Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #115

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This is why I also hold the grand parents responsible. Who has a grand child living in their home, and doesn't question her where about for 31 days? Cindy says she talked to Casey every day. Yeah, but she never talked to Caylee. The grand parents are just as much to blame for this "cold case" as Casey. If it is indeed a cold case. We still don't have the forensics back yet.

No doubt, I think the GP's lack of concern during all that time is a point of contention for all of us...they have been with/raised their only grandaughter every day of her life then all the sudden they don't see or hear from her for a month. They KNOW their daughter is a thief/liar and all around untrustworthy and probably not capable of being the sole care provider for Caylee...regardless of wether or not they want to admit it to the rest of the world...of course they wouldn't have to if hadn't gone this far
Caylee will never be found. She's gone. No question in my mind about that. I don't know if drug dealers took her, I don't know if she was sold into a pedophile ring, but she is gone. Thanks to her irresponsible, partying Mom. JMO.

I'm going to get really sick if we learn Casey or the any of the Anthony's have profited from this.

Unfortunately, they have surrounded themselves with people seeking profits. I refer to Garrison, the book/movie/interview broker, and the Padilla's, of the Bounty Hunters series.
Hum, maybe it's going well in Anthonyland.

Did you see Cindy with the hose? I was dying laughing. My my how we hate the media after she had a complete love affair with them for one month. Cindy should have taken a page out of Sharon Rocha's book for a lesson on how to deal with tragedy with GRACE.

Cindy is out of control. Always has been. After her first interview back in July; I turned to my friend and said "is it me ; or is that woman a little nuts"?
Originally Posted by Winnts

Cindy's brother, Rick was posting on topix and and msn site. It hasn't been confirmed here but he sure does have alot to say about that family.

It was not confirmed that this poster was who he said it was. In fact, at least one of the people doing those posts ADMITTED that they were fake. Any information taken from them should be considered false, as that poster has now disappeared as soon as the mods were notified to check out his identity.

One of the people posting was married to a bail bondsman and presently trains cadaver dogs. She spoke with him by telephone and felt convinced he was the real deal. Now, of course, I trust this lady but you would have to be comfortable with her credentials to believe his.

I know this sounds silly however, on another message board that I belong to we ask the person to post a picture of themselves holding up a shoe/sneaker on their head to prove their identity. They post it for just a couple minutes to verify identity. Of course the mods also look into IP addy as well. It works as silly as it sounds.
Don't trivialize the gravity of what she has done by implying that her actions were those of a youth.
I said nothing that resembles your statement, my statement was about what Baez said, please read what I wrote.
Your post is almost eerie, I believe that this damn near exactly what happened....
I really thought since Casey was released today, I would check in and find threads titled "Casey says look here...." "Casey says the name of the kidnappers is...."
Curiously, Casey still says NOTHING.....
Casey, Casey, Casey, WHERE IS CAYLEE??? Have you had a shower? Enjoyed some free pizza? Are your nails painted? The day isnt done, please tell us where to look for Caylee, I will drive my butt to FL right now to search.

It's all like a big bad joke on the public. Baez gave strict orders that Casey was not to be questioned. There was never any intent to get out on bail and help find Caylee!
Hi dunlurken

I don't think she needed any help. She could put Caylee in a black trash bag and dropped her in a dumpster. 31 days go by before Cindy calls 911 and reports her missing and now is over 65 days..she'd never be found.

In character (imo)

edited to add: I posted and then see that Dorvillian has a similar idea. But I dont' think it was the sawgrass apt dumpster. I think it was closer to where the car was abandoned.

This is what I have believed all along. There will never be a body found and unless she talks the worse they have on her is child neglect. Remember "Trust no one, only yourself."
I'm going to throw this out for the sake of discussion. What if the paternal grand parents took Caylee? Unfortunately, we don't know who Caylee's father is, or do we?

Cindy can't remember his name after seeing the obit. How "fortunate". :bang:

Do the paternal GP's even know who they are????? This just seems such a shot in the dark when you have a much more obvious choice in CA.
Giving Casey room to grow is one thing. Putting that child in the middle is another. I know, hind sight is 20-20. Have they been living on another planet? Do they not watch the news?

George is former LE for pete's sake.

My GM raised me my parents were very young when I was born and my mom partied a lot. If she took off with me for even 2 days my GM would have been beating down the door of anyone and everyone she knew my mom was associated with until she found me and brought me home. It wouldn't have mattered what her "legal" rights were or what my mom's legal rights were as there was no formal paperwork making her my guardian till I was much older
I doubt the police are sitting back twiddling their thumbs. They are building a case, and not letting out what they have. Someone else said it earlier and it bears repeating. Law Enforcement is now Caylee's voice.
I'm going to get really sick if we learn Casey or the any of the Anthony's have profited from this.

Unfortunately, they have surrounded themselves with people seeking profits. I refer to Garrison, the book/movie/interview broker, and the Padilla's, of the Bounty Hunters series.
If they have any "class", which I'm not so sure of any more, they also will fade into the woodwork. Having a nice home, good job, etc. does not mean you have class or morals.

I think back to Sharon Rocha writing a book called "Laci and Me" (something like that). All profits were given to charity. Now, that's class!
"In Character"- absolutely! You know what else supports your theory? The bag of pizza. There is a Papa John's pizza right next to the Amscot.

Side Note: I seemed to have missed the inside joke about referring to Tony as TonE - Could someone explain that one???

Hi Dorvillian

I have no idea about the TonE thing. Sorry.

Thanks for commenting on my post and for offering support of the theory.
Casey is a spoiled brat with a borderline personality disorder that has been undiagnosed or ignored by her parents.
Goggle this disorder. To the one who has it you are a friend or an enemy. You can be, in the sick person mind get changed back and forth from day to day, hour to hour even minute to minute. The people dealing with this, especially if they do not understand what is happening end up looking just a nutty as the sick person.
If you can convince the one with the disorder that you believe her fantasy life then she will share bits and pieces of her fantasy life. They are always in the process of creating a new plan to make this fantasy life happen. If you show any signs of not believing her fantasy then she hates you, shuts you out and will clam up. They are the center of everything. The world revolves around them. All of this girls actions, her indifference to her missing child, her self absorption, her concern about not speaking to her boyfriend and her demand for his phone number, her tone with her parents and her not co-operating with LE. Casey speaks more freely to her mother and brother. Her father is LE he is an enemy. Lee questioned her. Is there anything else you can tell me about where she (Caylee) is? Casey reaction is short and snotty. Casey acts the same with the girlfriend on one of the calls. Listen to them again. Listen to how Casey responds when questioned as to how she responses if the caller is in agreement or accepting of what she says. Go to youtube and listen to the tapes.
Casey’s new fantasy life is ‘Tony will be her new soul mate’ and she will do whatever she has to make this plan work. Is Caylee part of the plan? Do not known. She did take the little girl over to Tony’s so maybe at first. The ‘plan’ may have changed.
I my little sister has this and it took us years to figure out what was going on. She was 41 when the fit hit the shan. When we all sat down around the table and starting comparing notes. That was when we finaly realized OMG she has been conning us for years.
I doubt the police are sitting back twiddling their thumbs. They are building a case, and not letting out what they have. Someone else said it earlier and it bears repeating. Law Enforcement is now Caylee's voice.
Weren't they always?
After, and he really did look agitated, didn't he? I wonder if something specific upset him?

It could be that besides things being a little tense at the house, he didn't want his convo over-heard by the ppl in the house. Just a thought.
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