Caylee Anthony 2 years old #8: General Discussion

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It was Cindy who collected the receipts and not LE. She mentioned how she tried to get the Detectives to look at them and they were not interested.

I saw yesterday when she brought them up is when he shut her down ( she also looked at Baez and said "no" I want to talk) I'm thinking either part of the defense strategy or possible complicity to the GMA.
Someone else posted a video of Caylee's room, too, so I stand corrected. I don't know where I got that info that Caylee and Casey shared a room. This case has my head spinning!

Cindy did say that Caylee and Casey shared a room. She said it on the stand, "they were in their room, I heard them. but i didn't see them, I can't see through walls/doors" (paraphrasing here)

And in one video she said they shared a room.
OMG, Cindy just issued a Pizza Challenge to a Fox reporter ('You put a piece of pizza in the back of a car and leave it there for 19 days and see what it smells like'.) Fox is going to get Dr Michael Baden to comment!

Nineteen days from July 15th would put the pizza in the car on June 27th. Did Cindy just inadvertently reveal the date the car was abandoned?

I am almost positive that yesterday, after the hearing, she told reporters it'd been in the hot Florida heat for 12 days ..... which is it lady? That's a 7 day difference.... one week.... oh yeah - she's a week behind!!!
I think that Ovieda house needs to be found and Amy knows exactly where it is.

Here is the exchange:

Go to Troy's Profile|Go to Amy's Profile
Troy Brown (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 3:34pm on July 19th, 2008
Happy Berfday! I had the greatest sandwich of all time last night thanks to you.
Troy Brown (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 3:40pm on June 24th, 2008
I'll talk with the g-parents and we will figure it out.
Amy Huizenga (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:46pm on June 24th, 2008
I'm still at Ricardo and JPs... hopefully everything works out soon! Hey, so I forwarded my mail a little late... any idea how to get my insurance stuff that got mailed to the Oviedo house?
Troy Brown (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:33pm on June 24th, 2008
so where are you living now?
liltigress they only showed Caseys room on the video this morning. Was decorated completely different than Caylees. Cindy was going on about how much Casey cared about Caylee.

WK- The bank has the fiduciary responsibility to check the ID, and the sigs on checks presented, since we know it was done fraudulently, they must cover their error. Thus why the police report has to be filed.
If she (Casey) overdrew the account, that's another matter, now the bank files on their own, or in conjunction..

I called my friend who is a broker, I ask her these questions and she goes "are you in some kind of trouble you want to tell me about?" LOL

Thanks for checking on it. You're probably on some kind of "watch" list now. LOL.
It was Cindy who collected the receipts and not LE. She mentioned how she tried to get the Detectives to look at them and they were not interested.

When I said they,.. I meant Casey and Cindy. They starting collecting receipts to prove what Casey did. They probably even bought "Caylee things" to "prove" she was still alive. When in fact she wasn't. Then they used the receipts to "prove" she was "investigating" Caylee's disappearance. And I think George knows this and thats why he stopped Cindy from talking. He knows how investigatons work and he wants her to shut up so she doesn't get obstruction.
Yes'm, if anyone has any local knowledge of that area, please ring in.
I'm positive that's where she died, and why so hush hush.

lE- amy forwarded her mail to that address, Casey lived there get a warrant. Perhaps she lost it because of her association with Casey..
If you re-read her post, she said that she finally forwarded her mail and wondered how to get the insurance back from that address. Meaning that she had moved out, forwarded the mail to ANOTHER address, but the insurance went to the Ovieda house before. Not that she forwarded her mail to that address. (At least, it is my take on it.)

I am not convinced that is where she died. I think it happened at Cindy's and why she was buried there. I believe that moving her was Casey's idea alone tho, but had nothing to do with hiding her...instead had more to do with Casey wanting some control in the situation by moving her to an unknown location from Cindy.
Baez said on Greta last night that the tipster asked the little girl her name and she gave them her full name, Caylee Marie Anthony, and that Caylee couldn't say Anthony properly, she pronounces it Antny, the little girl boarding the flight supposedly pronounced the last name the same way.

Did this tip come into the lawyer or family, or was it with LE?

This tip came to Cindy's cell phone (I'm assuming it was her cell because it's said the person left a voice mail). Jose Baez said he listened to the message himself and called the person back. He also stated that this person seemed very credible.
When I said they,.. I meant Casey and Cindy. They starting collecting receipts to prove what Casey did. They probably even bought "Caylee things" to "prove" she was still alive. When in fact she wasn't. Then they used the receipts to "prove" she was "investigating" Caylee's disappearance. And I think George knows this and thats why he stopped Cindy from talking. He knows how investigatons work and he wants her to shut up so she doesn't get obstruction.
Ah, OK! Sorry! Make sense. (Need more coffee here! LOL)
This was my thought too. They live in a prominent neighborhood, I'm sure they have garbage pick-up. Why else put trash in the car?

to cover up the smell of their rotting granddaughter! Sorry that was so graphic and sick but I am sick of this BS! CASEY KNOWS WHERE HER DAUGHTER IS and grandma is protecting her! JMO

This poor little girl needs to be home so she can have a proper burial. I wonder what the men in this family think of these so called "MOTHERS"????
It was Cindy who collected the receipts and not LE. She mentioned how she tried to get the Detectives to look at them and they were not interested.

What receipts are we talking about? I'm at home today with dialup and can't see the video.
You know if I lived in Orlando I would be tempted to protest in front of the jail with signs that read "Casey tell us where Caylee is"
I think it is so unbelievable that the news is reporting "If mom is let out of jail she will tell where she thinks child is, ect"
How can her attorney, parents, ect. say that with a straight face.

I am sorry but as you all can guess from my earlier post I am really upset over the events going on that seem to be a bunch of rubbish.

Casey sounds like a spoiled child saying "If you don't give me what I want I will not clean my room"

The parents and attorney are acting as if it's OKay for her to do this.

The child needs a clear thinking advocate in my opinion. What about her rights??? God have mercy on these people's souls.
Actually, we have "sub-stations" here that do close so I don't find that to be so unusual. Might be the ONLY part of their story that IS true! :rolleyes:

This is so true for many places. Our sub stations here are not open to the public as they are just a place for officers to go in and out and have their line-up meetings and have their lockers, etc. I would think this is the one thing that the police could verify easily and may be the only thing the family has told the truth about.
If you re-read her post, she said that she finally forwarded her mail and wondered how to get the insurance back from that address. Meaning that she had moved out, forwarded the mail to ANOTHER address, but the insurance went to the Ovieda house before. Not that she forwarded her mail to that address. (At least, it is my take on it.)

I am not convinced that is where she died. I think it happened at Cindy's and why she was buried there. I believe that moving her was Casey's idea alone tho, but had nothing to do with hiding her...instead had more to do with Casey wanting some control in the situation by moving her to an unknown location from Cindy.

I agree I am on the fence at the location, which is why for those of you who can hear me screaming in my head (when did the gp's go on vacay and can it be confirmed?) If that jives, definately possible.
I just remember when the neighbor said she borrowed the shovel she said the parents were not home and on vacay. I just think if you buy she dies at the GP house, the GP's have to know, why call LE to your home?

The Ovieda house, no-one had seen the baby since 6/15, Casey leaves it do to "drama", on 6/24 Casey posts that she had not been living there for 9 days, and we know not with Amy yet, right? Where was she?
What receipts are we talking about? I'm at home today with dialup and can't see the video.
Cindy's rant after the hearing yesterday in the hallway at the courthouse. She was complaining about how LE was focusing on building a case against Casey and nothing else. She claimed the receipts she had would show where Casey was during that whole time and prove she didn't do anything wrong. :rolleyes: As IF! George is seen on the tape trying to get her to shut up and get her away from the cams. (It was pretty she just kept running her mouth down the hall and out the door!)
We do not know how long Casey was at the house before she went and asked to borrow the shovel. Possibly they were in the back yard, Caylee fell hit her head, mom injuried her in someway. Casey panics, lays Caylee in the playhouse, goes and borrows shovel, tries to bury her realizes that she cant dig a hole deep enough so back car up against garage door, puts Casey in trunk, then returns the shovel. The dogs would get a hit because her body was layed there and the fluids went into the soil.

This makes the most sense to me yet. The neighbor didn't say that he saw her drive up? Just that her car was backed in? I can't wrap my head around burying then digging up a child. Casey has not cracked or broken yet for that to have happened? IMO...

I do think Cindy believes Casey has done something, which is why she keeps repeating that she hasn't.
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