Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #122

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Can someone give me the link to that wedding guestbook, I was gonna check it out and forgot and now it's gone in thte thread somewhere.
I have seen so many women who fight in court with DCF for their kids. . . then do nothing to actually complete their case plans to get their kids back. Or women who fight for custody when they don't actually want to parent their children. I have always thought that it has a lot to do with the fact that there is such a social stigma attached to "losing custody" of your children.
I have no reason to believe that she is pregnant. But she is approved to go to doctors appointments (standard) and if she is,.

I know this is very unlikely but has anyone thought of the possibility that the decomp could be from a miscarriage? Would that cause a decomp smell ? I know is a silly question but was just curious don't slap me to hard :slap:.
I truely hope she has been reading posts.. IMO she knows what happened to Caylee and is truely wasting everyones time when we could be doing research on another child that is missing that the parents dont know what happen to them.. dont take me wrong I know we have to try and find Caylee as we are the ones that really care about her and where she is..I just think she is not only hurting Caylee she is hurting other cases that we could be working on and in this one Casey is holding the key. That makes me mad!!!
I saw a website or a myspace, facebook site that showed some pictures of Casey’s ex, Morales, the one connected to Amy who took a trip to P. Rico, being some type of boxer and the attorney JB just defended some guy, a Nilton Diaz a boxer in a child case. If I am not mistaken, this is the same couple who lived across the street from one of the places that Casey pointed out the invisible ZG lived but not sure if was SawGrass. There is ZG who lives in Kissimme darn close to JB. Wonder if this could be another connection. How did the lawyer get picked? This whole case is nutty.
I know this is very unlikely but has anyone thought of the possibility that the decomp could be from a miscarriage? Would that cause a decomp smell ? I know is a silly question but was just curious don't slap me to hard :slap:.


I could go into a very morbid explanation of why not, but I won't for fear of upsetting women in this thread who have experienced miscarriages. (Myself included.)

Why do people think she was pregnant? There's absolutely no evidence of that.
so she picked amy up at the airport on the 15th. what day did the cell phone pings show she was at the airport, im thinkng it was the 16th? correct me if im wrong. but when she picked up amy from the airport maybe thats when she seen that it would be a good dumping place/????? just wondering moo.
Are there any scheduled shows tonight on Caylee? Is Geraldo's tonight? Thanks to anyone who can offer.
Hi, everybody. Newbie here :) But not new to this case. I admit I've lurked for a while before signing up :)

Anyway, some thoughts in just thinking the last few days about Casey's personality and how her mind and emotions are, and thinking about what was going on in her life in the weeks before Caylee disappeared.

While I was thinking in that way, I would go back and check on different things. What I ended up with is creeping me out.

So here we have this selfcentered girl, craves attention, all about her, probably 'needs' a boyfriend for the attention, and she was complaining about men (reference: boys are stupid, let's go find hot guys, etc. on myspace and facebook).

And she meets a guy who she is apparently crazy about, and with her personality type, probably is kind of obsessive about. MUST be with him, CAN'T lose him, MUST have the attention.

She's used to spending almost every night with him. Caylee is never with her when she spends the night. (reference: Anthony's roomate in Greta interview)

So everything seems fine with her parents over the weekend before the 16th. (Casey, Cindy, and Caylee go swimming at Cindy's night of the 15th. George states everything is fine and normal when he sees Casey and Caylee getting ready to leave early afternoon of the 16th.)

On the 16th, Casey tells George (according to George) that she has to work late that night. Well, we know she's not working, so why does she say that? She's been spending almost every night with Anthony, according to Anthony's roomate in the Greta interview, Casey hadn't seen Anthony for a couple nights.

So on the 16th, she obsessively HAD to see him.

She hadn't asked George or Cindy to watch Caylee, so I think she might have had someone else to watch Caylee the night of the 16th, or she had something else she usually did with Caylee when she wanted to spend the night with Anthony. (More about that in a minute.)

Casey leaves with Caylee. Doesn't really matter where they go or what they do, but a few hours later, Casey finds out she can't use her planned arrangements for Caylee that night.

Her date, her time, her attention with Anthony that night is threatened, and that just can not happen. Casey gets what Casey wants, and she wants to be with Anthony that night.

She starts obsessively calling George and Cindy to get them to watch Caylee. But they're not answering.

What is she going to do? I'd been wondering what I'd do if I didn't care very much about my child, and I felt I just HAD to see some guy, and I had no money, and I had nobody to babysit. It didn't take long for me to think about people who leave their children home alone.

But where would Casey leave Caylee? Not at her parents' house, she couldn't. And she wouldn't leave her in the car, because she needed her car to get to Anthony, and she couldn't take a chance on Anthony seeing Caylee alone in the car and thinking she (Casey) was a bad mother or she'd lose him.

So an empty house somewhere fits just fine.

So as I was going through the different information on the case, I happened across where she posts on myspace or facebook about not having been to the Oviedo house for 9 days. She posted it on the 24th of June. And that, depending on how you count the days, can put you right smack on the 16th. I just don't know how Casey counts her days.

Anyway... Casey's post indicates she stayed at Oviedo sometimes.

So now I have more things I'm wondering:

Did Casey have her own room at Oviedo where she could leave Caylee, so even if somebody happened to come home, they wouldn't notice she had left Caylee alone?

Is there some other cubby of some kind where she could drug Caylee and stash her so nobody would find her if they happened to come home?

Was anybody home at Oviedo on the 16th or 17th of June? Who was home? What did they do? Where in the house did they go? Was anything strange or out of order?

Has LE searched and luminoled Oviedo?

Do any friends know if Casey ever left Caylee alone at Oviedo?

I'm really creeped out about her posting she hadn't been at Oviedo in 9 days, and the date going back to when Caylee went missing.

Anyway, there's my thoughts. I do think that Caylee is dead. I'm not completely convinced that Casey got pissed off and killed her. I can just as easily see it happening from an extreme act of selfishness on Casey's part, where she puts Caylee in danger so she (Casey) can get what she wants.

Thanks for reading (if you got this far lol).
so she picked amy up at the airport on the 15th. what day did the cell phone pings show she was at the airport, im thinkng it was the 16th? correct me if im wrong. but when she picked up amy from the airport maybe thats when she seen that it would be a good dumping place/????? just wondering moo.

the 17th = pings
Wow.. I went to check out the wedding stuff.. ANd i Couldnt believe people were posting... I wonder who the last poster is.
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