Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #115

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I don't know if I believe that..I can definitely play devil's advocate. But I would be certain she was acquainted with the sort of people who would do ANYTHING to protect their illegal activities. And I am willing to bet her so-called friends are staying as far away from this as possible to protect their own *advertiser censored***, it seems weird that virtually no one has come out of the wood work in such a high profile case to tell the public ALL about Casey's "personal" life.

I understand your point: I bartended as well (and partied) in my young days and dealt with some shady and scary characters.

But these characters never went after kids. THey didn't hesitate to go after someone in their circle who screwed them over.

don't know who is her closest escort but here goes:
If one were truly scared, apprehensive etc, especially a women I think you would see them almost hugging themselves, arms over chest head down very cowered looking. What stood out to me was the almost intimate way she puts her face in the gentlemans neck, flesh to flesh. Not as some would, sort of on his chest or against his arm. It just struck me that there was something almost obscene about it. Maybe obscene is too strong a word, but it was enough to get me out of lurk and say something.

Her escort was her lawyer. I don't think you're the only one who noticed.
Why do you think that? She's not allowed to talk to LE in jail, but she sure will be gabbing to whomever she's in that house with, since she has nothing else to do.

Ever hear of a laser microphone? I'd bet money there's one pointed at that house right now, with a federal agent in headphones on the other end.

True dat...Exactly... The one thing and really the only thing I have changed my opinion on today is that the necessary forensic work that followed the preliminary results imo, is truly not completed.

Again I say, this DA is an example of how not to be baited by either media or the defense attorney.. Game, Set, Match, at the end of the day is what counts.

I do however hate like all he** this circus freak is out
How to Identify a Dangerous Mother

One of the keys to knowing if the mother is a psychopath and the kids are in harm's way is to note the outlandishness of the mother's stories. Baron von Munchausen wasn't the only one to tell a bizarre tale. One of the hallmarks of psychopathy is telling stories to get people's attention and to increase one's stature. The psychopath may get away with some of these lies, but often he or she lacks the ability to stay within the realm of possibility or back up the story with credible facts.

Hm....let me see...Caylee's father died on his way to Caylee's birthday party? That kind of bizzare lie to get people's attention you mean? :blowkiss:
no matter how many other scenarios anyone comes up with, I just can't get past how happy she was out there partying, free of her daughter. That is going to seal it with any jury, IMO.

That's what I keep coming back to. Plain and simple.
Oh for God's sakes people. Get over the relationship between Casey and Baez. It happens every day with male defense attornies and their female clients. Joe Tacopina and his client (can't remember her name right now, but she cut her husband up, put him in suitcases and threw him off the Delaware Bridge)..... They gushed over each every day in court. It hurt Tacopina's career IMO. When she was sentenced to LWOP, I thought they were going to lay down on the floor right then and there in the court room. If you get my drift. JMO.
I am not confident in this LE at all either. They themselves keep saying that unless Casey talks and gives them more info they don't know where to go further on the case. I know she definitely isn't going to talk to them because I 100% believe Caylee is dead and it was by the hand of Casey. Casey will NEVER tell them the truth. She will never tell anyone the truth. The minute LE smelled the decomp they should have find out thru cell pings everywhere casey has been and done searches. Of course poor LE didn't even get wind of this situation for 31 days which hurts. casey did herself good. I don't think she would have ever told anyone anything if mom hadn't got ahold of her.

I tend to agree, I am not as confident in LE as some are on this board.
As to what's going on in the Anthony home, (since they can't talk) I imagine they are playing a serious game of charades!

:bud::lamb::princes::eat::aktion033::curtsey::dance: your posts :blowkiss:
I didn't know quite where to put this but it is just an observation.
I was watching the video of the release, I don't know who is her closest escort but here goes:
If one were truly scared, apprehensive etc, especially a women I think you would see them almost hugging themselves, arms over chest head down very cowered looking. What stood out to me was the almost intimate way she puts her face in the gentlemans neck, flesh to flesh. Not as some would, sort of on his chest or against his arm. It just struck me that there was something almost obscene about it. Maybe obscene is too strong a word, but it was enough to get me out of lurk and say something.

That was her attorney she was nuzzling up to...and yes you do not have to ba a body language expert to see the intimacy in her move but I imagine that is how she is with most men. It's just a form of manipulation.
Sorry, I have been busy all day and I just caught the thing about Cindy telling Lee to turn the hose on the reporters.
Aren't you Floridians still getting pounded by Fay?
"Lee, if the tropical storm won't get these people off our lawn, I'm sure the GARDEN HOSE will!!" :eek::eek:

Sorry, I had to, I have been laughing since i read that.
I saw the video of this and can't believe how rude Cindy was, yelling that she was turning the hose on the media. There wasn't a mob of media present, which surprised me, just two media trucks and a half-dozen reporters/cameramen.

but used the media when it was convenient for her.....
I'm playing catch up on the threads, since I just got home from work (amazing how bosses expect you to work for the pay they give you), but has anyone checked to see if she's logged into her myspace account or facebook? I haven't found the link yet (I know it's there, but I can't find it).
Oh for God's sakes people. Get over the relationship between Casey and Baez. It happens every day with male defense attornies and their female clients. Joe Tacopina and his client (can't remember her name right now, but she cut her husband up, put him in suitcases and threw him off the Delaware Bridge)..... They gushed over each every day in court. It hurt Tacopina's career IMO. When she was sentenced to LWOP, I thought they were going to lay down on the floor right then and there in the court room. If you get my drift. JMO.

What is your point? That it is inappropriate or that it is totally to be expected? People feel like commenting on, I don't think there is anything for people to get over.
I honestly tried to be open about LP. But I just can't anymore. He has only made this whole case more of a circus, IMO.

I'm not giving up on that end. Call me a fool. I believe he has something up his sleeve.

I could be wrong.
I'm playing catch up on the threads, since I just got home from work (amazing how bosses expect you to work for the pay they give you), but has anyone checked to see if she's logged into her myspace account or facebook? I haven't found the link yet (I know it's there, but I can't find it).

didnt her computer get taken by the LE?
Drug dealers do kill children. where have you been living ? especially drug dealers connected with m3.

Yes, they do.
It happens everyday.
However, IMHO, MOST drug killings are NOT children.
I wish I could quote exact numbers (I can't), but almost all drug killings are drug related. Drug dealers who go around shooting kids for the sport of it don't last very long on the street. There is simply no profit in it.
Where are they going to get a body? LE isn't even looking!!!!! No one is going to tell them anything further. LE is going to have to get looking on their own. I wish that darn community would launch a huge search like the danielle van dam case. They had 100s search for her in a 100 mile radius at least and people even came from out of state to search.

I was a lead in that volunteer search. We had over 500 people searching a 300 mile radius because he took Danielle to the beach, the desert, and mountains here in San Diego. He could have dumped her anywhere. Thank God he dumped her 100 feet from the road about 37 miles from her home and not in the desert. I agree, the public needs to start a full blown search. I'd fly there and run a team in a heatbeat.

Wasn't it ironic how in that case Westerfield was charged with murder and on the same day we found her? Danielle no doubt led us to her body. Caylee will do the same if they get out there and start searching.
Personally I don't see how releasing her from jail is going to move this case forward in any way shape or form.

At least when she was in the local jail, she was isolated, had time to think, and the telephone calls and visits were recorded.

I feel now she is at home (and can only talk to people about this case if her lawyer is present), somewhere she is familiar with, I think she will clam up completely. I think her parents think they will be able to draw information out of her, but I dont think this will be the case. Judging from how she has acted towards them whilst in jail, talked to them like crap, when they are trying to support her, she will see this as an oppourtunity to use them further and be shielded by them as probably she has been all her life.

We are still no clearer, with no new solid information being released from the time she was arrested. We keep getting the same old "the baby sitter took her". If George and Cindy or the police believed this person existed and genuinely took Caley they would be doing everything in their power to find her. The police would have asked for a sketch and surely this would have been distributed, so everyone could be on the look out for this person and missing little girl.

Makes you wonder if the police have any new leads / evidence? Would they have allowed her to be released on bond if they had some solid evidence?
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