Caylee Anthony 2 years old #8: General Discussion

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I brought this up earlier but what if Caylee just got hurt around the playhouse and some blood got on the ground? Like while she was playing,.. And she really wasn't ever in the backyard dead? Someone told me that the dogs would only "hit" on the fluid from decompostion,... but wouldn't blood break down to have same decompostion fluid? Just wondering?

But the decompostion in the trunk iis what sealed that she is dead for me,.. how many OTHER dead bodies would have been there?
Cindy is the consumate drama queen. She has taken a page out of the video's we saw of Natalie Holloway's mom Beth. The words she says are almost indentical to Beths "I find peace in Caylee's room"

THE BIG DIFFERENCE is that Beth Holloway got out, as did the rest of her family and friends, and WALKED THE TALK. SHE searched the streets, ect. for Natalie.

Cindy is a nut job.

She knows that kid is dead. IMHO.

You can't be dumb and be an RN. At her age, and if her husband IS an ex-cop, she should KNOW that cadaver dogs NEVER hit on food. They are trained specifically NOT to do that.

CINDY GET OFF YOUR *advertiser censored*..AND OFF TV and start searching for your granddaughter IF YOU REALLY THINK SHE IS ALIVE!!:furious:

CC- when you are ready to come out of your shell, open up, and tell us how you really feel, we are here for you. You are in the circle of trust here my friend.
Technically, they may lock the doors but have 'Barney' out on patrol. In a small town that I used to work in, the local police would do just that. In fact, they would put their phone lines on auto-answer telling you to call the sheriffs department or 911 if it was an emergency after 7pm. I would call to request an escort to my car when I was shutting down my store at 9pm. Glad to say I don't work there any more.


But in the Orlando and surrounding areas??? I just don't know....
Ok! Thank you. I wonder if she is going to hit the club this weekend if she is out by then?!.. That whole club going thing while your child is missing speaks volumes to me.

I'm pretty sure that the electronic bracelet will not allow for this - thank God!
I brought this up earlier but what if Caylee just got hurt around the playhouse and some blood got on the ground? Like while she was playing,.. And she really wasn't ever in the backyard dead? Someone told me that the dogs would only "hit" on the fluid from decompostion,... but wouldn't blood break down to have same decompostion fluid? Just wondering?

But the decompostion in the trunk iis what sealed that she is dead for me,.. how many OTHER dead bodies would have been there?

No it's the protein in the flesh that breaks down.
I brought this up earlier but what if Caylee just got hurt around the playhouse and some blood got on the ground? Like while she was playing,.. And she really wasn't ever in the backyard dead? Someone told me that the dogs would only "hit" on the fluid from decompostion,... but wouldn't blood break down to have same decompostion fluid? Just wondering?

But the decompostion in the trunk iis what sealed that she is dead for me,.. how many OTHER dead bodies would have been there?

No, it is not the blood, or even any fluid in the ground per se- it is the SCENT of the breakdown of 2 proteins forming amino acids that begins instantaneously at death. There does not have to be any physical evidence left at the scene for a cadaver dog to smell it.
But in the Orlando and surrounding areas??? I just don't know....

I'm awfully tired today, but IIRC, some police stations in an area will lock their doors at night or certain times on the weekend. I went to a State Police station with a friend of mine one weekend to report something. The doors were locked. There are other police stations in the area, but I wasn't sure where. So, I do think some close, especially if there are other stations in the area.
Casey had "Bella Vida" tattooed. Bella Vida means Beautiful life. Jesse commented on Caylee being the prettiest Belle as she was dressed up as Belle (from Beauty & the beast).

It's also a street (blvd?) in Orlando (Bella Vida)
A guy I work with had this happen last month - his estranged wife opened a credit card in his name and racked up thousands without his knowledge. He only found out when he got a marketing call asking if he wanted to buy some kind of purchase insurance.

If I remember correctly, he filled out an affidavit with the credit card company to testify that he did not receive the money, and they made him whole. It's the card company that will go after his soon-to-be-ex.

Wouldn't it work that way with forged checks? Once the bank refunds its customer, the bank is the party that has suffered the loss and would press charges?

The bank doesn't refund the money to the account holder; they've already paid the money out to the person who forged the checks. If there was money in the account to cover the checks, then the bank isn't "out" anything, but if there isn't, then the account holder would have to come up with the money.
I'm no financial whiz, hopefully somebody else will have a definitive answer.
I brought this up earlier but what if Caylee just got hurt around the playhouse and some blood got on the ground? Like while she was playing,.. And she really wasn't ever in the backyard dead? Someone told me that the dogs would only "hit" on the fluid from decompostion,... but wouldn't blood break down to have same decompostion fluid? Just wondering?

But the decompostion in the trunk iis what sealed that she is dead for me,.. how many OTHER dead bodies would have been there?, this doesn't mention anything about how blood decomposes, but it does describe the process, somewhat.

Cindy is the consumate drama queen. She has taken a page out of the video's we saw of Natalie Holloway's mom Beth. The words she says are almost indentical to Beths "I find peace in Caylee's room"

THE BIG DIFFERENCE is that Beth Holloway got out, as did the rest of her family and friends, and WALKED THE TALK. SHE searched the streets, ect. for Natalie.

Cindy is a nut job.

She knows that kid is dead. IMHO.

You can't be dumb and be an RN. At her age, and if her husband IS an ex-cop, she should KNOW that cadaver dogs NEVER hit on food. They are trained specifically NOT to do that.

CINDY GET OFF YOUR *advertiser censored*..AND OFF TV and start searching for your granddaughter IF YOU REALLY THINK SHE IS ALIVE!!:furious:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Who is posting a $125K reward for Caylee and where is this posted anywhere with the terms?
Just an fyi, the link you provided as Police myspace is not owned by the police and there is a message on there it is no longer being monitored
Sorry I do not believe that as gm and gp takes time out for a good morning hug and kisses and what ever..THERE is always time for SUGAR!!

Good Morning all! :)

Same here...I can't believe that either. Not running into eachother because of work schedules, etc? Ok, as an example, my son used to live with us after he finished his service with the Marines. No matter what work schedules any of us had, we always saw eachother. Even when he was unemployed for a short period of time or socialized with friends outside the home, we still saw eachother daily.
He and his wife have a house now, and there are a few family members living there temporarily, who have crazy work hours or whatever, but everyone still sees one another daily. And everyone living in that house certainly knows where my little granddaughter is as well...and sees her, tends to her needs on a daily or nightly basis, despite all of their various work schedules.

Ok, I'm done venting...I need more coffee, and I'll shut up for a few minutes, LOL. My apologies folks, for my's just that Grandma Cindy is really starting to strike a bad nerve with me.
I seriously have doubted that story from the beginning...that the ORL pd closes...I think they either went down there and then chickened out about going in (Casey probably freaked) or they never actually drove down there at all...just another lie.
You guys have been busy! When Tony L. was speaking of "promoters" for the club, this only means that they have a few girls/guys on their "street team" like a band will. They put out ads/invitations on myspace and various sites to promote the club. They put out flyers, too. They really don't get any "special" treatment or pay for it other than it makes them feel "important" they are helping and are in "tight" with the management. It gets more business for the club or the bands. It is a common practice. I wouldn't read any more into that.

The house in Ovieda is curious. I do think LE should be checking it out, too. Glad you picked up on that. So you think that Casey is responsible for the checks being forged from Amy? What is Casey doing with all the money she is accused of stealing from Cindy and others?! Drugs? Does this girl have a meth habit we are overlooking?
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