Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #115

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What is your point? That it is inappropriate or that it is totally to be expected? People feel like commenting on, I don't think there is anything for people to get over.
My point is that is totally irrelevant as to what happened to Caylee.
Could it be the shower stall is one way to escape the family?

Oh how nice. Casey gets a hot shower. Must feel great to have the "jailhouse ick" off her. I wonder, as she was taking that shower, if she thought about Caylee having a nice warm bubble bath... being clean and "dirt-free".

I'm gonna have to stop now.... I am so pi$$ed.
I'm playing catch up on the threads, since I just got home from work (amazing how bosses expect you to work for the pay they give you), but has anyone checked to see if she's logged into her myspace account or facebook? I haven't found the link yet (I know it's there, but I can't find it).

last login 8-12.
I saw the video of this and can't believe how rude Cindy was, yelling that she was turning the hose on the media. There wasn't a mob of media present, which surprised me, just two media trucks and a half-dozen reporters/cameramen.

It proves that CA isn't worth going out in bad weather for.
Sorry, I have been busy all day and I just caught the thing about Cindy telling Lee to turn the hose on the reporters.
Aren't you Floridians still getting pounded by Fay?
"Lee, if the tropical storm won't get these people off our lawn, I'm sure the GARDEN HOSE will!!" :eek::eek:

Sorry, I had to, I have been laughing since i read that.

Thanks for that. LMAO.
I am not confident in this LE at all either. They themselves keep saying that unless Casey talks and gives them more info they don't know where to go further on the case. I know she definitely isn't going to talk to them because I 100% believe Caylee is dead and it was by the hand of Casey. Casey will NEVER tell them the truth. She will never tell anyone the truth. The minute LE smelled the decomp they should have find out thru cell pings everywhere casey has been and done searches. Of course poor LE didn't even get wind of this situation for 31 days which hurts. casey did herself good. I don't think she would have ever told anyone anything if mom hadn't got ahold of her.

Sadly I hate to say but in my heart I fear LE has not gotten what they expected from the evidence or at least not enough of it. Maybe that's why they didn't try to "stop" her from leaving OCJ, possibly they are hoping she will do/say something/s incriminating. But if that were true the prosecutors would have made sure her bond was lowered earlier.
I saw the video of this and can't believe how rude Cindy was, yelling that she was turning the hose on the media. There wasn't a mob of media present, which surprised me, just two media trucks and a half-dozen reporters/cameramen.
If she thought the media was adversarial before, just wait.

Smooth move, Cindy.
didnt her computer get taken by the LE?

I think so, but when I checked at lunch it had been stated that LE returned it with all the passwords changed - no link but I think it was on thread #112.

So to be honest I don't know:headache:
my thoughts about seeing casey with baez gives me the feeling she's the type of female that plays the i'm innocent, i'm weak, i need a guy to help me card. it also makes me wonder even more if she had help in disposing of caylee (if she is dead) and if so i bet it was a guy.

The delivery pizza mans story

"When you woke up today, did you ever think you would be in the middle of the biggest story in America?" WFTV reporter Steve Barrett asked the deliveryman.

"No, sir, I didn't," he said.

Eyewitness News learned late Thursday afternoon, the pizza was sent to the house from some folks behind an online blog. The pizza was sent with the message, "With love and decomp."

OMG.............I wonder who sent that pizza! :eek:
I know this has been linked - but...(I'm at Work)

Reporter: "Casey did you kill Caylee?"

PIZZA delivery!!!!

************* STRAP IN FOLKS ******************

The_______ is in town

I want to buy that woman a drink......she was right in her face "casey did you kill Caylee?"

Cindy with the hose was just.....I don't know. I have no words for it. But I do have it on replay.

Play with the fire...and you get burned. All of them.
I think everybody is a little bummed. Justice will prevail. I heard someone say the other night it could take a while for everything to come back. One of my relatives needed to have a dna test and it took 8 weeks to come back.

Don't lose hope. I'm not.

As bummed as I am, I have hope. Locally, we had a missing child, who wasn't really. She had been abused by her parents to the point she died. They lied and said she ran away. They lost their other kids, but the woman was never arrested before she died of a heart attack. The man involved was finally arrested a year or two later and now is set to either take a plea bargain and plead guilty to get 50+ years in the hoozcow or go to trial. The police came up with a totally solid case against the guy. They had a lot of the information all along, which was never released to the public, but waited- either hoping to find the body (which they never have) or to build a better case. It was completely annoying watching these people parade around swearing they weren't guilty of anything, having people come to their support, but one of them at least will finally be brought to justice, although it seemed to take far too long.

Regarding Caylee, we almost certainly don't know a third of what the cops know. If Caylee isn't found alive, the cops will never let this drop. As much as the US legal system can drive me insane, I feel better knowing that the clock is still ticking on this case, and it won't stop until it has a live child or until someone is behind bars for a long time.
my thoughts about seeing casey with baez gives me the feeling she's the type of female that plays the i'm innocent, i'm weak, i need a guy to help me card. it also makes me wonder even more if she had help in disposing of caylee (if she is dead) and if so i bet it was a guy.
She didn't need any help in disposing of a little 30 pound child.
I didn't know quite where to put this but it is just an observation.
I was watching the video of the release, I don't know who is her closest escort but here goes:
If one were truly scared, apprehensive etc, especially a women I think you would see them almost hugging themselves, arms over chest head down very cowered looking. What stood out to me was the almost intimate way she puts her face in the gentlemans neck, flesh to flesh. Not as some would, sort of on his chest or against his arm. It just struck me that there was something almost obscene about it. Maybe obscene is too strong a word, but it was enough to get me out of lurk and say something.

Hi Pattio428 and welcome. Very interesting first post.

Maybe the word you are looking for is watching Casey and her physical actions made you feel "uncomfortable" or it was "inappropriate."

I can't wait to see this on TV tonight.

I'm playing catch up on the threads, since I just got home from work (amazing how bosses expect you to work for the pay they give you), but has anyone checked to see if she's logged into her myspace account or facebook? I haven't found the link yet (I know it's there, but I can't find it).

She hasn't logged into her myspace as of yet. Last log in there was the 12th. Don't know about facebook.
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