Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #110

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I'm sure they didn't say anything about the fight because:
The nursing home didn't press charges for grandpa's missing money that was the cause of the fight (as well as Cindy's missing money). They probably didn't press charges because they didn't want to make the Anthony's mad when they probably have power of attorney (effectively paying grandpa's nursing home fees/rent because they could easily move him to another facility). However, if the police make it easy for them by showing up to ask about what the fight is about and then the nursing home presses charges, then the police have enough to put Casey away for 2-5 years so they have plenty of time to put together a rock solid case against her because of Caylee. Cindy is the wife of an ex-LEO, she knows how police work and would think this way.
Someone want to start new thread and post the link here? If anyone can do it, I will but wasn't sure if a mod had to do it or not.

I am not sure either, that's why i'm asking a mod cause i'm not sure anyone but them can close a thread.
Regarding that: I would take it to mean that Cindy was talking to her family /Mom in 2002 in regards to an eviction. According to Rick she hasn't spoken to the family since this case got out of control.

Very different.

If I understand him correctly, he is saying any info he knows comes from his mother which comes from Cindy. Not that he actually talks to her on the phone.
Didn't WS'ers say the eviction was the younger Cindy Anthony with other legal issues?

Yes, that was just what I was thinking. Some WSs determined some time ago that the eviction was not associated with the Cindy in this case.
Ok ok ok guys - slow down. I have like 8 email requests already. I was going to do them one at a time - in order to keep ya'll's privacy. But - in order to save time I'm going to do ONE email with everyone's addy that I have so far? k?
:eek: Through a plate glass window? I missed something here. Our calm, cool, collected George tossed his father - a grown man - through a window?? Looks like this family is amazing at playing the, "I'm fine, just fine" card. :bang:

I will have to go pull the post but I think it was the reverse, not George doing the throwing.
Ok ok ok guys - slow down. I have like 8 email requests already. I was going to do them one at a time - in order to keep ya'll's privacy. But - in order to save time I'm going to do ONE email with everyone's addy that I have so far? k?

Please start a thread for Rick. I think it would be ok. Then you will have a place to put everything.
Where is Rick? We need him here at WS....:woohoo:

And we are so fair here and much sweeter than is the mob at Topix ... I don't know the guy and I still felt awful for him while reading the way that some posters lambasted him on that thread!
Ok ok ok guys - slow down. I have like 8 email requests already. I was going to do them one at a time - in order to keep ya'll's privacy. But - in order to save time I'm going to do ONE email with everyone's addy that I have so far? k?

Can you send me one too, I just got back home. Thanks.
Actually, most killers of family members dispose of bodies fairly close to home, in places they know well. That's where you look.

You're entirely right. But my premise doesn't change. If LE's not searching, it's probably because they don't have a credible lead. And LE's not going to search randomly just for the sake of searching.
If this "Rick" is really legit (anything is possible lately), I would like to ask him a question: I'd like to know if their mother has mentioned hearing from Caylee.

Cindy pulled this "she called my mother" story out of (supposedly) thin air. I'm just wondering if the mother has ever mentioned it/discussed it with LE.

I discount that simply because I cannot see a three year old pulling out a cell phone and scrolling down to Grandmas number.....Yes the "babysitter"could do it yet there is no baby sitter.
Ok - I think I've got all of his posts copied - its several pages long. Don't know what to do with all this. YES I BELIEVE HE IS LEGIT ALSO. Some of this is very interesting - gives us some insight that we haven't had before.

You cam PM me if you want this doc. I think it is going to be WAY TOO LONG to PM in one sitting - maybe email might be better or what?

Someone help - tell me what you think I should be with all this?

Why don't you start a thread? That seems the most logical thing to do with all of the information. Questions could be posed to him as in the Padilla thread. Plus the "Powers that Be" could move all discussion over there as well should they see fit to do so.

Just a thought. :)
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