Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #114

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The mods lock the threads down when they feel it is necessary. None have been locked down for theories about Casey to my knowledge. The ones that get locked down seem to be the ones with wild speculation about people that have not been identified as having anything to do with Caylee's dissappearance. The owner of the site has the discretion to decide when these conversations are outside of her comfort zone. Ignoring that they have repeatedly been shut down doesn't help either.

Thanks for clarifying this!
I have seen all of this through media. But, thank you for reiterating. I just don't believe they have blood, because they could have filed another charge against her and kept Casey in jail. right? or no?

Your cat could be related to my own! cute.
beetrue...LE is in now hurry to bring her to trial for murder....WE are in the hurry, they are not.
LE could have been 'convinved' of Caylee's death for a month now and we would not know. As many have stated here, the more evidence they have, the better the case. They might have determined early on to go with the evidence and not waste time looking for the body--that is if the evidence showed death early on. IMO
I don't know who brought race into this. From all the clubbing pics I've seen, I don't recall any pics where everybody is dressed in all white and I don't think race has anything to do with it either. There was a party at someone's house where Casey was wrapped in a sheet depicting the flag and holding a beer, but this is the only toga party where I have noticed white worn by most party goers. The reference to all white parties comes up again and again in her e-mails. Has anyone, matched those e-mails and dates with pics from fusian to verify if patrons were wearing white or not?

I believe the White Party was June 27th and I have not seen pics from that night.
I never said that, you did. Why lock threads? What's your explanation for this. This is a forum for discussions to take place in reference to solving this mystery, don't see or understand how locking threads helps that!

I'm not exactly sure why the thread got locked but it was very interesting. I believe it was called "Peter Benevides bogus dummy corporation" or something like that. It branched off from there into some of what ya'll are finding. Not sure if the thread is totally gone or just locked.
One thing I did want to point out that I had mentioned in the Newbies thread, Tony the boyfriend spells his display name on MySpace as "TonE". Not saying this is why he chose to spell his name this way, but I have known many clubbers to have nicknames or spell their names with an E like that to reference their favorite drug ecstacy, a.k.a. "E".
I don't know who brought race into this. From all the clubbing pics I've seen, I don't recall any pics where everybody is dressed in all white and I don't think race has anything to do with it either. There was a party at someone's house where Casey was wrapped in a sheet depicting the flag and holding a beer, but this is the only toga party where I have noticed white worn by most party goers. The reference to all white parties comes up again and again in her e-mails. Has anyone, matched those e-mails and dates with pics from fusian to verify if patrons were wearing white or not?

White parties are COMMONPLACE and have zero to do with drugs. Zero. Just so you are aware.
i dont understand are you saying that casey is responsible for that? and if so can you provide a link?

It is a different ZG and they are unrelated events. The ZG that had her office robbed has already commented.
i dont understand are you saying that casey is responsible for that? and if so can you provide a link?

No i'm not saying that she is responsible for it - what I'm saying is that maybe thats how she got the name ZG. She could have read it in a local paper or online . About the break in I mean. I'm saying that I don't believe there ever was a ZG but I also don't believe that she just pulled the name out of thin
How about this theory. But I'm sure it was checked out. Could someone else have had the apartment at Sawgrass in their name and Zanieda lived with them. Could those 2 people both have taken off with Caylee?

Casey got the name & apt. number RIGHT...

A ZG did consider renting the apt. Casey claimed she lived at..... But she never DID.

ZG never saw or heard of Casey OR Caylee before the arrest.

Worse.... when LE showed Casey of picture of the ZG from Sawgrass.... Casey did NOT recognize her at all. Someone she supposedly knew & watched her daughter for all that time? :rolleyes:

Casey's next excuse... it's the wrong ZG. Yeah right... they're ALL the wrong ZG.....

that's why the new & improved story is that it wasn't a nanny..... it's one of her "friends" that has Caylee. LOL

Next month, I'm sure she'll be spinning some new lie.
Have you heard anything about a Robbery at an office in Brevard Co. (next door to orlando) on June 9th? The name of the woman who had her office robbed was ZG.... The date & the name are too much of a coincidence for me.

That was discussed at length early in this case. That poor woman was hounded because of her name, and finally put a disclaimer on her website. That Zenaida Gonzolas found that her office had been broken into and robbed on the morning of June 9th. I"m sure LE has investigated and knows of the coincidence.
There was a party at someone's house where Casey was wrapped in a sheet depicting the flag and holding a beer, but this is the only toga party where I have noticed white worn by most party goers. The reference to all white parties comes up again and again in her e-mails. Has anyone, matched those e-mails and dates with pics from fusian to verify if patrons were wearing white or not?

I think the picture with Casey wearing a flag is a house party where the theme is "Anything but Clothes"
I don't know who brought race into this. From all the clubbing pics I've seen, I don't recall any pics where everybody is dressed in all white and I don't think race has anything to do with it either. There was a party at someone's house where Casey was wrapped in a sheet depicting the flag and holding a beer, but this is the only toga party where I have noticed white worn by most party goers. The reference to all white parties comes up again and again in her e-mails. Has anyone, matched those e-mails and dates with pics from fusian to verify if patrons were wearing white or not?

Umm, actually it was a flag she wore.
White parties= white clothes. period
I wonder if everyone is just sitting in the Anthony home staring at each other...

"Hmmm....Casey is here. Boy it's quiet. Anyone know where Caylee is??"
One thing I did want to point out that I had mentioned in the Newbies thread, Tony the boyfriend spells his display name on MySpace as "TonE". Not saying this is why he chose to spell his name this way, but I have known many clubbers to have nicknames or spell their names with an E like that to reference their favorite drug ecstacy, a.k.a. "E".

Not to burst your bubble, but I was known as ***E instead of ***y in the '80s. Someone took my idea & made it bad . . .

I think this also... it was an "I'll show YOU" kinda deal.

I don't think jealousy of a grandparent is an unusual situation for a young parent living with the grandparent.

There are a lot of issues about responsibility, parenting difference, etc. I imagine it's tough.

I've always taken Cindy's blog entry to mean that Casey was jealous of the relationship Cindy had with Caylee, not because Caylee got more attention, but because Caylee looked to her grandmother as a parent.

It's a good reason to move out and make some responsible choices. It's one of the reasons I don't think Caylee intentionally murdered her daughter.
The president himself could tell Cindy she can not question Casey. That would not stop her. C'mon, you know she is going to want answers...

Does she really want answers now? What if she has made her decisions and she just prefers not to know and continue to defend her daughter? I think the grandparents made their decision. They will support Casey with the abduction story no matter how many proofs are brought in light. No matter if Caylee is found dead and dna points to Casey.

People follow patterns, all our lives we follow our patterns, breaking up behavior patterns is the most difficult thing to do in life. It takes years of therapy and a person with good introspection. As I see it Cindy was the put a brave face in public, hide everything ugly under the carpet, find an excuse for making reality look/sound better.

It pains me to say this, but I do think the grandparents have chosen sides. I think George is more passive in this, he is a follower, but Cindy is determined about this. She is the one who moves the strings in this family, the one who is the main financial provider, the one who took in charge in interviews and her fights with the press. Cindy is not going to break the pattern I am afraid. This is why I believe LE is the only one who is actively searching for the child. Does Cindy wants back her Caylee? 100000% absolutely yes. But they know now and they will never discuss it. What did Cayse said? Some Zenaida took her? We will go with that. And that will be it.
I wonder if everyone is just sitting in the Anthony staring at each other...

"Hmmm....Casey is here. Boy it's quiet. Anyone know where Caylee is??"

I am pretty sure Caylee's name has not even been mentioned yet.
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