Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #58

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So when George testified at the bond hearing about wrok he said he had a job in Ohio 79-89 and he just started a job end of July,he forgot he had a job on June 24th?

I think George is in charge of the housekeeping, cooking, shopping and maintenance. His list of duties also included babysitter.
Cindy brings home the bacon.
George also could have temp jobs as security, then Casey would need a Zanny. Until she moved out, bad move on her part.
The person, whether casey or not, could have just made up a number. It may not have been a real number.

LE must be tracing phone numbers to get records of who had the 'disconnected number' and if it could be traced back to Casey. If it WAS Casey at the apt. complex looking at the apartment under the ZG name, (which is what I believe) that number being disconnected is too coincidental - it must have been someone's number with significance or was an older number used by Casey. She would knowingly give a number that no one could be reached at. And any cell phone numbers that were really Casey's could be traced by payment means, no? It's not like she'd pay cash for her cell phone bill. Then again, maybe she just didn't pay her bill and it was eventually shut off.
Maybe it's just a long list of things that they plan to get him for?

Not applicable, has not testified in court.. Tampering, obstruction, possibly liying to a fed all could be on the table..

ETA: I actualy meant to say it was their conversation to the feds that prompted this... I think George was asked the question or actually made that statement to the FBI because he knew he could be arrested for it, as opposed to LE. Feedback was given to LE, they advised him that the knew he lied, cough up the cans, etc.. or we will charge you.. possible
Regarding the trash can incident: If GP went to the trunk to remove this item even tho Casey was protesting, where was the garbage? How come he didn't see or smell this garbage and if he did, why didn't he remove it to the family garbage instead of leaving it in the trunk? The Anthony's are trying to say the garbage sat in there for 19 days or something. Well now apparently there was no garbage in there on the 24th.

This statement right there will show that the Anthony's have been lying. If he did see Casey and the trunk on June 24th, the "garbage" and "maggoty rotten pizza" would have been in there. He would have smelled it. Cindy said on Greta, There was just the gas cans and NORMAL things in the trunk. That blows the rotten pizza theory out of the water,.. IMO
Does anyone have FACTS about when George was unemployed and then remployed during the timeline in question... I distinctly remember him being unemployed and starting a ne job 7/14- am I wrong?
Cindy testified at the bond hearing that George started a new job on July 14th. I don't remember her talking about whether he was previously unemployed.

Lee and Casey joked on myspace in June 2006 about gifting George with a "Job Hunting for Dummies" book for Father's Day, so I take it he's had periods of unemployment in the past couple of years. Or maybe he has a disability that causes him to be unable to work at times?
Questions about the wedge supposedly in Casey's trunk.

I don't rotate my own tires, so I may not understand this exactly. But, why would the wedge be in Casey's trunk? Wouldn't George rotate Casey's and Cindy's tires in a garage or driveway? I think their garage is fairly well organized. Why not put the wedge back in the garage? I think Casey's trunk is a strange place to store it.

Or, maybe this makes good sense and I just don't understand?
I really thought he did say he was about to leave for work. I can't say that with 100% certainty but I think he did.

Not to add more confusion (if that's possible), but George said he was watching his favorite news or cooking or whatever show when Casey came in on the 24th and the discovery of the gas cans in the trunk was made. Caylee was "supposedly" with Zanny on this day, according to Casey when George asked about her. The 16th was the last day he saw Caylee.
Not applicable, has not testified in court.. Tampering, obstruction, possibly liying to a fed all could be on the table..

ETA: I actualy meant to say it was their conversation to the feds that prompted this... I think George was asked the question or actually made that statement to the FBI because he knew he could be arrested for it, as opposed to LE. Feedback was given to LE, they advised him that the knew he lied, cough up the cans, etc.. or we will charge you.. possible
How is that not applicable? He was in a courtroom - court of law - took the stand - raised his hand - sworn in. Whether it's a bond hearing, trial, whatever. What he did was perjure himself last night.
Does anyone have FACTS about when George was unemployed and then remployed during the timeline in question... I distinctly remember him being unemployed and starting a ne job 7/14- am I wrong?

I'm with you on this Blink. First, I don't believe it was ever said that he had any job prior to the new job, which involved some sort of security work. Perhaps he did some moonlighting, but I'm thinking the guy just didn't work.
I, also, believe the only reason he became gainfully employed was because of the credit card charges Casey ran up. Someone had to pay them somehow, and we know that no charges were made to authorities until Cindy decided to call police on Casey. George may not have wanted charges filed, and Cindy just decided to throw in everything she could think of to get Casey to produce Caylee.

George might be the bigger enabler of the two.

I think the family has some dates mixed up. It seems that they knew the day of week, for example Father's Day, when they saw Caylee last and then didn't know that it was the 9th vs. 15th. If they were gone three weeks, I could see them saying, "about a month" or something to that effect. Plus, if they were used to seeing Caylee and then three weeks go by without seeing her, it could seem longer than it really is. I'm willing to cut them some slack on the dates because they are having to go back and remember BUT that being said, George would know if he saw her/them after the gas can incident. And in no way does this take away from the FACT that they are spinning a web of lies about the many aspects of this case. It sounds arrogant, but they just aren't in our league folks when it comes to what's upstairs.

What I want to know is, what is the cell phone saying from the 24th through the time she went into custody???? Who did she call, where are the pings?
IMO Casey tries to sound too proper or intelligent in the phone calls. Almost like she has planned each and every word down to a script (which I'm thinking she has.)
The words she uses to describe things sometimes are so strange, too proper. Not words I would use when talking to my family, maybe when talking at work or with a professor but not with my family.
Where exactly in the backyard did the dogs (inconsistently according to Cindy) hit? I ask because I am wondering if the gas cans GP removed from the trunk and put back in the shed are what they were smelling.

I have never thought the theories of Casey carrying Caylee's body around the backyard made any sense and thought that would be a clear hit by the dogs if it were true. But if the cans were in the trunk with Caylee and then moved to the backyard that might explain it. It would also tighten up the timeline.

I am also really curious if the ZG the police contacted who said they she didn't know Casey or Caylee, did she confirm looking at the apartment? The reporters in the area must be able to locate the same ZG the police did, no?

This statement right there will show that the Anthony's have been lying. If he did see Casey and the trunk on June 24th, the "garbage" and "maggoty rotten pizza" would have been in there.
Not if it was put into the trunk after the 24th and before the 27th, when the car was abandoned, and the 30th when it was towed.

But then, I don't believe George saw the car on the 24th unless a neighbor confirms it.

On the other hand, how would Cindy know how many days the pizza was in the trunk? She was counting back from the time the car was towed until it was picked up at the impound lot. How could she know it hadn't been left in the car a week or two earlier than June 27th?
I believe the family is afraid of Casey. I'm going to bet since she was a little girl it was easier for the family to ignore, make excuses, whatever they had to do Just not confront Casey's mental problems. I can just hear the excuses. My little girl would not do that, it had to be her friends, my little girl didn't cheat on that test you are just picking on her so forth and so on. Everything she did oh how cute. I had a relative with a son who could do no wrong. Everything he did they laughed, they were afraid not to laugh they would never confront him. He is now dead from drugs. They know she has serious problems, but why change their way of dealing with her now? Who knows what kind of violence and threats she has used on the family? My observation, I could be way wrong, but that's how it looks like to me.
The person, whether casey or not, could have just made up a number. It may not have been a real number.

But that's my point, it just happened to be a disconnected number and not a 'wrong' number. Too much of a coincidence.

If I just randomly made up a phone number, chances are it belongs to someone and they would say, sorry you have the wrong number. But this number was disconnected.
Questions about the wedge supposedly in Casey's trunk.

I don't rotate my own tires, so I may not understand this exactly. But, why would the wedge be in Casey's trunk? Wouldn't George rotate Casey's and Cindy's tires in a garage or driveway? I think their garage is fairly well organized. Why not put the wedge back in the garage? I think Casey's trunk is a strange place to store it.quote]

That's exactly what I was wondering. :waitasec: They have a 2 car garage attached to their house -- and didn't Cindy say that they had 3 sheds in the backyard?? Then why would he have this wedge in Casey's trunk?
Not to add more confusion (if that's possible), but George said he was watching his favorite news or cooking or whatever show when Casey came in on the 24th and the discovery of the gas cans in the trunk was made. Caylee was "supposedly" with Zanny on this day, according to Casey when George asked about her. The 16th was the last day he saw Caylee.
No he said he was watching his favorite show on the 16th when Caylee and Casey left the house.
Why wasn't LE there first thing this morning or even late last night arresting him on PERJURY charges?

That's got me baffled. Anyone care to weigh in on this one?

Because they don't want the family to lawyer up. They want them to keep doing exactly what George did last night. If it wasn't for the fact that George made the comment about the gas cans to a reporter last week, then LE may have never known that he had them back. The more they talk the more they hang themselves.
Not applicable, has not testified in court.. Tampering, obstruction, possibly liying to a fed all could be on the table..

ETA: I actualy meant to say it was their conversation to the feds that prompted this... I think George was asked the question or actually made that statement to the FBI because he knew he could be arrested for it, as opposed to LE. Feedback was given to LE, they advised him that the knew he lied, cough up the cans, etc.. or we will charge you.. possible it. Thanks.
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