Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #115

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OK, please refresh my addled mind! When did LE take the DNA from the car? Can we count the weeks from that date to see when it might come back?

LE recovered the car on Thursday, June 17th. There was a video late that night showing the car in a garage bay with two CSI in sterile suits going over the car. It was Friday, June 18th that LE said they were working with the FBI and the forensics taken from the car would be sent to their lab in Virginia.

Lets say the material didn't get sent until the following Monday and arrived in VA a couple days later. So, I'd work from June 21 - 23.
You know one difference DEB, The Van Dams got on TV all day every day begging for help and crying over the loss of their daughter and the people responded and came to help. The VD's had nothing to hide. They did their lie detector tests. Mark Klas was here and several other famous missing children organizations. Famous search teams came. They had nothing to hide and they wanted Danielle found.

In THIS case, the Anthony's don't want their precious princess to go to jail for what she has done. They don't want Caylee found dead. They would rather she was not found at all than found dead and given a decent burial. They know deep down she is probably dead at the hand of Casey so they are not out begging for help or calling upon the search organizations. It's really sad.

I was a lead in that volunteer search. We had over 500 people searching a 300 mile radius because he took Danielle to the beach, the desert, and mountains here in San Diego. He could have dumped her anywhere. Thank God he dumped her 100 feet from the road about 37 miles from her home and not in the desert. I agree, the public needs to start a full blown search. I'd fly there and run a team in a heatbeat.

Wasn't it ironic how in that case Westerfield was charged with murder and on the same day we found her? Danielle no doubt led us to her body. Caylee will do the same if they get out there and start searching.
I am not confident in this LE at all either. They themselves keep saying that unless Casey talks and gives them more info they don't know where to go further on the case.
I interpret LE’s comments to mean that it’s pointless to conduct a widespread search for Caylee since Casey has lied about every pertinent fact that would assist in finding her.

But it doesn’t mean they’re not proceeding under the theory that Casey killed Caylee and has hidden her body. They're just not coming out and saying that for public consumption until they can back it with proof of death.
Oh Geez, don't even get me started on this one. There is simply no way on earth that this was just a coincidence. The woman that looked at apartments on the 17th was in no way involved with whatever happened, but Casey intended to pin it on her.

Do you guys remember how she would spell the full name? She can't remember much of anything, like what day she last saw her daughter, or her boyfriends phone is going to remember the exact spelling of a fairly complicated name?

The 17th was Casey's "radio silence" day - she was planning. She went to the Sawgrass Apartments - collected info on ZFG because she thought she lived there.

When it turned out that she was only a visitor Casey was stumped - she hadn't planned very far ahead - everything else that came out of her mouth that day was a poorly constructed, easily refutable lie.

I think she put little Caylee's body in the dumpster at the Sawgrass apartments. It would not look suspicious at all to see someone remove garbage from their trunk at an apartment complex, and if the body was discovered she would have her hispanic nanny to blame it on.

Brilliant! I thought as much in my "theory" but not the dumpster. That seems so obvious...
She didn't need any help in disposing of a little 30 pound child.

Hi dunlurken

I don't think she needed any help. She could put Caylee in a black trash bag and dropped her in a dumpster. 31 days go by before Cindy calls 911 and reports her missing and now is over 65 days..she'd never be found.

In character (imo)

edited to add: I posted and then see that Dorvillian has a similar idea. But I dont' think it was the sawgrass apt dumpster. I think it was closer to where the car was abandoned.
I didn't know quite where to put this but it is just an observation.
I was watching the video of the release, I don't know who is her closest escort but here goes:
If one were truly scared, apprehensive etc, especially a women I think you would see them almost hugging themselves, arms over chest head down very cowered looking. What stood out to me was the almost intimate way she puts her face in the gentlemans neck, flesh to flesh. Not as some would, sort of on his chest or against his arm. It just struck me that there was something almost obscene about it. Maybe obscene is too strong a word, but it was enough to get me out of lurk and say something.

Hi, Patti. There's is a separate thread with very similar impressions about Baez and Casey, started before the scene that took place today. You'd probably be interested in taking a look at it.....FWIW
I didn't know quite where to put this but it is just an observation.
I was watching the video of the release, I don't know who is her closest escort but here goes:
If one were truly scared, apprehensive etc, especially a women I think you would see them almost hugging themselves, arms over chest head down very cowered looking. What stood out to me was the almost intimate way she puts her face in the gentlemans neck, flesh to flesh. Not as some would, sort of on his chest or against his arm. It just struck me that there was something almost obscene about it. Maybe obscene is too strong a word, but it was enough to get me out of lurk and say something.

I saw exactly what you saw. Something was way wrong with that body language.
Yes, they do.
It happens everyday.
However, IMHO, MOST drug killings are NOT children.
I wish I could quote exact numbers (I can't), but almost all drug killings are drug related. Drug dealers who go around shooting kids for the sport of it don't last very long on the street. There is simply no profit in it.

Exactly...killing a child is not going to help them get their money, drugs, etc. but organized crime/drug rings certainly aren't above risking a few innocent casualties to get their point across.
I want to buy that woman a drink......she was right in her face "casey did you kill Caylee?"

Cindy with the hose was just.....I don't know. I have no words for it. But I do have it on replay.

Play with the fire...and you get burned. All of them.

It's so annoying how the Anthony's try to intimidate the media trying to manipulate and control by threatening to withhold information from them. They say things like, "If you don't go stand where I want you to stand, I'll never talk to you again. No one in our family will either." Jeez jerk, get your sister to come up with Caylee and the media won't need to talk to you again-after the trial for child endangerment, that is." Either George or Cindy, maybe both have made the same threat. Lee always seemed more rational. Then tu Leete? This is now a matter of public interest, the public good, general welfare, of truth, justice and the American way. This is no private family afair. Find Caylee thony's and the media will go away. Until that happens, the press represents the public who cares and now has an right to know that justice is being served.
THe plain fact is we don't know if LE is handling this case well or not, since no information is being released. What we do know is that the public side of this case is totally out of control, with a circus atmosphere that is not conducive to finding Caylee.

Given that, I'm not very confident Caylee will be found dead or alive, since from all appearances the case seems to be in limbo somewhere between "she's been kidnapped" and "she's been murdered".
Hi dunlurken

I don't think she needed any help. She could put Caylee in a black trash bag and dropped her in a dumpster. 31 days go by before Cindy calls 911 and reports her missing and now is over 65 days..she'd never be found.

In character (imo)

Your post is almost eerie, I believe that this damn near exactly what happened....
I really thought since Casey was released today, I would check in and find threads titled "Casey says look here...." "Casey says the name of the kidnappers is...."
Curiously, Casey still says NOTHING.....
Casey, Casey, Casey, WHERE IS CAYLEE??? Have you had a shower? Enjoyed some free pizza? Are your nails painted? The day isnt done, please tell us where to look for Caylee, I will drive my butt to FL right now to search.
Hi dunlurken

I don't think she needed any help. She could put Caylee in a black trash bag and dropped her in a dumpster. 31 days go by before Cindy calls 911 and reports her missing and now is over 65 days..she'd never be found.

In character (imo)

edited to add: I posted and then see that Dorvillian has a similar idea. But I dont' think it was the sawgrass apt dumpster. I think it was closer to where the car was abandoned.
Caylee will never be found. She's gone. No question in my mind about that. I don't know if drug dealers took her, I don't know if she was sold into a pedophile ring, but she is gone. Thanks to her irresponsible, partying Mom. JMO.
I am of the opinion that Casey killed Caylee. There is nothing about Casey's behaviour that suggests she thinks Caylee could be brought home. If there are other people involved she wouldn't be able to predict their actions and there could be an arrest and recovery at anytime. She has no anticipation at all.

And during the 31 days Caylee was gone before Cindy reported her missing what if Caylee had been found or these kidnapping/babysitters contacted the GPs. She certainly didn't seem worried about that possiblity. Cindy drug her out of that apartment when the car showed up unexpectedly.

She knows the outcome with complete finality. Now it is just a matter of whether that month caused LE enough problems to get her off of a major charge. IMO
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