Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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Just keep praying that wherever he appeals the decision that they turn him down. She needs to stay in jail just where she is. I pray LE gets whatever info they need to charge her. Ok, I am off to bed. I am tired!
:waitasec: Could some of her tears be because she was having to look her mom and dad in the eye for the first time since some of the facts have come out?

That would be tough....especially if you were easily intimidated by your mother AND guilty..

Maybe some. maybe.

Also MAYBE seeing her family, she feels some shame?
Casey could also be dangerous to her parents. There is no telling what she's capable of.

You are so right SuziQ!

Where is her baby? If she is capable of that she's capable of more. imo
Casey could also be dangerous to her parents. There is no telling what she's capable of.

I wouldn't sleep in the same house with her! If she can lie about what she has most likely done to her sweet, innocent child, then she would stop at nothing!
And IF Casey were to get out on bail, the first thing that would happen is a knock down brawl with her mother, Cindy!
She is exactly where she needs to be - in jail, and no one pandering to her!

I feel little Caylee is gone, but she is in heaven and with God, never to know any more pain.
Until she starts cooperating, I think she needs to stay in jail, as well... because I feel that if she is let out, she will either be ferried away into hiding, or do what Melinda Duckett did. As rabid as her mother is against the media and public about Casey being the person of interest in Caylee's disappearance, In my opinion I could fathom her trying to help hide Casey.

This whole case is intense... nerve-wracking intense... I so wish everything would just fall in to place and Caylee was found and justice put into motion to be served...
I think that while Cindy was in contact with Casey via cell phone, Cindy may not have known Casey's physical location - where she was staying and with whom. Casey may have wanted it this way...........didn't want mom to know exactly where she was because she didn't want mom to come find her.
Yes, you could be right and we will find this is the case. She would have found Casey. She would be on her own myspace and her friends' myspaces to find out which club her daughter was going to and been there. She would have found her and followed her back to where she was living to see if her grandchild was there knowing that her daughter was such a flake! (I would NOT have gone on vacation until I knew where that child was and knew she was safe.) This is where I have a problem with Cindy. As controlling as she was previously (and as we have seen now)...why would she relinquish all control and walk away?
Think he'll make more sense then?

When he talks, my head spins and if a fly is around, he may land in my mouth!:eek:
Lawd, I don't know if I could take seeing him thru a whole trial.

Any high profile defense attornys available that know Nancy and Greta practicing in Fl.?

Lol, probably not!
I feel little Caylee is gone, but she is in heaven and with God, never to know any more pain.


I had a rather long post I was going to type, but I think I will save it for tomorrow. LaLaw's post summed it up for me pretty nicely anyway.

'Nite all.
Naw, she's not nekkie. They have special suits, kinds like a huge bib with slits for arms.
I wish I could remember the name, it's on the tip of my tongue!
Scott Peterson had to wear one at some point.
Her lawyer is uh......imo....strange.

Was it called a Ferguson?
Allegedly though, Casey has been issued the blanket; not the dress.

Link to suicide prevent products:

I blame Mama Cindy for hiring the lawyer for Casey! The lawyer must protect the client he is hired to protect, if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure the lawyer is loving all the free publicity he is getting from this case. It's a win-win for him!
Was it called a Ferguson?
Allegedly though, Casey has been issued the blanket; not the dress.

Link to suicide prevent products:

I blame Mama Cindy for hiring the lawyer for Casey! The lawyer must protect the client he is hired to protect, if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure the lawyer is loving all the free publicity he is getting from this case. It's a win-win for him!
YES! Thank you....the Ferguson! It's been driving me batty trying to remember. lol

I don't know what the blanket is. Just a blanket but made of special materials?
I'll check your link tomorrow when my eyes are actually open to see the blanket. ty for the link too.

Do we know where she found this guy? Yellow pages or what?
Bad choice, IMO!
Geez, he was ignorant enough to lie on Nancys show about meeting with the police in 30 minutes and then never bothers to show.
I'm sure the police expected him to show up.

g'night all. sleep tight.
drip~drop, I wasn't sure but I thought it (ferguson) rang a bell.

Nite to you.
I am really sure that LE, while they were on the line at the time, never expected him to do anything. If we can believe the media, LE painted him to be the liar.

While I would never say a thing against any defense atty (*COUGH* other than how do they sleep?)...sounds to me like they invited him and his client, but he declined because they were going to "attack" her to further their prosecution case.

Uhm..HELLO?! What part of a child is missing and she is holding all the cards does he not get?! BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD. These are words that everyone understands.
Gosh...sometimes I don't think I'll ever catch up! Don't know how long I'll get to be "with" you guys tonight...hubby's concerned I'm getting too emotionally involved...(he's concerned about me and I'm concerned about a missing 2 yr old :)).

I know this...if something, God forbid, ever happened to one of my babies...I'd want you guys "looking". I wouldn't care what you said about my parenting skills as long as you helped me. This case makes me want to beat my head against the wall until it's a bloody stump!

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Very well said!! I couldn't agree more! I would sit there with police until I was blue in the face if I had to......even if they were collecting evidence against me or thought I had something to do with it.....if my child were missing and I knew in my heart I didn't hurt them......I would do whatever it took to make sure my child were safe, even if that meant sitting in prison for a while because the cops thought it was me. If Casey is innocent, then talk to the police.......who cares if they are trying to put you away!!! If what you're saying is the TRUTH then talk to them so they can get your daughter home safely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once she's found then you can worry about your own @ss :(

*I am totally emotionally invested in this case but there's no turning back now*
The models are scary!


honestly, did they have to find homelesslike and crazylike people to represent suicidalish jail inmates? they look like they are going to come "GET YOU!!!"

i wonder if that was their only modelling gig.

i actually laughed for the first time today... *sigh* this case is ultra depressing.
They are something. Looks like they just woke up.
Good morning everyone. I finally got caught up reading. This board sure moves fast. I wonder at what point Cindy knew that Casey had stolen her credit card...when she got the bill maybe or when she looked in her wallet and it was missing and did she report the card stolen to the card company.
Just woke up was hoping to hear good news that Caylee had been found guess not I hope they do not let Casey out of jail hopefully she will break down and open up to police today.(but then again if they do let her out and follow her every move with listening devices she might lead them to Caylee or at least give them clues where she is ) Ok I'm off to work
I wonder what Casey bought when she used Cindy's credit card? When did she do this? If it was during the time
Caylee went missing, it would be interesting to know if she bought anything for Caylee during her shopping spree.
I bet she only bought items for herself.
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