Caylee Anthony 2 years old #7: General Discussion

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Awww, Mkay~ Hugs~

You don't need to post warnings to discuss those aspects of the case and we do get into some very graphic things here. Your post is fine. (No, I am not a mod...just know the rules.)

It is difficult to understand how in case after case we see such coldness, detachment, and downright evil here. It doesn't get easier. Every case has different horrors and come with even more horrendous details. It is very sad.

Keep in mind, we can't think like these people. We aren't here to wrap our minds around what people like this can do, have done, or how they live with themselves. Don't try because it is not possible.

We are here to bring justice to a little girl lost. We don't have to understand why. We only have to figure out where she could be and bring her matter what that means.

We need to talk about ways to prevent such cases in the future. How do we keep these children safe from parents who are their own child's worst enemy? Action instead of thinking someone else will do it. Talking about it in our communities to people who will listen helps. Keeping it in front of the public view so others can see what is happening in such cases is another way to bring action and change.
This is actually a good bit of evidence against Jose though if ya think about it. He just admitted that he heard the vm and called the person back, asking about it. Why didn't he call LE and have THEM investigate it?

Good Point !
The family (GM) wants them to think whatever happened to her it happened 5 weeks ago because if they actually knew the true time of this baby's demise, and imo, the moving of her remains, they would know where to look; which is in the landfill closest to where the car was abandoned, delivered from the dumpster at that shopping center circa 6/25...
They are able to search by grid based on dumpster deliveries and dates.
I pray they act on this before she is released.

Yes; this says it all to me at this point...
Cindy knows this too. In that one long (raw) interview by the local media, Cindy went on and on in that interview about locking the shed and the an explanation of the bamboo shoots and how they have to be cut with a shovel. It was too much information when a simple answer would have been sufficient. It was part of the cover-up, because I think Cindy knows why Casey was in their backyard with a shovel.

Exactly! That's what I was saying last night. When someone goes into that much detail about something, they're lying.
imnotheonlyone...just wanted to say I truly enjoy your posts. You are among my "must reads" even when I don't agree with you, as in the NF case. Heheh

Thank you so very much, what a thoughtful, kind comment. I worry, sometimes (like today) that I talk way too much (on here, that is, I'm a very quiet person in the real world).

Thank you again! :blowkiss:
I cant go to bed here is another question.. Why are all these people calling her instead of the cops? Do they have her number in their pocket, hmmm by a swimming pool, in a airport? The baby was kidnapped hmm 31 days ago and they are just getting on a plane? yeah right
Cindy was on my friends list--- I reconsidered with all thats coming out and sent her a 'message to let her know just what i thought of she and her daughter---

She "forgives" her daughter no matter what shes done?

I reminded her she didnt 'drop off the family cat"! And a few other choice things i had to say about her and her daughter.

I was deleted as her friend..Oh well.

My heart breaks for Caylee.

WOW I saw your bulletin. I am so hoping there is a good ending in this case. But not so sure.
Wow.. She hasn't deleted me yet, but I'm using my PI Investigations myspace account.

On a side note, I asked for a friend's request with Jesse a couple of days ago and he never accepted. He has been online since I sent the request. Isn't that interesting?

I think, then, that my bulletin (last night) regarding "WHY THE SECRECY?" must have prompted my "deletion" :) Oh well!

Jesse did accept me a couple of days ago - so far the only ones who've deleted me are Lee and Cindy.
Just got my grandsons down for the night and came in to check if Caylee has been found...

I'm only on page 7 of 20, so there is a lot to read, but I had to comment on the cadaver dogs hitting in two different places.
The backyard and the trunk of Casey's car.



I'm just sobbing here.

How does a mother after killing her baby (if that is what happened) carry her in her arms to a hole she digs in the ground?
How does one lay that baby in that hole and shovel dirt over her child?

Then to let your flesh and blood lay there for perhaps days only to come back to move her body??

How do you scoop that child into your arms and carry her to your car?
How do you put your precious baby in the trunk in her condition?

How does doing something like that not drive someone out of their mind?

It's breaking my heart, and she was not related to me.

I just can not comprehend how a mother can actually take the steps something like this would require...

I'm sorry if I offended anyone being so graphic here.
I deleted a lot of the descriptions I could have posted.

Mod's fell free to delete this if it is out of line. I apologize in advance if it was inappropriate.

You said what I've been feeling all day and have been teary eyed since the trial today. I can never fathom how she did this without completely falling to pieces.

Seeing the pictures of Caylee and Casey together, the happy faces and smiles, how could she do it........... ?
With younger children, especially, it usually takes awhile after a birthday for them to remember they're no longer the age they were..... my nephew has been 3 since May, but if you ask him how old he is, he still shoots off, "TWO!" We remind him he's 3, and he corrects himself.
I agree. They don't quite "get" birthdays other than they know they are getting presents, cake, and ice cream on that particular day. The age change is not something they readily comprehend at 2 years old.

I know this story has no merit. It is just another tall tale from her family, imo. We will see if this "mystery woman" surfaces tomorrow to tell her tale and see if the FBI can get the manifest plus surveillance videos at the airport to prove it didn't happen.
Whew, finally got caught up here! And I've been away from WS too long too, :)

Not too far back in this thread someone wondered if Cindy would commit suicide...good observation, I wouldn't be surprised if she has a nervous breakdown pretty soon. Watching that one news video of her going on and on, then her husband tells her to be quiet, just made me feel uncomfortable, in a disturbing way.

This entire case is crazy (IMO) heart breaks for that beautiful little girl :(


I agree. (I said it) That was when I thought she was really close to a breakdown. If she doesn't know what happened and it comes out Caylee is gone - I believe it will hurt her big time.
Thank you for the welcome, I have been snooping these blogs for a couple years enjoy seeing what everyone thinks & all the extra scoop.

This is a terrible case, not sure who to believe, The dad seems normal and so does the brother/uncle BUT mom and daughter have some serious issues.:behindbar

Welcome Denkster!
Wow.. She hasn't deleted me yet, but I'm using my PI Investigations myspace account.

On a side note, I asked for a friend's request with Jesse a couple of days ago and he never accepted. He has been online since I sent the request. Isn't that interesting?

I think it's very interesting, liltigress. Thank you!
I cant go to bed here is another question.. Why are all these people calling her instead of the cops? Do they have her number in their pocket, hmmm by a swimming pool, in a airport? The baby was kidnapped hmm 31 days ago and they are just getting on a plane? yeah right

I've been thinking the same thing. You're not alone. It's all too convenient, isn't it?
One of the many things that bothers me about Cindy is the way she follows up her defense of Casey by saying there is no evidence, and she has done this repeatedly. For instance today in court she said Casey hasn't done anything wrong, she is a good mother and there is no evidence she has done anything. She said the same line leaving court, and on some of the interviews. In my way of thinking this isn't normal, why say this is you believe someone is innocent.

And excuse me but just because there is no conclusive evidence/proof yet this does not an innocent person make. Everytime Cindy says this it convinces me she knows something and just hopes no one else will uncover what she (and Casey) know so she can continue to declare Casey is a good mom who has done nothing wrong.

I was amazed (though I shouldn't be) that Cindy couldn't keep her mouth shut when she left the courthouse. After what came out in court today she should have slipped/crawled out the back door with tape on her mouth if necessary.
I think, then, that my bulletin (last night) regarding "WHY THE SECRECY?" must have prompted my "deletion" :) Oh well!

Jesse did accept me a couple of days ago - so far the only ones who've deleted me are Lee and Cindy.

nobody has deleted me:

and a girl :waitasec: That something caught my eye on her page/name.
We all talk about Casey and Cindy at the breaking point, but if I were to call this one, I'd say dear old dad may crack first. He's been way too quiet and has been placed under Cindy's gag order for too long. He just might be the one that breaks first.
Thank you so very much, what a thoughtful, kind comment. I worry, sometimes (like today) that I talk way too much (on here, that is, I'm a very quiet person in the real world).

Thank you again! :blowkiss:

No, you never can "talk too much" here. Not with the very intriguing comments you have. No fears girl. :blowkiss:

I cant go to bed here is another question.. Why are all these people calling her instead of the cops? Do they have her number in their pocket, hmmm by a swimming pool, in a airport? The baby was kidnapped hmm 31 days ago and they are just getting on a plane? yeah right

Exactly! WHO calls the parent, POI, anyone other than the police when you see/witness a crime, suspect or victim? No one, that's who!!!:mad:
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