Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #121

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I really wasnt saying he's a crack pot or anything or a idiot. I guess my faith in this is split. BUT LP did say, that he will believe she is alive until LE can prove she isnt. So with that he said, let him have his chance with this plan.

My respect rose even more for him when he said if she's not, then he'll be looking for a body. That tells me he's not going to stop until she's found, or at least do as much as he can.
Did you pay attention to the faces and body language when both LP and TP were on tonight and the question came up about them being subpoened for a GJ? They knew this going in - this certainly ain't their first rodeo. I think IMO they are kinda looking forward to it.
I've got just one thing to say - remember Elizabeth Smart?

But when Caylee does come home - it most certainly won't be to Casey's loving arms - or Cindy's or George's. And that you can take to the bank!!!!!

Yes I do, that was a weird and miraculous thing for know I have a little girl.......every night before I go to bed, I check all the doors, the window and make sure she is still there. And I've slept downstairs on my sofa ever since the day she was born 2002, even though we have ADT. So yeah if they get that child back there is gonna be a pulic outrage for sure, I hear you on that.
ya... Cindy's "Mother of the Year" candidate...Ummm ..Not so much...(not that she had more than 4 votes anyways) LOL
Did you pay attention to the faces and body language when both LP and TP were on tonight and the question came up about them being subpoened for a GJ? They knew this going in - this certainly ain't their first rodeo. I think IMO they are kinda looking forward to it.

Oh youre right I did notice their body language, as if to say, that isnt news to us kinda thing.
See I think that is what is bothering control freak Cindy more than anything. I mean she blew this whole thing wide open by calling 911. Now, when they do bring Caylee home - even she won't have her. Guess she shoulda gone for that custody order sooner huh?
I am wondering if anyone else noticed that when the reporter asked any question that had to do with what there plans where or did anything get said about Caylee that LP answered them. He is just a BH and the other guy is a PI, an expert witness. He doesn't want to jepodize his witness status with anything that could be shown to be a non truth.
That "hold my head up because I'm innocent" speil IMO came strictly from Baez. He likes to put his spin on things. but I do agree - 7 hours at an office is a long time when you're not working there! Or were they working? What could they have been doing all that time?

I'm sure that "hold my head up because I'm innocent" did in fact come from Baez, but he should have told Casey that's the plan.

I wonder what George was doing all that time? Was he in on the session, or was he sitting in the waiting room thumbing through an old National Geographic?
Cindy contradicted everything when she talked to the media. I really loathed her when she said she didnt care about the media and that she didnt care if she used them or not. Now I dont kow how yall were raised, but my mother taught me that you get more bees with honey rather than spewing temper tantrums! IMO
I really wasnt saying he's a crack pot or anything or a idiot. I guess my faith in this is split. BUT LP did say, that he will believe she is alive until LE can prove she isnt. So with that he said, let him have his chance with this plan.

Wishing all of the Bounty Hunter team the best of luck in finding Caylee. :)
Another thing I found interesting. I saw two different interviews done "on the inside" of that RV. You never saw the "back end" of that monster. All they gave you was the table with a simple laptop and a taser with LP and TP sitting on the little couch. Never once did that camera swing around and show you the back. And that RV is a biggun - there was a whole lotta footage behind that doorway. That's what I kept yellin' at my TV - SWING THAT CAMERA AROUND - I WANNA SEE THE BACK!!!!! lol
I'm sure that "hold my head up because I'm innocent" did in fact come from Baez, but he should have told Casey that's the plan.

I wonder what George was doing all that time? Was he in on the session, or was he sitting in the waiting room thumbing through an old National Geographic?

HAHAHAHA!! Now thats funny right there!

He probably was bored out of his mind perhaps pulling at his eyebrows too
I keep asking. Does anyone know what or if Casey was driving between the 6/26-27 when the car was dumped, towed on the 30th to 7/8 - 7/15 when she was using Amy's car.
I've got just one thing to say - remember Elizabeth Smart?

But when Caylee does come home - it most certainly won't be to Casey's loving arms - or Cindy's or George's. And that you can take to the bank!!!!!

If, by a miracle, Caylee were to be found alive and well, I would hope Child Protective Services and the court steps in and terminates Casey's custody. Supervised visitation with members of the Anthony family.
Another thing I found interesting. I saw two different interviews done "on the inside" of that RV. You never saw the "back end" of that monster. All they gave you was the table with a simple laptop and a taser with LP and TP sitting on the little couch. Never once did that camera swing around and show you the back. And that RV is a biggun - there was a whole lotta footage behind that doorway. That's what I kept yellin' at my TV - SWING THAT CAMERA AROUND - I WANNA SEE THE BACK!!!!! lol

well see, I was wondering that too, if there was so much more going on than what we is getting better and better all the time! You have no idea!:)
That "hold my head up because I'm innocent" speil IMO came strictly from Baez. He likes to put his spin on things. but I do agree - 7 hours at an office is a long time when you're not working there! Or were they working? What could they have been doing all that time?
Jose was in his office working, and Casey was sitting at the receptionist's computer surfing the web.

George was reading a magazine.

Or not.
If, by a miracle, Caylee were to be found alive and well, I would hope Child Protective Services and the court steps in and terminates Casey's custody. Supervised visitation with members of the Anthony family.

See, but all that is so sad for be ripped from her home she knew already is hard enough. Thats what tears me up inside. If she's alive, where is she and what must she be missing from what she knew, everything!
Jose was in his office working, and Casey was sitting at the receptionist's computer surfing the web.

George was reading a magazine.

Or not.
Jose was pumping her......for information.
The evening of the 7/15. Casey and George go to the impound to get the car. George drives the car home and Cindy goes and gets Amy to help her find Casey. Cindy drops Amy ack off and drives Casey to a closed police station. Then comes home with Casey and figures she can get Casey to talk by making the first 911 call. Where is George? Has anyone said.
Hello everyone! First post- What was the reason LP gave for waiting on his investigation? I thought I heard something about not interfering with LE. I have tried to do my homework but I'm apparently missing some things regarding the BH/Bond/Security team. TIA
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