Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #100

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Ditto! (I thought you were camping out on the Nancy Cooper case!! LOL)
nah..just moving my house...I truly missed you all and thanks for the welcomes ws peeps! I think my husband is jealous of all of you! LOL...

Today is going to be a long one isn't it......with this bail thing going on. Does anyone have any predictions on any other charges that could be filed the BIG H??? I wonder if forensics had a lot to say and LE is holding them for a moment just like today????
This was the Fox News Network also known as The Fox News Channel.

I could have sworn I heard Phil Keating say that currently, Leonard Padilla is still in talks with Jose Baez. Sorry, maybe I misunderstood.
While I'm not a psychiatrist, maybe you are?

If so, how do you explain the medical info on this disorder, if it's in fact what she has:

Or do you believe she's got some other type of personality disorder?
No, I am not. I also don't think that we can diagnose a person from either. I have known people like Casey and this is where I base my judgement...from experience.
Does anyone think that between now and tomorrow, LE will step up the charges to prevent her from getting bail?

No, I do not think they have enough evidence to do so.
Too bad placing bets is illegal. Darn!
Was that the local fox station? That's not what I heard on the national Fox News Channel.

It was during the Live Desk segment which is about two hours long with Marth MacCallum and Trace Gallagher. The channel is called the Fox News Channel. I don't watch the local stations at all unless someone alerts to the Local 6 or 9 in Orlando online. Our local Fox is out of Rochester, NY and I don't watch that.
Hey All,
I know being a newbie & posting an unpopular opinion is not going to go over very well, but I really feel like (although the odds are statistically against it), that little Caylee is or was still alive when Casey last saw her!

I think all this revolves around some OTHER crime, & Caylee got lost in the midst of it.

For instance, someone else posted a theory awhile back about that being someone elses body in the trunk... I can almost see that as a BIG possibility..... That or either the bloody evidence of "the" crime committed was in that trunk!

Quite possibly that "evidence & or identification" is what was in that trunk, & possibly attempted to be buried in the back yard??? (Like a Knife, or tire tool & the victims wallet or something).... much smaller than a body & makes more sense...

I feel like something went down, & it was criminal activity & someone got hurt & in the furry of all this Caylee was handed off to someone else possibly because of what was in the trunk (weather it was body or evidence).. & the people or person that had Caylee spooked & Casey can't find them.... & maybe what she has (evidence or body) can get a whole lot of people into a whole lot of trouble..

There is a big possibility that her lies are based around a small amount of truth, & that she really is (or so she thinks) protecting her daughter & could be a whole lot of different scenario's there... but in the event that something did wind up happing to her daughter... she knows where that evidence is... she has the key to all of this & is using it as leverage too.... & probably will give up the whole shebang even if it winds up with her spending the rest of her life in jail if & when she figures out something happened to her child... she probably really believes by keeping her mouth shut that she is going to save her daughter (it's the only hope she has)... so having faith in that, she is NOT emotional, because she really believes in her heart of hearts that Caylee is alive! If anything she is just smug about thinking she can do this on her own, but what other choice does she have in her mind..??

However my gut tells me If you are caught up in the middle of that kind of criminal activity, & dealing with those kind of people.. that Caylee probably isn't fine & more a liability to even explain how she would re-appear... so chances are, the folks behind all this are going to eliminate that liability & let Casey take the fall for it (Perfect for them ehh)... but Casey isn't going to let that happen .. she'll go down taking them down if something happened to her daughter..???

Sorry for the book, but I am not convinced she would do intentional harm to her own daughter... something else went down, & it could be bigger than anyone imagines... like maybe drug lords or smuggling operation or something.

Too much doesn't fit in conspiracy theories about taking the child from the parents for spite or killing the child for partying & boys... I think something not planned went down & suddenly went wrong...

I don't think this compares to the Duckett case at all.. I think that mother did something with her child & knew it & that is why she committed suicide....

I guess that my only & biggest fear of Casey getting out would be of her possibly committing suicide (which would seal her guilt in my book)...& I'd be disappointed because then we may never know what happened but I don't really see that happening with so many around her..... watching om 24/7.

I heard in that news video that they said she would be at an undisclosed location (which would make more sense)... because having her at home & in the middle of a media circus would be counter productive... but evidently her parents don't like that part, but regardless HOW they do it, the Bonds people have said a member of their staff would always be there... so I don't think that means that they would all live together... it could mean they have several staff 24/7 & they are all going to take SHIFTS... then go back to their own hotel for showers & sleep.. ect.

I think having the bonds people make this effort is a GOOD think & God Bless them for trying....

If anybody can do it & if there is ANY smidgen of truth to her story... then this can be done... it's time for Ms Casey to spill the beans one way or another!

The truth is out there... she obviously denies visits because of the recording & lack of privacy & her fear & trying to protect her child.... You have to remember she believes this & the bondsmen & all of this was set up by her attorney (who also believes this) The bondmen have been briefed by the attorney.... & all this is the prime opportunity for all this to finally come to a head. She goes to court soon anyways... so they are all kind of pressed for time in solving this.. or she could get 6 years anyways just for the charges already against her.

She's already had a taste for jail.. I think once she gets out she won't want to go back, & if she does (now knowing what all that is about).. it will be even more painful than her first stint because before it was all new & not knowing from day to day what to expect... to go back after knowing what it is like would be devastating to her!

I would love nothing more than for this to wind up with Caylee actually being safe!

Whew, sorry for the long post!
I could have sworn I heard Phil Keating say that currently, Leonard Padilla is still in talks with Jose Baez. Sorry, maybe I misunderstood.
I reported what Phil Keating reported on earlier today. This was a new bit from Martha MacCallum. Do a check on my posts and you'll find the one where I updated Phil Keating's report.
I have Caylee's picture on my desktop background. My 2.5 year old pointed at her picture for days and kept saying "who DAT?" He is in love with that child's face. I told him "that's Caylee honey, she's lost." He just woke up and came over to my screen. He pointed at her picture, grinned from ear to ear and said "hi Cay-lee, are you o-k now?"
I think I am just going to crawl in a hole and die now.

Oh my goodness! That is just SO touching ... and SO sad.
No, I am not. I also don't think that we can diagnose a person from either. I have known people like Casey and this is where I base my judgement...from experience.

We also can't diagnose her because we do not have enough information and have not heard her speak for more than 10 minutes. Anything else we have is only hear say. It is hard to make a valid diagnoses from TV.
I didn't follow that case.
Did Melinda claim to not know her son's whereabouts?
Was she claiming abduction also?

She claimed her son was kidnapped from his bed, she was not very helpful to the investigation, some of her son's belongings were found in a dumpster....she did appear on Nancy Grace for an interview, and was grilled Nancy style, killed herself shortly afterward. Her son has never been found..
I have to respectfully and strongly disagree with you. While she is very narcissistic, it is to a fault and when she realizes that life as she knew it is certainly over...she won't have anything left of an ego. She equates male attention with self-esteem. I could go on and on about what is going to take place with her emotionally...but since I have already done that...I won't. I believe that there is a strong chance that Casey has already entertained such thoughts while sitting in her jail cell. If she gets out, she is in for a very rude awakening as to her new status. She is no longer "Casey, the fun party girl"...but "Casey the lying, thieving, spoiled rotten princess who "lost" a precious child" now.

I think it could go either way. A lot of criminals have even more attention, notoriety and even fan letters from people. They have internet access and pen pals. I think she would make it look like she is suicidal just to get sympathy. I think she thinks she can still get away with this. I'm willing to bet that she'll think she can use whatever she has to blow smoke up these guys tushies. And that they'll belive everything she says because they so want to be the heroes in this. To do what LE can't do so they can go all over the talk shows and blow their own horn. Toot.
Hey All,
I know being a newbie & posting an unpopular opinion is not going to go over very well, but I really feel like (although the odds are statistically against it), that little Caylee is or was still alive when Casey last saw her!
**********snipped majority of post***********
Whew, sorry for the long post!

Welcome, Just-Curious!
It's fine to post an unpopular opinion.
And I say that because I do it all the time.
Yes. They did...then tried to commit suicide twice, but was prevented by LE.
OMG! That's terrible.

Narcissists don't usually kill themselves. They are too perfect, and everyone else is wrong. Scott Peterson a perfect example of a narcissist.
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