Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #115

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Leonard Padilla is being interviewed on CNN...hasn't said anything significant except that Lee REALLY did order pizza for everyone...unbelievable

OMG...........this gets weirder and weirder!

I hope someone takes a piece and puts it in their trunk.

Hi Everybody,

What's going on with this world we live in today? We have a high profile case, and there's a beautiful child missing. The number one person of interest/suspect is Casey Anthony.

I only have one thing to say to the Padilla's!!!

CAYLEE trusted her mommy to keep her safe, and protect her from danger. CAYLEE is only missing because Casey was negligent. After CAYLEE went missing, Casey cared so little about that child that she was out partying and shacking up with a boy named Tony. Casey never once looked for CAYLEE in those 31 days. She lied to God only knows how many people when asked where her child was, and you BAILED HER OUT WHY????

It's utter BS that this girl.......this manipulating psychotic criminal.......this selfish excuse for a mother, not only had a full month to go out and party after her daughters disappearance, but is NOW, at home in the arms of her parents. All the while little CAYLEE is either buried in a shallow grave somewhere being mutilated by insects, vultures, and rodents, torched beyond recognition, in a body of water being torn apart by fish and alligators, OR kidnapped by her loving nanny being well taken care of (which is highly doubtful.)

I am so pi$$ed off that Casey has a million cameras greeting her as if she's a movie star, when she struts out of jail, instead of thousands of people out there protesting her release. I am so pi$$ed off that this entire family has lied beyond belief to protect this sick twisted criminal from paying for her crime, whether the child be kidnapped, accidently killed, or murdered this mother should not be out on bond. This child right now has NOBODY on her side because our justice system has failed her miserably. The only terms Casey should have been released was if she cooperated with LE and lead them to CAYLEE dead or alive, PERIOD!!! If the Padilla's REALLY wanted to be hero's that should have been the ONLY reason to post bond for her.

These constant BS lies starting with the imaginary nanny, imaginary job, imaginary cry out witnesses, have done nothing but take the spotlight off the most important thing here, and that's finding CAYLEE, dead or alive. Casey has run the show from day one, and continues to lead her family, her attorney, LE, the media, and the public by a leash, running everybody around in circles as she plays her twisted sick game. Now we have this huge media circus all prancing around the "princess" CASEY and once again CAYLEE is on the back burner. If I lived in Orlando I'd be camped out in front of that house EVERYDAY protesting her release.

I personally have NO respect what so ever for the Padilla's. I know the moderator asked us to respect these guys, but LP is a manipulating con man and he's just out there getting his jolly's off being a media *advertiser censored* at CAYLEE'S expense. So far all they have accomplished is getting notoriety for being the jacka$$es who set a criminal free, and disrespecting CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY. I don't care if Casey is free for just one hour, one day, or one week, it's wrong because this baby never had a second chance to see the light of another day. I know this child is in heaven, and she is probably better off being away from this twisted person who once claimed to be her mother. I personally come from a very wealthy family. We have all discussed this case, and not one person in my family would bond my daughter out if she was being accused of a crime like this. OK, I'm done ranting my opinion here!!!
I'm happy to see that i'm not the only person who believes in that possibility. Casey promoting herself with what looks like an escort service. Who the hell knows what she got poor Caylee into.

:praying: for Caylee
Then she had better start talking or else she's looking at LWOP if they up the charge to murder. She's going to have to implicate a lot of people and this may be bigger than LE down in Florida can handle. something is amiss here besides the "huger" fact that an innocent little girl is presumably dead.
I'm happy to see that i'm not the only person who believes in that possibility. Casey promoting herself with what looks like an escort service. Who the hell knows what she got poor Caylee into.

:praying: for Caylee

I know. I keep jumping around in my mind as to what could have possibly happened to Caylee.

I think about the cadaver dogs, then I remind myself that it's not 100% accurate.
I think of the decomp smell in the trunk, then I remind myself that there is no proof it's Caylee.
I think of 'someone has her' theory, and I can't find anything to discredit this.

But there are so many webs spun and secrets with Casey's social life that I keep doubting myself.

I guess I'll have to learn not to beat myself up wondering until DNA and forensics come back.
Ok I have to ask. Supposedly the BH and Anthony's cannot ask questions.
Is it against the law for them to or is the Baez fear mongering? I guess I dont get it.
If I was there I would follow Casey around the house acting like a freak screaming Where is Caylee...Where is Caylee...Where is Caylee. The whole time she was home.
I also think the Anthony's don't really believe the kidnapping theory down deep. Especially Cindy. Even tho Cindy loved Caylee she can't bare to lose Casey too so now its all about Casey and saving her neck. After a period of time goes by they will all just accept Casey back the way she is and forget about poor little Caylee and their lives will go on with their princess Casey. Casey will get her few months in the clink and then go home to be Cindy's little princess again. I just hope the Orlando community, especially all the men, shun Casey and that all she ends up with for a buddy is Cindy.
That's ridiculous. If someone knows something and has any intention of submitting that info to LE for a reward, you would think they would have done it already, rather than waiting for LP to make that statement. I think this statement makes a pretty clear case about what LP is really involved for, and it's not to help find Caylee. (eta...I am not mocking Gizzy's post, but rather, the statement made by LP)

Also, WTF happened to the GP's statements that Casey needed to be released so they could find Caylee? (Did I imagine that?).
No wonder they don't want the media around anymore.

Am I the only one who see's the GP's and is instantly reminded of Jackie Peterson???

Isn't saying we aren't going to look for 7 days equivilant to telling the "kidnappers" they have a 7 day head start?
I am beginning to agree with this also. If they had something on her -- they would have done their best to keep her in prison.
Why do you think that? She's not allowed to talk to LE in jail, but she sure will be gabbing to whomever she's in that house with, since she has nothing else to do.

Ever hear of a laser microphone? I'd bet money there's one pointed at that house right now, with a federal agent in headphones on the other end.
Sorry Rose but the BH said that he had special way to get Casey to talk to him and now it has come out that the BH isn't even allowed access to Casey so I don't hold one bit of stock in that thing anymore. In fact, no one from the BH can ask her anything so I don't know what leads you to believe that anything will come from the BH scenario. He was shot down good by Baez.

That is what was reported to the news media, that is all we know. Did you really expect to get inside information reported to news media?
I totally agree!! Totally.

lol--i won't crucify you but i will disagree with you. The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour (now where have i heard that before (giggling :waitasec:). Cindy and george have a long history of making excuses and paying for their daughter's mistakes, financially and emotionally. They will continue to do this because they don't know how to do anything else. They are completely under her control and i'll even say scared of her. Now with caylee gone, they will do whatever it takes to make casey happy.
I think the united front we see outside of the house is not how things are behind closed doors. We have heard over and over that Cindy and Casey were fighting regularly. Many dysfunctional families band together in public and tear each other apart in private.

Cindy didn't seem perky and happy to me this morning, she didn't seem like she was waiting with the tub filled for her princess to arrive. She seemed nervous and pissed off to me.

This is what I was trying to get across.

Though I easily will say that I could be far wrong in my estimation of Cindy, I don't think I am of George. Or Lee. Or the influence these two may have had on Cindy in the past month.

I know this is how it was with my family. I was Casey .I didn't "lose" or "kill" my child, but I did neglect him as does a 16 yr old mother who didn't want a kid. My Mother raised my son, and I continued partying and drugging until she had enough and had me arrested.

I hated her, and that continued for years, even when I HAD to go home for brief periods (court ordered). To everyone else, all was well, my mom and I were close and had the BEST relationship! But as soon as we were alone, it was hell for me.

Now I'm not pathological, so I can't say for sure what Casey is feeling...but I have an inkling. In her place, I would want back in that cell fast just to get away from my the guilt I tried to ignore finally overwhelmed me.

She may not crack. But she certainly doesn't have a clear conscience. I see suicide a very possible outcome, but not for awhile. Sooner or later her false front will wane, and she will either completely go insane, or hurt herself.

Again, My opinion only.
dear god i hope not. you are a brave woman to do that and then carry on your daily life.

It's not bravery, it's determination. If I'm taking up a pervs time, that's one less child they're victimizing.

And.. This case is like taking a break for me. I have to walk away from the pervs quite often.
I also think the Anthony's don't really believe the kidnapping theory down deep. Especially Cindy. Even tho Cindy loved Caylee she can't bare to lose Casey too so now its all about Casey and saving her neck. After a period of time goes by they will all just accept Casey back the way she is and forget about poor little Caylee and their lives will go on with their princess Casey. Casey will get her few months in the clink and then go home to be Cindy's little princess again. I just hope the Orlando community, especially all the men, shun Casey and that all she ends up with for a buddy is Cindy.
Casey will eventually disappear into the woodwork after she serves her 6 years for child neglect.... if the forensics can't prove anything. Probably marry and produce more children.
Oh how nice. Casey gets a hot shower. Must feel great to have the "jailhouse ick" off her. I wonder, as she was taking that shower, if she thought about Caylee having a nice warm bubble bath... being clean and "dirt-free".

I'm gonna have to stop now.... I am so pi$$ed.
I am beginning to agree with this also. If they had something on her -- they would have done their best to keep her in prison.

Absolutely not. Being pressured into filing charges too soon benefits Casey's defense.

LE isn't going to let outsiders dictate how they conduct their investigation or when they file charges.

Even IF LE knows Caylee's body was in the Pontiac trunk, that doesn't prove homicide.

Who can say with NO shadow of doubt that Casey isn't trying to cover up negligence that resulted in Caylee's death. Our thread here on that subject prove there is lots of reasonable doubt about what happened.

What IF when Caylee's body is found that body PROVES Caylee was deliberately murdered??? What if there is more evidence to be dug up on computers that shows premeditation??? The pictures of O.J. with THE shoes on his feet weren't found until AFTER O.J.'s criminal trial.

Once Casey is tried you can't go back and do it over. No matter how condemning the evidence is that you find after the trial once the jury has its say, it's over.

Defense lawyers with guilty clients push for speedy trials because time is their enemy. It lets investigators pile up more evidence.
my sentiments exactly, I wish the media would just ignore the family and let them deal with their own reality. There hasn't been anything new reported for weeks, and the family's face time in the media only adds to the confusion. They have never said anything credible. All spin. All this testing, searching and nothing. I have thought that LE would get it together and I was just being impatient, but the # of detectives working on this and all the info they already have, I am losing faith. The family is obviously in full cover up mode, as sickening as it is, we may just have to accept that this child was not truely loved by her family and was allowed to be discarded like trash. It honestly makes me want to vomit.

I tend to agree, I am not as confident in LE as some are on this board.
This is a general thought about the Casey/club/drug/involved in something over her head theory...
I've grown up in FL and certainly did some wild partying in my pre-marriage/children days... I bartended in many clubs and some nights you served more H2O than alcohol because virtually everyone in the club was on X, etc. When I was part of that scene I knew some pretty shady I'm sure Miss Anthony does now.
I was to young and stupid to realize the seriousness of what was going on it all seemed like fun and games.
My point being is that lifestyle is normal for Casey I doubt she saw any danger in it. I imagine she might also have been some what foolish about some of the people around her and possibly went to someone for "help" to make the stolen money back. She could have agreed to sell drugs for somebody and convinced "them" to front it to her and either a)did the drugs & gave them away trying to look cool in front of her new friends, or b)sold the drugs and spent the "dealers" money. Caylee could have paid the ultimate price for an ill-fated deal.

I don't know if I believe that..I can definitely play devil's advocate. But I would be certain she was acquainted with the sort of people who would do ANYTHING to protect their illegal activities. And I am willing to bet her so-called friends are staying as far away from this as possible to protect their own *advertiser censored***, it seems weird that virtually no one has come out of the wood work in such a high profile case to tell the public ALL about Casey's "personal" life.
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