Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #93

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I picked up on that too, thought it was odd that the two of them didn't talk for a few weeks. Maybe with the move and all, he was busy but you'd think a roommate would call and say, how's it going, did the move go OK, or just a TM, something.
I could have sworn I heard fox talking about searching woods near the airport. But I am working and just caught a hint of it.
Maybe they were just hypothisizing.

Anyone hear that?
I find this whole "pretending to be at work" thing to be very weird. It seems like it would be a HUGE pain to have to get up, get dressed, and go out for TWO years. That is a LOT of time to kill and I think she would have been found out if she was routinely going back to the house after she left. I feel like there must have been some other job that has to be kept secret. Maybe something like booking clients for an escort agency... I'm sure a lot of people with that job have a story they tell most other people - you wouldn't go to Christmas dinner and talk to gramma about that!

I think she did work for an escort service which could explain Lee asking her about being at Universal for work or fun...or something like that:confused:

The hotels around Universal are not as family oriented as Disney so I could see guest asking locals or employees about escorts.
Gretas show, did anyone note this. Clint said he moved out July 1 and didnt talk or see Tony anymore, but he had talked to him since the arrest of Casey. According to all the myspace and facebook posts, Tony himself left for a vacation with his folks, prob in NY, over the dates of July 2 until he returned on July 5. Not sure when Tony left but if it was the 1st, they left the apt the same day or at least within the 2 day range there. I believe there was a falling out because from July 1 until July 16 is a long time for best friends and business partners not to talk or see each other. Clint also said he didnt go back to Fusion after the 20th. All of this is so odd.
I find this whole "pretending to be at work" thing to be very weird. It seems like it would be a HUGE pain to have to get up, get dressed, and go out for TWO years. That is a LOT of time to kill and I think she would have been found out if she was routinely going back to the house after she left. I feel like there must have been some other job that has to be kept secret. Maybe something like booking clients for an escort agency... I'm sure a lot of people with that job have a story they tell most other people - you wouldn't go to Christmas dinner and talk to gramma about that!

I don't feel that she would need to steal so much if she was an escort....she would be earning money and not need to forge amy's checks and steal her mothers credit cards.

She is a pathological liar, she pretended to go to work every day to keep up appearances. before Tony Casey lived at home and Cindy paid all of the bills that one would incur for cost of living. Grocery, Rent, Utilities, Caylee's medical bills AND Cindy stated herself that all Casey would need is spending money which Im sure she gave her.

Notice that the stealing didn't really begin in large quantities until Casey was staying with Tony and fighting with her parents. She finally had to support herself and she did so by stealing from friends and family....not hooking. imo
Caylee was almost 3 - wouldnt you think she would have talked at least a little about her day? Said something about where she was? who she saw? What happened while she was with the nanny and mommy was "at work"?

Didnt George and Cindy wonder why she wasnt filing tax returns?

Neither ever tried to call her at work? Or come to work to take her to lunch? Or meet her after work to run errands?

My daughter is 3 and is VERY vocal..above average vocabulary. She started talking at 9 months old.. however I have a friend with a 22 month old who says VERY little.. MOST children are able to tell you SOMETHING about their day IMO. I wonder if Caylee was speech delayed?

OH I just remembered Clint stating that him and Caylee did flash cards..could it have been b/c she had trouble speaking OR it could be b/c Casey was very vigilant on working with her to broden her
I think she did work for an escort service which could explain Lee asking her about being at Universal for work or fun...or something like that:confused:

The hotels around Universal are not as family oriented as Disney so I could see guest asking locals or employees about escorts.

My impression was that Lee was asking her that regarding Casey's "investigation" that she supposedly had been carrying out in those 31 days looking for Caylee. He says for work or for fun and then says "oh I gotcha"

This was around the time that poor Lee was chasing his tail trying to find Caylee and pick up supposedly where Casey left off....yeah right.
I think she did work for an escort service which could explain Lee asking her about being at Universal for work or fun...or something like that:confused:

The hotels around Universal are not as family oriented as Disney so I could see guest asking locals or employees about escorts.

i think someone would have leaked this information by now. I honestly think Casey made her living by stealing from her family and taking advantage of her friends. Remember she lived with her parents before this thing went down, so she had a roof, food and Caylee care, not real need for money, however I bet she made up the universal story to seem like she was okay without her parents as I am sure her mother must have made her feel like she couldn't take care of Caylee properly - and we all know by now that Cindy was right.
I find this whole "pretending to be at work" thing to be very weird. It seems like it would be a HUGE pain to have to get up, get dressed, and go out for TWO years. That is a LOT of time to kill and I think she would have been found out if she was routinely going back to the house after she left. I feel like there must have been some other job that has to be kept secret. Maybe something like booking clients for an escort agency... I'm sure a lot of people with that job have a story they tell most other people - you wouldn't go to Christmas dinner and talk to gramma about that!

Have Cindy or George ever said they believed Casey was still working?

If they knew Casey wasn't working she didn't have to leave the house at all.

Perhaps the lie about working was just used for people outside the family.
I picked up on that too, thought it was odd that the two of them didn't talk for a few weeks. Maybe with the move and all, he was busy but you'd think a roommate would call and say, how's it going, did the move go OK, or just a TM, something.

Red flags went off immediately in my head..I know men don't talk as often to their pals as us girls but still... I think there was a reason.
No offense but 22 months is under 2 - and Caylee was just short of 3 --- MOST 3 year olds I know are at least semi-vocal enough that she should have been able to at least say common names of people she knew from day to day life.....

Which really - goes back to the whole --- I left her at the steps of the babysitter? But I dont know the sitters number? The sitter ONLY watched Caylee? Casey never met any of the sitters family? friends? Someone who might know where the "kidnapper" is?Because I had to go to work? While my parents pay all of my bills? And someone pays for my drinking and partying?
Ok, so if your theory is correct, that means that on the days that she was supposed to be working, she was out of the house from the time she was supposed to check into work until the time she was to check out. Which means that Caylee was dragged all over the place at 1 and 2 years old. I have a 4 year old and she still needs her naps. I know that I can't go anywhere in the afternoons or else she doesn't nap and when she naps in the car, she gets cranky. So to me, if this theory is correct, the child was being neglected. If she truly was at daycare or a babysitter, she would have some structure. This child had none under this theory (which does make sense too). So that leads me to the presumption that she was not a good mother (which is already a pretty safe bet) who did not put Caylee first even before any of this happened. I wonder how much she really did party before Caylee disappeared. They show pictures here and there but no real info on how much she really did go out.

It definitely would not have been fun for Caylee, if true. I don't see any of her friends saying she would come over to their house with Caylee while she was supposedly working.

There were some MySpace messages where Casey is asking her friends to go out with her saying her mother would let her if they were going. Sounds to me like her parents were restricting her time to party while she lived there.
Gretas show, did anyone note this. Clint said he moved out July 1 and didnt talk or see Tony anymore, but he had talked to him since the arrest of Casey. According to all the myspace and facebook posts, Tony himself left for a vacation with his folks, prob in NY, over the dates of July 2 until he returned on July 5. Not sure when Tony left but if it was the 1st, they left the apt the same day or at least within the 2 day range there. I believe there was a falling out because from July 1 until July 16 is a long time for best friends and business partners not to talk or see each other. Clint also said he didnt go back to Fusion after the 20th. All of this is so odd.

I picked up on that too....maybe it was because Casey was around constantly. Y'know how that could happen with best friends; one feels a bit dumped when a new bf/gf comes into the picture. Clint kept saying and pointing out how much time Casey spent there.
Have Cindy or George ever said they believed Casey was still working?

If they knew Casey wasn't working she didn't have to leave the house at all.

Perhaps the lie about working was just used for people outside the family.

But that would mean that the whole family knew from the beginning that the 'babysitter' was a farce.:waitasec:
No offense but 22 months is under 2 - and Caylee was just short of 3 --- MOST 3 year olds I know are at least semi-vocal enough that she should have been able to at least say common names of people she knew from day to day life.....

Which really - goes back to the whole --- I left her at the steps of the babysitter? But I dont know the sitters number? The sitter ONLY watched Caylee? Casey never met any of the sitters family? friends? Someone who might know where the "kidnapper" is?Because I had to go to work? While my parents pay all of my bills? And someone pays for my drinking and partying?

It was meant to say 32 months...and no offense taken. Names yes possibly but how hard is it to train a child with a name...I can tell my daughter a name once and she remembers it. They are sponges. I know first hand..I have 2 little sponges.
I could have sworn I heard fox talking about searching woods near the airport. But I am working and just caught a hint of it.
Maybe they were just hypothisizing.

Anyone hear that?
Phil said "Searches of any woods, if they had them, obviously turned up nothing."
Have Cindy or George ever said they believed Casey was still working?

If they knew Casey wasn't working she didn't have to leave the house at all.

Perhaps the lie about working was just used for people outside the family.

Cindy still talks like she believes Casey was working all that time and Caylee was with the Nanny.
There are vultures in that area....lots of them! I don't know what kind they area but I don't think they are turkey buzzards.

In Florida, there are black vultures and turkey vultures. They could be either.
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