Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #65

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I am still trying to support the grandparents, they may have messed up things at different times, but they are only humans trying to make sense of the worst nightmare that could happen to a family.

I am a grandma and love my daughter. I cannot even begin to know what I would do if all this was happening in my family. I just could never believe my daughter would do such a thing and I would continually search for reasons to explain her behaviors. Grandparents must be in a state of shock, as I would be. I'm sure I would do multitudes of wrong things because who could think logically with all this going on in there family.

Maybe I misunderstood, As far as the pants, isn't it the grandparents who said they had found them and said they had a smell?..if so, they were not trying to hide anything.
My prayers go to everyone who is hurt by all this chaos.
If your daughter came home with her car (or you had to go "bail out" her car) and you knew that was the smell of death in that car - and you even call 911 and tell the cops that - would you not know better than to touch anything in or on that car? Much less - oh yea - I gotta do load of laundry. C'mon - common sense. I have children - one just turned 18 and is in basic training at Ft. Knox and the youngest, 14 starting high school in two weeks. No way, no way in he77 would I NOT know what to do in that case with either one and even if I misstepped - hubby would be right there behind me saying "wait" we should leave it all alone until they (cops) get here.
Maybe Lee's statement to the press about throwing out the toys that smelled like smoke was setting the stage to show how much of a neat freak Cindy is and explain the washing the clothes ahead of time.
how would she have done a rape test kit?

She is an orthepedic nurse IIRC so she probably would not do a rape test kit. You can't compare a nurse working in a doctor's office with one working in emergency because they will have totally different skills.
cindy didn't work in a hospital she worked in a geriatric facility

so do i but im aware of that and do we no she worked in a nursing home her whole career? And in nursing school u learn about dna and body fluids
My mom never met my sitters or ever had their phone numbers. I don't think it is odd.
Did you work? I always put information like that on my employee card...g-d forbid anything happened to me my family was listed first. Sitter's contact information was listed as well. If something happened to Casey at work...or on the way to would the grandparents know where to get Caylee? Who would they be able to call to pick up their granddaughter?
She is an orthepedic nurse IIRC so she probably would not do a rape test kit. You can't compare a nurse working in a doctor's office with one working in emergency because they will have totally different skills.

i know im a nurse
Maybe Lee's statement to the press about throwing out the toys that smelled like smoke was setting the stage to show how much of a neat freak Cindy is and explain the washing the clothes ahead of time.

Yeah, I think that's probably true. I don't think they realized how bad that would make them look... but the house is always spotless so Cindy must clean 24/7.
At the time of the pants washing, Grandparents still believe Caylee is alive. They didn't even have to mention the pants if they didn't want to.
she is an orthepedic nurse iirc so she probably would not do a rape test kit. You can't compare a nurse working in a doctor's office with one working in emergency because they will have totally different skills.

i disagree, you dont have to go to further schooling to be a nurse for an orthopedic or different school for er or hospital go to college graduate and take yur state board and if u pass your a nurse if u dont pass then u retake it
I'm giving Cindy the benefit of doubt here about the smell... maybe she'd never smelled a dead decomposing body. But George, c'mon now... he had to have smelled a decomposing body atleast once -- and it's the nastiest, smelliest smell ever -- how could HE not know??
i know im a nurse

So is my sister but she does home health care and I have never heard her mention giving a rape test kit to any of her patients in the last 25 years.
i disagree, you dont have to go to further schooling to be a nurse for an orthopedic or different school for er or hospital go to college graduate and take yur state board and if u pass your a nurse if u dont pass then u retake it

i disagree. i've been a nurse 15 yrs..i've never done a rape kit. you don't perform a rape kit to get your license. thanks.
We're not talking rotten pizza smell here. She (and George) knew THAT smell - they knew what THAT was - she admitted to this on the phone - 911 - the only call some are saying she sounds genuine and truly upset. And she had made that phone call well after those pants were washed and put in the dryer. I'm sorry - no - I'm not buying she was running on auto-pilot and didn't realize what she was doing - then George (ex-LE) - admittedly knowing what THAT smell was - not only allows Cindy to do this but HE as well proceeds to clean out the trunk - oh yea - with the rotten pizza.

Not buying it. No way, no how.

Just a thought...

After reading the search warrant released today, I had to take a breather, mostly to take the pencil out of my eye. In one of the last paragraphs, there is a synopsis of the grandfather's statements from this last Friday -Monday Anthony interview with authorities. How, when the grandfather can give such an expressly detailed and LE-like description of the clothing Casey and Caylee were wearing when he last saw saw them a month ago, could this guy jump into a car that apparently had an odor of human decomposition and not call law enforcement right away?

Things that make you go....whhhhhhhhhhaaat???
At our hospitals you must have a trained nurse to do a rape kit. Regular nurses are not allowed. I know because my friend had to go to the next town to have her rape kit done because our hospital did not have a trained nurse on duty.
Bottom line is Grandma did not believe Caylee was dead when she washed the pants.
At the time of the pants washing, Grandparents still believe Caylee is alive. They didn't even have to mention the pants if they didn't want to.
At the time of the pants washing they (GPs) hadn't seen either their daughter nor their granddaughter for 30 days (if you go with the last date as 7/16) - and these were "children" that lived WITH you up until that time and you were used to seeing EVERY day. I think the "mention" of the pants came out of that 6 hour meeting last week - with the line of questioning concerning the car and getting it back.
At the time of the pants washing, Grandparents still believe Caylee is alive. They didn't even have to mention the pants if they didn't want to.

Yeah, I'm wondering if Cindy just thought "gross, this car is stinky... let me get these pants out and wash them before they stink up the house." or something like that. Then George & her talk about what he found in the trunk -- or what HE thinks the smell is... then Cindy freaks out. :confused:

Geez, who knows...
Did I say my message board diagnosis was binding? lol. There are links to Dr's. in these threads that have come to the same conclusion. And profilers rarely get to meet their subjects before creating a profile.
I agree. All you have to do is listen to Casey on the phone calls to know what you're dealing with here. Of course, many do base their opinions/statements of Casey on their own personal experience. I think I've heard enough from the drs. and profilers to substantiate my own opinion.
I'm giving Cindy the benefit of doubt here about the smell... maybe she'd never smelled a dead decomposing body. But George, c'mon now... he had to have smelled a decomposing body atleast once -- and it's the nastiest, smelliest smell ever -- how could HE not know??
She said she did - she admitted (God please don't ask me to go find the tape - there are hundreds now - but she did) to having this "knowledge" of what THAT smell is. I think it was around the rotten-pizza-maggot-theory of hers time
so is my sister but she does home health care and i have never heard her mention giving a rape test kit to any of her patients in the last 25 years.

ok let me rephrase this not every nurse has given a rape test kit but every nurse is aware of them and what and why they are done

so noing the car smelt like decomposition and the pants smelling that way so if the cops didnt take them but your gd is still not seen put them in a paper bag and hold on to them just in case needed in the near future which they were george could have figured that one out as well
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