Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #93

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House continued to say that at a certain point Casey Anthony stopped mentioning Caylee even when they asked about her.

He said looking back at the events, some of Anthony's behavior is troubling.

"Wouldn't you be surprised if someone who was hanging out with you and your friends, all of the sudden her daughter is missing and she is out partying?" House said.

as I recieved this information and relayed it to the defendant after her arrest,. she continued to claim ignorance, and at times laughed about the situation. She failed to show any outward remore or signs of remorse or concern for her missing two year old daughter

the 3rd 911 call, calm and not upset like her mother Cindy

jailhouse call

pictures of her out after it's known her daughter is missing, on the 20th of June.

She stole 700.00 from her "friend". (per affidavit)
She stole 4,500.00? 45,000.00 from her mother via credit cards.

I don't think people are going too far off when they claim she doesn't seem to be a 'sweet girl'.

It is rather questionable behavior.
With Baez filing for the release of the cadaver dog searchs, we know were close to seeing more in the way of evidence coming out of LE.
With Baez filing for the release of the cadaver dog searchs, we know were close to seeing more in the way of evidence coming out of LE.

Or that LE really has nothing besides the dogs and Baez is trying to get the whole thing dismissed. It is a possibility. I'm not sure I believe it, I think that LE has to have something on Casey or they would have stepped up the actual search efforts, just to cover their you-know-whats.
To take a page from Baez, two questions about the dogs:
1. Were the dogs used air sniffers or ground sniffers?
2. Were they trained specifically for cadaver or were they multi-purpose? Somw fogs are trained in a number of detection areas, such as cadavers, fire accelerants, narcotics, ora ny combonation of the above.
Just wondering as that may have affected the dogs alerts.
To take a page from Baez, two questions about the dogs:
1. Were the dogs used air sniffers or ground sniffers?
2. Were they trained specifically for cadaver or were they multi-purpose? Somw fogs are trained in a number of detection areas, such as cadavers, fire accelerants, narcotics, ora ny combonation of the above.
Just wondering as that may have affected the dogs alerts.
The old saying you dont bring narco or bomb sniffing dogs for a cadaver.
Dogs are trained for specific searches and the training is intense.
Hope this helps
Or that LE really has nothing besides the dogs and Baez is trying to get the whole thing dismissed. It is a possibility. I'm not sure I believe it, I think that LE has to have something on Casey or they would have stepped up the actual search efforts, just to cover their you-know-whats.
Baez is just doing discovery and by just, in no way do I mean it in a flipped term. He wants time to go over the results and findings so he can break it down and begin his arguements to knock certain aspects of the evidence out. Time consuming work for both sides.
Will the dogs be as important if they actually get lab tests back that say there was a corpse in the trunk? Seems like the dogs would be less important with the other evidence, unless they don't have other evidence?

If there is evidence of foul could the warrant/evidence be pitched and not allowed in if the dogs had poor training and it is thought the dogs were 'lead' to the car because LE knew about the 911 call and wanted to test the car?
Is it time for the dayshift yet? Morning all, there's a lot to read since I logged in after work last night.

Can someone please point me in the direction of how cell phone "pings" work? I can't seem find a whole lot of information on it.

all I have to say is...everyone has based her total character and demeanor on less than an hour of media based info!!!
WOW...I'm gald that so many people are experts in determining a persons mental well being/state of mind etc...based on less than 1 HOUR OF MEDIA FED INFORMATION!!
really...we don't really know who Casey is or what she has done...all we can do is speculate...every one of us...
I can see it now...the mob with torches and pitchforks!!
I, myself will wait for the evidence to appear before I make my decision...
until then I will pray that this sweet child comes home safe!!

We are discussing a young lady that is in jail because she lied to LE and her actions have led to her child going missing... we have NOT based our opinions only on what we have seen of her in pictures and media sound bytes: there are pages of legal papers on this site that you, yourself, can read if you don't understand why we are not receptive of her as being anything more than a deviant individual that won't even help LE find her child.

Besides, this isn't about Casey... it is about Caylee: and at this point and time, that poor child is lost to the actions of her mother. Even if it turns out to be true that Caylee was kidnapped, her mother is a woman that will still get very little sympathy from most of us because she did not do the right thing in regards of taking care of her child (IE: she waited 31 days to report her toddler missing... there is NO excuse for waiting that long... NONE) Instead, she went out partying... and refuses to help on the investigation, and even hampered it with lies: of which the last 2 are not speculation... they are documented FACTS.

*steps off of the soapbox* There is a tiny little girl out there that needs to be found... I'm sorry, I can't find sympathy for her so-called mother... I just can't.
We are discussing a young lady that is in jail because she lied to LE and her actions have led to her child going missing... we have NOT based our opinions only on what we have seen of her in pictures and media sound bytes: there are pages of legal papers on this site that you, yourself, can read if you don't understand why we are not receptive of her as being anything more than a deviant individual that won't even help LE find her child.

Besides, this isn't about Casey... it is about Caylee: and at this point and time, that poor child is lost to the actions of her mother. Even if it turns out to be true that Caylee was kidnapped, her mother is a woman that will still get very little sympathy from most of us because she did not do the right thing in regards of taking care of her child (IE: she waited 31 days to report her toddler missing... there is NO excuse for waiting that long... NONE) Instead, she went out partying... and refuses to help on the investigation, and even hampered it with lies: of which the last 2 are not speculation... they are documented FACTS.

*steps off of the soapbox* There is a tiny little girl out there that needs to be found... I'm sorry, I can't find sympathy for her so-called mother... I just can't.

I think there are times when people have gotten out of hand by calling Casey names that judge her morality...

However, she's lied repeatedly as shown in court documents and that is troubling.
In addition, she did not report her daughter missing... negligent is the nicest thing she could be called at that point.

If I were a material witness sitting in jail refusing to even talk to police about a missing child.... and then lying at every turn... I'd be reprehensible to society... what makes it worse in this case is that the person doing it is the girl's mother.

Some of the dog stuff was upsetting for me last night on Greta.... I hope they get some foresnics.

However, I was most interested in seeing the "hit" at the sandbox... people yesterday speculated about the possibility of Casey hiding Caylee there... and if the dog hit there... well.... that could be telling.
We are discussing a young lady that is in jail because she lied to LE and her actions have led to her child going missing... we have NOT based our opinions only on what we have seen of her in pictures and media sound bytes: there are pages of legal papers on this site that you, yourself, can read if you don't understand why we are not receptive of her as being anything more than a deviant individual that won't even help LE find her child.

Besides, this isn't about Casey... it is about Caylee: and at this point and time, that poor child is lost to the actions of her mother. Even if it turns out to be true that Caylee was kidnapped, her mother is a woman that will still get very little sympathy from most of us because she did not do the right thing in regards of taking care of her child (IE: she waited 31 days to report her toddler missing... there is NO excuse for waiting that long... NONE) Instead, she went out partying... and refuses to help on the investigation, and even hampered it with lies: of which the last 2 are not speculation... they are documented FACTS.

*steps off of the soapbox* There is a tiny little girl out there that needs to be found... I'm sorry, I can't find sympathy for her so-called mother... I just can't.

I couldn't agree more!

btw, love the name and the reference to wicked!

Oh and Good Morning all!
for all of those people that believe that you have seen all you need to see of casey anthony..remember this...
you have only seen her actions for probably a total of 5 minutes running...arrest time phone call to family time...and bond hearing time...really 5 MIN. TOPS!!!...
and you have only heard her speak to her family for maybe 10 min. tops...MOM...LEE..whatever
I'm sick of everyone claiming that thay know what she is or how she is...we don't know S*@*T. All we know is what we're shown!! And we feed on it like cows in the meadow...

Honestly, I've spent some time clubbin it up..and the pics took while "partying" at fusion could have spanned a total of 30 min. a couple of songs...a contest or two...a drink or two...
no pictures have come out that shows that during that time she was getting too wasted...heck her hair wan't even wet..(as mine always was from drinking and dancing!!)

all I have to say is...everyone has based her total character and demeanor on less than an hour of media based info!!!
WOW...I'm gald that so many people are experts in determining a persons mental well being/state of mind etc...based on less than 1 HOUR OF MEDIA FED INFORMATION!!
really...we don't really know who Casey is or what she has done...all we can do is speculate...every one of us...
I can see it now...the mob with torches and pitchforks!!
I, myself will wait for the evidence to appear before I make my decision...
until then I will pray that this sweet child comes home safe!!

:woohoo: SPIN IT BABY, SPIN IT :woohoo:

:clap: :boohoo:
QUESTION: This is in regards to the flurry of phone calls she made to her parents around the time of Caylee's disappearance. Was it ever stated from cell phone records where she was when she was making these calls?
the Hippo is getting larger all the time

the HIPPO has entered the area.

God Bless the family- they didnt deserve any of this.

look for a confession anytime
QUESTION: This is in regards to the flurry of phone calls she made to her parents around the time of Caylee's disappearance. Was it ever stated from cell phone records where she was when she was making these calls?

Not the last I heard.....I don't think it's even been released as to if the calls were answered.
Not the last I heard.....I don't think it's even been released as to if the calls were answered.

No, I don't believe any of the calls she made were answered, but I figured they could tell from cell phone towers or whatever where she was when she was making these "frantic?" calls.
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