Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #62

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Thank you Wind Chime
RR LOL I know
Do inmates at the orange county jail have access to internet? And if so obviously monitored - Is she watching developments on tv in front of all the other inmates and so they all know who she is? Is she in a solitary cell and is it dangerous there like at the outdoor exercise break and meals etc?
just wondering
Thanks Wind Chime!
I so want to believe that Caylee is alive. I don't feel she was killed in the backyard of her GP's house. I don't know what happened, but I can't let myself believe that Casey deliberately hurt her child. But, I do believe that Casey owes it to her child to stop thinking about herself and give the information that will bring Caylee home. I will never forgive her for leaving her child out there for all this time...and I think she doesn't deserve the distinction of being a loving daughter. She has put her family through h*ll. JMO Nighty night all!

Goodnight sweet Caylee...sweet dreams!
you know I watched one of the older news videos of george the other day. He was speaking to the odor issue..and he said, yes, it was his first thought..the smell...and what it said to him..
he went on to say something then about how your mind dont want to go there so he thought it just had to be she had run over an animal...because NO WAY casey would do this...
He's not being logical...and in so many words...he admitted it in that interview...

he didnt have to admit that this was his first thought ...he is basically saying to me "ya...this is bad and I know it..but I cant accept it"
Same thing with cindy and that 911 call..she was in the moment...she was honest...but then the unthinkable is at your door step and you fool yourself to believe it just can't be when the dust settles
they know...they have known...but they are fighting those thoughts and holding on to any kind of bs to back up the imaginary way they want it to be..I don;t think they are out right lying to us..but i do think they are lying to themselves...
because they love thier grand daughter...because they love thier daughter...

if we are going to hold these grandparents to every word they speak than we cant forget some of the most important ones...

like cindy calling 911 and pulling the police in, in the first place

and george pulling the cop aside and saying "I have a feeling she is hiding something " (speaking about Casey)

I am going to give these people the benefit of the doubt until LE shows me something different...It's casey I don't trust..and LE has been fast to show to show me that is founded...

But they NEVER searched for Caylee, ever! Not even when they thought that she had been kidnapped by the babysitter! They never even went to the apartment where Casey said she last saw the baby!! They never asked for any of the child search people for help either! Wouldn't you think that they would have been out doing everything that they could think to do to find their granddaughter and by doing so, it would have helped to prove their daughter innocent as well, if that's what they believed the case to be, or even wanted anyone else to believe it!
Thanks Wind Chime!
I so want to believe that Caylee is alive. I don't feel she was killed in the backyard of her GP's house. I don't know what happened, but I can't let myself believe that Casey deliberately hurt her child. But, I do believe that Casey owes it to her child to stop thinking about herself and give the information that will bring Caylee home. I will never forgive her for leaving her child out there for all this time...and I think she doesn't deserve the distinction of being a loving daughter. She has put her family through h*ll. JMO Nighty night all!

Goodnight sweet Caylee...sweet dreams!
Many have commented that Casey could have a mental illness. There are several symptoms. Some have indicated she is a "sociopath" or suffering from "antisocial personality disorder" ("APD) I believe bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia are inherited. Does anyone know if APD is inherited? Could it be that Cindy suffers from some milder version of the same thing?
what does everyone think about the new reports that casey is saying she feels caylee's life is in danger now?

Do you think she feels the walls closing in and gearing up for her next set of lies...

It was reported recently that the mom cancelled a visit and Lee may cancel was also mentioned on one of the talk shows that the family isnt even having phone calls..

Was this a group effort to put pressure on her?

Is Casey now stating this because of a lack of attention from her family?

Something to pull them back in?
If Cindy also suffers from a mental illness in some degree, it could explain her positions with regard to this case and her media statements that seem so outlandish.
It is not uncommon for people with antisocial personality disorders to have alternate identities.
I gotta hit the hay too. I hope Casey was for once telling the truth when she said that Caylee will be home for her birthday. Good Sleuthing everyone.

have a blessed day,
I think grandma is starting to come out of denial, and is facing the fact that Caylee is dead. Its almost like she is taking baby steps to admit it.

what does everyone think about the new reports that casey is saying she feels caylee's life is in danger now?

Do you think she feels the walls closing in and gearing up for her next set of lies...

It was reported recently that the mom cancelled a visit and Lee may cancel was also mentioned on one of the talk shows that the family isnt even having phone calls..

Was this a group effort to put pressure on her?

Is Casey now stating this because of a lack of attention from her family?

Something to pull them back in?
I know the apartment Casey pointed them too has been empty since Feb, but I wonder if LE can go in there and take prints and see if Caylee or Casey were ever in that apartment?
I know the apartment Casey pointed them too has been empty since Feb, but I wonder if LE can go in there and take prints and see if Caylee or Casey were ever in that apartment?

I'm hoping they've thought of that if they're doing a thorough job, but we have no idea what they really know or are doing
Is it true that some have consulted these forums? Definitely know the press haven't as they get info 5 days later :crazy:
But they NEVER searched for Caylee, ever! Not even when they thought that she had been kidnapped by the babysitter! They never even went to the apartment where Casey said she last saw the baby!! They never asked for any of the child search people for help either! Wouldn't you think that they would have been out doing everything that they could think to do to find their granddaughter and by doing so, it would have helped to prove their daughter innocent as well, if that's what they believed the case to be, or even wanted anyone else to believe it!

That's the part that seems the strangest to me. I mean why not? What could it have hurt? Especially with the offers from so many amazing search and rescue groups! Someone here mentioned once that if it was their Grandchild missing they would have shown little Caylee's photo to every resident of the Sawgrass Apartments, asking if they recognized the child!! That should have been the first search of many Cindy and Co. made in my opinion.

And yet Cindy still has the unmitigated gall to tell US to get off our arses to search for Caylee.

I would really love to hear a trained behaviorist or psychologist give their opinion of the family dynamic after watching the two hour uncut Greta interview. Everything about this family wreaks of Narcissism.
Do inmates at the orange county jail have access to internet? And if so obviously monitored - Is she watching developments on tv in front of all the other inmates and so they all know who she is? Is she in a solitary cell and is it dangerous there like at the outdoor exercise break and meals etc?
just wondering

I seriously doubt that any inmate at the Orange County jail has internet access.
what does everyone think about the new reports that casey is saying she feels caylee's life is in danger now?

Do you think she feels the walls closing in and gearing up for her next set of lies...

It was reported recently that the mom cancelled a visit and Lee may cancel was also mentioned on one of the talk shows that the family isnt even having phone calls..

Was this a group effort to put pressure on her?

Is Casey now stating this because of a lack of attention from her family?

Something to pull them back in?

If Casey has access to television and or newspapers, she may be able to follow the progress of the investigation. If this is true, then she may very well be feeling the walls closing in.

I think the family members not visiting Casey may be an effort to put pressure on her to cooperate with LE.
Can anyone give me a update it has been such a busy bad day I don't know if anything happened ( besides what I read earlier in the day). Also if you could pray for my family I would appericate it. ( read Jury room)
With all the details that have come out in the past two days, I can't help but think that.........

1. LE has received some of the forensic lab results and has confirmation that Caylee was in the trunk of that car.

2. Someone is talking and giving LE information, perhaps an accomplice. This may be why there was mention of immunity being discussed.

3. New information received from analysis of evidence or from interviews with friends, has resulted in the CSI done yesterday at the Anthony home, and the plans for a search of water areas near the Anthony home.

I have a feeling that within the next 24 - 48 hours we might see a press conference called by LE with an update on the investigation.
I seriously doubt that any inmate at the Orange County jail has internet access.

Ah ok, I'd heard that in some places they do in the states and other countries, hence those websites with people who are total strangers but offer to write to inmates to give support and "keep them company"
maybe it's just for long term inmates
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