Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #115

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I know. I keep jumping around in my mind as to what could have possibly happened to Caylee.

I think about the cadaver dogs, then I remind myself that it's not 100% accurate.
I think of the decomp smell in the trunk, then I remind myself that there is no proof it's Caylee.
I think of 'someone has her' theory, and I can't find anything to discredit this.

But there are so many webs spun and secrets with Casey's social life that I keep doubting myself.

I guess I'll have to learn not to beat myself up wondering until DNA and forensics come back.

This case has gotten the best of us. Someone mentioned suing Casey for emotional distress. Ya know, i'm thinking of it. If I knew I could get away with it. We should get a mass law suit going and put all our names on it. Poor Caylee, no one in that family cares about her. It's all about Casey.

:praying: for Caylee
Wonder if LE checked with the airlines to see if this Zenaida bought a plane ticket?

Inappropriate & too intimate were the vibes I got from "Under the umbrella scene". A Damsel in distress Bah hum bug

and another thing.. if indeed Cindy had kicked her out on her own, well guess what.......... She's........ back
This case has gotten the best of us. Someone mentioned suing Casey for emotional distress. Ya know, i'm thinking of it. If I knew I could get away with it. We should get a mass law suit going and put all our names on it. Poor Caylee, no one in that family cares about her. It's all about Casey.

:praying: for Caylee

I'm with you. I am really having a hard time doing anything without checking in.

I think everyone should leave Casey at home alone. Go out to dinner, see a movie. Then we'd probabaly see some computer/phone action going. Maybe she'll even check in here. She is gonna lay low for a while. After a while she won't be able to take it. But if left alone.....
I am of the opiniont that Casey killed Caylee. There is nothing about Casey's behaviour that suggests she thinks Caylee could be brought home. If there are other people involved she wouldn't be able to predict their actions and there could be an arrest and recovery at anytime. She has no anticipation at all.

And during the 31 days Caylee was gone before Cindy reported her missing what if Caylee had been found or these kidnapping/babysitters contacted the GPs. She certainly didn't seem worried about that possiblity. Cindy drug her out of that apartment when the car showed up unexpectedly.

She knows the outcome with complete finality. Now it is just a matter of whether that month caused LE enough problems to get her off of a major charge. IMO
This is why I also hold the grand parents responsible. Who has a grand child living in their home, and doesn't question her where about for 31 days? Cindy says she talked to Casey every day. Yeah, but she never talked to Caylee. The grand parents are just as much to blame for this "cold case" as Casey. If it is indeed a cold case. We still don't have the forensics back yet.

Tricia...........I'm confident no one affiliated here at Websleuths would do such a thing.

There are some blogs/forums online that seem to attract people who want to get personally involved in a case.
Just a thought that's been running through my head:

Supposing that Casey is telling the truth (for once) and Caylee has been kidnapped.....

Am I the only one that thinks that as soon as this case went majorly public and Casey got locked up, that Caylee would most likely have been killed???

I hate to say that, I REALLY do.

But in all honesty, I don't see how any kidnapper could see their way out of this. The only way I can see a kidnapper holding Caylee is if they took her for 1 of 2 reasons:
1) They felt that Caylee was abused/neglected, and wanted to give her a better life (i.e. the recent case here in Texas about the woman who took in three kids who lost their home during Katrina, and took off with them claiming the mother abused them)
2) She was taken for a *advertiser censored* ring.

Every other reason I could come up with for someone to take Caylee points to a kidnapper most likely getting rid of her once this case became the circus it is. I.e. Caylee being held for ransome, Caylee being held for money owed for drugs, Caylee being given to someone to keep her from the GP's. etc.
I think we should all email the news agencies and ask them NOT to put Casey's pictures on and only Casey's. I did and some others did as well.

Nancy Grace:

Lets all do this and make a statement to Ms Anthony that it ISN'T ABOUT HER!!! ITS ABOUT CAYLEE!

What about also asking them to refer to Caylee's mom only as Caylee's mom so that her name is not mentioned. Might be hard to do, but I hate that Caylee's mom is getting all the attention.
Look at it this way. Casey must be on perpetual pins and needles waiting to find out what evidence LE is developing against her.

Each day that passes without them revealing what they know prolongs her agony.

I'm sure the specifics doled out to the parents in their meet-and-greets with LE were carefully selected. Casey is probably hearing all about those meetings right about now.
Ugggh I looked over on that relationship page of baez/casey. I think I'll stay here.
I'm with you. I am really having a hard time doing anything without checking in.

I think everyone should leave Casey at home alone. Go out to dinner, see a movie. Then we'd probabaly see some computer/phone action going. Maybe she'll even check in here. She is gonna lay low for a while. After a while she won't be able to take it. But if left alone.....

One thing leaving her alone now might do is give her a chance to call someone that might have been involved in this with her. I'm still thinking she didn't act alone.
Caylee will never be found. She's gone. No question in my mind about that. I don't know if drug dealers took her, I don't know if she was sold into a pedophile ring, but she is gone. Thanks to her irresponsible, partying Mom. JMO.

Dun - you forgot self-centered and selfish.
Wonder if LE checked with the airlines to see if this Zenaida bought a plane ticket?


LE has stated that this woman was completely checked out and has NO bearing on this case of a "missing" child.
Yes but LP said in a live CNN interview about an hour ago that "..Lee ordered pizza.." and then they all sat and ate it One Big Happy family no doubt, ha
One medium pizza for 10 or 11 adults?
Ok I am going to be unpopular with this, but I just don't see anything in the situation today with Baez and Casey. He has his arm around her to keep her from getting separated in the mob. Everyone was pushing, he pulled her in or she was pushed in. The umbrella was blowing, the reporters were pushing, I honestly don't think that there was time or opportunty for a cuddle up. If you don't think that the reporters were trying to separate them so they could be in her face for a statement I think you are wrong. He is her attorney, he is on her side, so the statement that he was "going to get his girl" was IMO him just taking ownership of his case. I could be wrong, but I am trying to give benefit of the doubt.
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