Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #105

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Yes, I am aware, but in between then she called Cindy as we know PRIOR to getting in touch with LE, which was my point.

Secondly, this story has not been verified, any of it. I am not saying it is not credible, that is not my call, it's LE's and I can say they are checking it out. My only question would be why if someone suspected they spotted a possible kidnap victim, with alleged relatives in LE, would they call the family directly, agree to meet a strangeretc..

The bigger message here is that if that happens to anyone, you call LE, tell them why you are calling and demand to speak to the head detective.
Under no circumstances if you are not trained to do so do you agree to meet a stranger- than is ridiculously dangerous.

what do you think is the significance of her calling Cindy in between?
Everyone has a theory. I'm a realist though and I look at the evidence in front of me.

If you present a theory though -- you need to explain why the dogs hit on the car and yard -- and why the car smelled like a morgue.

This belief about the car smelling by death has been verified by a number of people.

So -- if you believe Caylee is alive -- you need to explain why the car smelled like death -- and that question goes out to Mr. Padilla also. (A rotting pizza is not a proper response either.)

Did Casey spray the trunk with "Decomposing Body" air freshener?

It's a fact that people forget when putting forth their theories -- whether it be kidnapping or what.

I'm just looking at the facts in front of my face -- it's what any seasoned LE officer would do.

The car was out of her possession/control for over two weeks. Anyone from the impound yard could have gained access to the car, used it to move a body, and returned it. Objects from the car containing decomp fluids may have been removed from the car and placed in the yard.

I'm not saying I believe this, but it is a possible explanation for the hits.
I have a question for those who believe that Caylee is still alive and "misplaced." Can you explain why she has no emotion at all? Why in the phone calls she is angry and not even asking about Caylee? That has struck me most of all. If she is protecting her daughter and now "doesn't know" where her daughter is, would you be crying? I would!

IMO "IF" Caylee is alive the reason Casey isn't upset is that she is hiding her from a Mom who was going to take her away from her and she is with someone safe so that might be why Casey wouldnt worry.OMG who knows:doh::doh::doh::doh:
My theories change almost daily, as do the comments from the *players*.

So far as selling/giving Caylee away (to spite mother/keep her party life), this might have been something she thought about for a couple weeks, before actually doing anything........the fight with Cindy the 15th might have added to Casey's actions.

Why do you say she "made no contact with anyone to hand Caylee off to on the 16th. " ??........The little phone info we have, has only been released by *sources* ( & *sources only release WHAT they want to.)

I find it hard to believe Casey *only* has a few calls on the 16th & 18th, oh yea & ONE ping on the 17th........sheesh... most kids I know MAKE & RECEIVE many callls everyday.

I suppose there could be more phone calls on the 16th.

If Casey fell through on giving/selling Caylee on the 16th and it was prearranged Casey would be dead IMO.
I read on the internet that it was over hundreds of thousands of dollars and he did a year in the federal penitentiary. If the Florida judge made that a condition of bail, then only the Florida judge could waive that condition. The Sheriff's Office staff cannot ignore a court ordered condition. Anyway, we don't know if that was a condition of bail at all so all of this is pure speculation, but it was nice to chat with you about it, Busylady. :)

$600K... He states the IRS investigator demanded 1 year even though the prosecutor said 6 months and he said something like "havat it"..
Really.. Voluntarily agreeing to an additional 6 months in a Fed pen?
She said she did contact LE first and got no response.
After that is when she called Cindy and left the message.

Yes, I am aware, but in between then she called Cindy as we know PRIOR to getting in touch with LE, which was my point.

Secondly, this story has not been verified, any of it. I am not saying it is not credible, that is not my call, it's LE's and I can say they are checking it out. My only question would be why if someone suspected they spotted a possible kidnap victim, with alleged relatives in LE, would they call the family directly, agree to meet a strangeretc..

The bigger message here is that if that happens to anyone, you call LE, tell them why you are calling and demand to speak to the head detective.
Under no circumstances if you are not trained to do so do you agree to meet a stranger- than is ridiculously dangerous.

Casey is 22... hardly a teenager. At that age, normal people are busy with college &/or jobs.... not spending all day on the phone.

Maybe most of her socializing was limited to the nights & weekends.... when her friends were free?

LOL.......Casey is a very *imature 22*, & it seems far from *normal*.......
she had no job & IIRC a 700 dollar phone bill, and needed TWO phones to stay in contact.
Yes, I am aware, but in between then she called Cindy as we know PRIOR to getting in touch with LE, which was my point.

Secondly, this story has not been verified, any of it. I am not saying it is not credible, that is not my call, it's LE's and I can say they are checking it out. My only question would be why if someone suspected they spotted a possible kidnap victim, with alleged relatives in LE, would they call the family directly, agree to meet a strangeretc..

The bigger message here is that if that happens to anyone, you call LE, tell them why you are calling and demand to speak to the head detective.
Under no circumstances if you are not trained to do so do you agree to meet a stranger- than is ridiculously dangerous.

FYI - I'm certain LE is checking it out, and I'm also certain that's one reason it's been locked by the mods here... and the real reason I even bring it all up in this thread is because although I, for one, have never espoused in any of my posts to date whether or not I think Caylee is alive or deceased, I have read many posts by WSers that she is deceased and I'm being the devil's advocate, so to speak, and attempting to see what WSers who are so convinced Caylee is deceased say to explain away this and any other lead that Caylee is alive.
Blink - incorrect: see Post #125, where, on Aug 17, at 10:07 p.m., Renea says LE DID get back to her, which I previously pointed out:

"The LE did finally get back to me and I told them everything. They did say they were glad Jesse and I did not meet.

Also, I called Cindy to tell her Jesse, who I thought was her "detective" canceled on me... and she said she had no idea Lee sent him to meet with me."

When I read what Renea repeated about Cindy not knowing that Lee sent Jesse to meet with her, I wondered why would a grandmother not get in the car and meet with her right away, especially once she was told that a person fell through the cracks who claims they may have seen caylee?.... If I didn't go it would be due to the fact that I didn't believe my grand daughter was still out there someplace. I sure wouldn't be talking on the phone basically saying, "Oh, we missed this one, there must have been a mix up.... bla bla." I'd have the car keys in my hands and driving to her house by the time I got to the bla bla part, that is ....if I thought my grand daughter was still out there and alive.

Am I alone in wondering about why Cindy didn't find a way to meet with a person who was desperately concerned that she saw the girl being passed off to people??
I believe the following:

1. There is a specific reason that Casey Anthony is not talking in jail to authorities,
and it's not because she's been proven to be a liar (which she HAS been)
but she's lied because she believes she's protecting her daughter from harm.
NOTE: I believe she already concedes that she is accountable for having
made a very very bad choice, causing her daughter to be in jeopardy.

Protecting her daughter from harm does not include dancing in the clubs and planning future party dates. Protecting your child from harm is asking LE, FBI and FDLE to do whatever they can to find your child. Protecting your child means you do not curse at your mother because she is on Tv begging for the return of your daughter. Protecting your child is not getting Po'ed with your brother and friends for not getting a hold of Tony cause you're worried about what he thinks.
2. I believe she's FINE with the charges of neglect of a child and making false
statements to authorities, IF it means that's the price she
pays to keep her child safe -- with whatever the bizarre
circumstances are which led to she not knowing the CURRENT location
of Caylee.
If she's FINE with those charges it's because right NOW she's thanking the good Lord above that she hasn't been charged with murder YET because that is the DEATH PENALTY here.

3. I believe Leonard Padilla thinks outside the box and is JUST as
passionate about solving this mystery as the rest of us. I don't
know that they CAN, but I am hopeful.
Leonard Padilla thinks outside the box when it benefits Leonard Padilla. You can't get this much publicity for FREE. And yes it's free cause so far he hasn't laid down the cash YET.

I have more beliefs, but this should suffice for holding me
to the fire .......... for the moment. I will say that I think many
of the complicated scenarios (theories) folks have thrown out here
are the result of watching too many scripted crime stories, but this
leads me to ....

4. Casey Anthony isn't smart enough to write the script that some
of you ARE smart enough to have dreamt up. ;)

I agree here. Casey is not smart enough.


The resources and manpower dedicated to finding this child is so astounding yet Casey needs to be "comfortable" to talk. She hasn't asked for Caylee ONCE. NOT ONCE.
what's still unresolved is a WSer claiming she saw Caylee around July 18, and, following posts to the WSer, Renea, letting her know that there were online prayers being said for her, the mods locked the thread last night without explanation... go here:

I'm waiting to hear from the mods re: why it was locked & when it will reopen...

Yeah, that is unusal. I just read through the Renae thread, don't really know what to think about it all, very concerning!
Everyone has a theory. I'm a realist though and I look at the evidence in front of me.

Swa, I'm also a realist. My unpopular suggestion (apparently) is that the complicated theories presented here aren't realistic. Actually, I think they're simplistic but in a complicated way. Does that make sense? ;)

If you present a theory though -- you need to explain why the dogs hit on the car and yard -- and why the car smelled like a morgue. This belief about the car smelling by death has been verified by a number of people.

It's been just over a month since the car was impounded and Casey has been jailed. They've had a month to bring in MANY teams of cadaver dogs to be certain about the decomp smell in the vehicle. Maybe they've done that. If so, I think they'd have upgraded the charges to murder already. I could be wrong.

So -- if you believe Caylee is alive
I never said I believe she is alive!
-- you need to explain why the car smelled like death -- and that question goes out to Mr. Padilla also. (A rotting pizza is not a proper response either.)

Did Casey spray the trunk with "Decomposing Body" air freshener?
ha ha ha

It's a fact that people forget when putting forth their theories -- whether it be kidnapping or what.

I'm just looking at the facts in front of my face -- it's what any seasoned LE officer would do.
"Seasoned" law enforcement officers are often jaded and bored and happy to close a case and go on to the next. *IMO* of course! :)

Answers in blue above.
LOL thank you, absolut! That now explains all those glsses on the table to me (Casey's my space pics), I thought boy, they sure wasted space arranging all those cups so pretty on the table!
Does anyone else think the self proclaimed "media *advertiser censored*" is just that. Just came in to self promote with no intentions of ever bailing Casey out? LE is still stating that they have had no contact from the bondsman..... It's been two days. Why?
The resources and manpower dedicated to finding this child is so astounding yet Casey needs to be "comfortable" to talk. She hasn't asked for Caylee ONCE. NOT ONCE.

To be fair, I don't believe we can state this as a fact. We have only heard two phone calls which were recorded. Her attorney has advised her not to speak because she's being recorded. OR, she's made the decision not to speak because she's being recorded.

I feel that it's wholly unfair to assume what Casey Anthony is feeling.

Yet, I will prepare my videocam so that I can eat crow on YouTube later, if need be.
When I read what Renea repeated about Cindy not knowing that Lee sent Jesse to meet with her, I wondered why would a grandmother not get in the car and meet with her right away, especially once she was told that a person fell through the cracks who claims they may have seen caylee?.... If I didn't go it would be due to the fact that I didn't believe my grand daughter was still out there someplace. I sure wouldn't be talking on the phone basically saying, "Oh, we missed this one, there must have been a mix up.... bla bla." I'd have the car keys in my hands and driving to her house by the time I got to the bla bla part, that is ....if I thought my grand daughter was still out there and alive.

Am I alone in wondering about why Cindy didn't find a way to meet with a person who was desperately concerned that she saw the girl being passed off to people??

Maybe because this meeting didn't take place???
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