Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #62

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I think that Cindy made such a big deal about the pool ladder and the sheds being locked because she was trying to cover herself and George from any kind of neglect charges. They might have left the ladder there all the time, but she insisted that the ladder was always put up when not in use and the sheds were locked to protect the child because they were such wonderful caretakers of her. :rolleyes: Seems like she was setting it up so that everyone, especially LE, wouldn't even THINK to question them about any involvement with the missing child, they would just automatically assume that such good, caring, careful grandparents couldn't possibly be involved! JMHO
George only started his new job the Monday before the first hearing. Cindy supposedly was on vacation time (IIRC) unless it was later. However, I would be willing to bet that not ONE of those calls was to either she was WITH them, IMO.

Are we certain that George wasn't employed somewhere else prior to his starting that new job?

Wouldn't the investigators already have that information, SS? Surely they have triangulated all Casey's calls by now. No?
I think that Cindy made such a big deal about the pool ladder and the sheds being locked because she was trying to cover herself and George from any kind of neglect charges. They might have left the ladder there all the time, but she insisted that the ladder was always put up when not in use and the sheds were locked to protect the child because they were such wonderful caretakers of her. :rolleyes: Seems like she was setting it up so that everyone, especially LE, wouldn't even THINK to question them about any involvement with the missing child, they would just automatically assume that such good, caring, careful grandparents couldn't possibly be involved! JMHO

See i thought that she was trying to justify having locked her own daughter out of the shed, to explain why she had to borrow her neighbors shovel and not use one of their own. I think she just expanded on that original thought to say, the ladder in the pool is also always put away for Caylee's safety. That little girl was not neglected by her grandparents. She was neglected by her mother.
It was very strong according to LE and Cindy.

Detectives reported smelling a strong odor of human decomposition in the car trunk after cadaver dogs led them there. They said they also found hair samples similar to those belonging to Caylee.

Cindy Anthony said the trunk smelled like a dead body when she called 911 to report her granddaughter missing. She also asked emergency dispatchers to take her daughter into custody.,2933,398762,00.html

If the body was in the car when George picked it up, why not report it right then......why wait 'til they find Casey, to ask her about it ??
This morning Fox showed a clip of Cindy explaining how she found out Casey was missing.
She said that she walked into the room and Casey was laying on the floor crying telling her brother Lee that Casey had been kidnapped.

The clip of the bags being carried out by CSI were paper bags, the size like you get at the grocery store.
Pictures, papers?
Note: Unconfirmed rumor (reported to Fox moments ago) by an area reporter:

Orlando media outlets are circulating a rumor (unconfirmed by OCSO) that there will be divers searching area canals and waterways in close proximity to the Anthony home, possibly under the guise of 'normal and routine training'.
Why are you accepting this as a fact? The last time ANY ONE saw Caylee was at the nursing center on July 15th. THAT is a fact.

Do we know from someone other than Cindy that the video was shot on the 15th?
(Sorry if this has been discussed?)
I have not had time to catch up, but last night on the Nancy G's show, this statement was made by her:

And a bizarre scenario now emerges. Did mom, Casey, actually pose as the mystery baby-sitter who kidnapped little Caylee? Anthony facing hard jail time after the state hands down felony charges on child neglect and lying to investigators.

I believe you have to take stuff like these sensationalistic headlines with a grain of salt, all of these shows (nancy, geraldo, even greta) use these to lure you in. I watched and didn't see this even addressed, however the baby was crying at the time, but i've seen Nancy get fact after fact wrong, and usually 3 days later than we know it here.

I agree, I learned that by following the Natalee Holloway case. Was just wondering if there was any proof to this statement.
This morning Fox showed a clip of Cindy explaining how she found out Casey was missing.
She said that she walked into the room and Casey was laying on the floor crying telling her brother Lee that Casey had been kidnapped.

The clip of the bags being carried out by CSI were paper bags, the size like you get at the grocery store.
Pictures, papers?

I thought she said before that she overheard Casey telling Lee before she went into the room. Something like maybe through the door, or while she was standing outside the room?:waitasec:
Do we know from someone other than Cindy that the video was shot on the 15th?
(Sorry if this has been discussed?)

I do not know if it has been confirmed... I remember the GM not wanting LE to go to the nursing home to check the sign-in book - said she didn't want her father dragged into this. Does anyone else know if it has been confirmed?

And welcome to WS, fellow Montana person! :crazy:
Benji I think she said "she heard Casey tell him" so yes, she probably overheard it, and then she went into the bit about seeing Casey laying on the floor crying etc..
I thought she said before that she overheard Casey telling Lee before she went into the room. Something like maybe through the door, or while she was standing outside the room?:waitasec:

That's what I heard also!
I don't see where Cindy has any authority to tell LE not to check out a sign in book at a nursing home. And if it came to it, LE could question her father if it were necessary.
I do not know if it has been confirmed... I remember the GM not wanting LE to go to the nursing home to check the sign-in book

I have been waiting patiently to hear if LE went to the nursing home. Would love to know what time they signed in and signed out.
I placed the link in the thread for Media links- a lady has come forward and claims she saw Caylee this past Saturday with a hispanic couple at a Ruskin, FL McDonalds. I don't think it was her, but I hope it was.
I don't see where Cindy has any authority to tell LE not to check out a sign in book at a nursing home. And if it came to it, LE could question her father if it were necessary.

Oh, I completely agree. I just for some reason remember her getting upset when they said they (LE) were going to go to the nursing home. Seemed odd to me at the time. From a thread way back... I will see if I can find it.
I don't see where Cindy has any authority to tell LE not to check out a sign in book at a nursing home. And if it came to it, LE could question her father if it were necessary.

The only thing Cindy was trying to do is not tell LE the name of the nursing home. LE reported at the bond hearing they called Lee and asked for his cooperation regarding the nursing home.
Exactly! So the last time they saw her was the 16th not the 9th as Cindy keeps claiming. Both Casey and Caylee stayed the night with George and Cindy.

FYI- Cindy doesn't claim the 9th anymore. Its in the bond hearing. She confused her dates...or whatever she did.
I can see her not wanting her father upset, but if that was the last time Caylee was seen by the family, anyone and everyone who saw her that day would/should be questioned, whether that was her father or the nursing home staff.
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