active one.

I voted that I think Caylee is fine. Why? I have been following this story closely over the past few weeks. I have also read a good bit of other's ideas on this site (you guys are great!).

Last night, GP said that Casey was the one who stole the gas cans, that he saw them in the trunk of her car on the 24th. There must not have been a "dead body" smell in the car on the 24th or he would have noticed. Now, could Casey have been SO dumb, to have left such clear evidence (shed break-in), if she was going to use the gas to get rid of Caylee's body? Maybe, but why not just buy gas (she reportedly had GM's credit cards). Or, maybe she was running out of money on the ccs, had no money and needed gas for her car?

Saw GM on another show this morning (gotta figure out what it was and post it - M&L or something like that), and the reporter asked her to "speak" to the person who had Casey. GM said something that alluded to the fact that the person who took Caylee, took her to punish Casey. She said just bring her back - she's confused and scared. Just drop her off someplace anonymously or make up a story, so you can get the reward money. Not once, did she say, don't hurt her...

So, at least this is what GM believes (I really do think she is being honest about what she believes). Either Casey told her this on the night Caylee was reported missing, or she told GM during the Sunday visit.

I find it odd that they have not release the video of GP's visit with Casey (just maybe she gave real details about who has Casey and the police don't want that out in the public). Then, Cindy canceled her visit yesterday for the sole reason (she said) that she didn't want to put Caylee in danger, because the video could be released to the public.

Then, yesterday, the police have the preliminary reports back on the the spot in the trunk (but aren't releasing, yet). And, they formally charged her only with the child neglect and giving false information, but no homicide or murder.

So, maybe someone did take Caylee to punish Casey for something? If she was involved with gangs, this is entirely possible. Maybe Casey was hoping the person would give her back or was just in denial? Maybe she was trying to "right the wrong" for whatever made a person take Caylee?

Sorry for the long post, but this is my random thought pattern. Or, maybe it's wishful thinking cuz I just want that little darling to be ok.

Looking forward to your thoughts!
I thought the same thing!

I think I am going to buy a fip video today to record this (insert bad word) stuff!

I have a DVR, I'll rewind, tape it and post it.

PS yes, Benadryl is OTC but other cold meds require ID. just to clarify cause my mind thinks too fast for my fingers.LOL
Trying to poke more holes into the "nanny kidnapper" story...

IF Zenaida really existed, wouldn't Casey have been able to give a physical description? And wouldn't said physical description be released to the media, along with pictures of Caylee for people to be on the lookout?

Also, IF she is keeping mum in order to "protect" Caylee... well, then why would she so quickly give the name of the alleged kidnapper? It seems contradictory. Either you are keeping quiet on all fronts, or you are giving all the information you can give in order to catch the person she is allegedly with....?

Believe09, excellent deduction in the shovel theory....of course, what else would she break a lock with?

She doesn't know the description of the nanny, the telephone number, the address, or know anybody that knows these things. An impossibility if there was really a nanny.
That's my point, I believe it was made up, the lock on it now is new. Remeber Cindy saying she had not been able to find her for a month, now she is chatting up the shed- and Cindy was never told she came back on 6/24 allegedly- no way

Got it. I agree!
If somebody "took Caylee" to punish Casey, how likely is it that they would have kept her around with the nationwide attention given to this case, and the liklihood of getting caught?
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