Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #123

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Is anyone else sick of Leonard Padilla sitting on his butt on TV interviews 24/7? Wasn't he going to find Caylee? Now he says for whoever has her to just "DUMP"????? her in a store and call two days later for the reward. That man deserves every threat he gets. BTW, why doesn't he show us some of those threats??? He's a total fraud, nothing more imo. HE NEVER INTENDED TO DO ANY LOOKING FOR CAYLEE. His actions prove that. I hope he loses his $50,000 bond.

How dare he point fingers at other people? I am writing CA to get his bounty hunter's license revoked. All he does is complain about how poor Casey was treated. How it was LE's responsibility to protect her exit from jail. I don't think so. LE weren't the people bonding her out. Don't you think that Baez could have asked for her to be released in the atea they load the vans for court - it's usually fenced in and access is very limited.

The truth probably is that going to church is better than going nowhere. I really think that the stew is probably ready to boil. They are in each other's laps. Casey is a captive audience. It wouldn't take to long to get to the boiling point! LP better start talking to her before she starts getting real upset with the folks!!! Think he said he would probably be seeing her on Sunday....:rolleyes:
If she was in the trunk for at least 24 hrs in that heat it seems that there would be some break down of tissue. At least the loss of body fluids.

Okay, you had me freaking out, because that was not what your original rply said and when I went to quote you because your reply was actually very funny, it came up with this (above) reply and then I hit my back button and saw your original reply again. I thought the board was seriously glitching. lmao
I don't know where to put this so I will put it here.

If this is against TOS I will discuss it with myself and time myself out if need be :crazy:

You all remember the pizza delivered to the Anthony family? It was a member of the forum that had the pizza sent to the family with the message; "With love and decomp from the Dreamin’ Demon.”

It seems that some posters on WS thought the posters at DreaminDemon were lying about the pizza. They were not.

The administrator of the forum sent me a very long and polite email explaining that they are not liars. Here is just a little bit of what she said;

We're not mad at you at all, but we just wanted to get that cleared
up. We've shared a lot of traffic on this case, and we don't want you
to think we're liars. Jerks, maybe. Snickering adolescents,
definitely. But we're not liars.

Guys, it was a very nice and very funny email. I appreciated the fact that "Imp Queen" wanted to set the record straight about her forum and she did it in a polite manner. That is rare these days.

Thanks Tricia.............glad to know they're being open and honest about the pizza. :)
Oh yeah. Plenty of creeps do.

Dennis Rader, anyone?

Unless Casey was a regular church goer BEFORE all this, I think it's very fair to question her motivation for attending Sunday services.

She might be going to bolster her public image. Someone already suggested this as a possibility. She might merely be trying to maximize every opportunity she has in order to get out of the house for awhile. Defendants under house arrest are typically allowed to visit a religious house of worship once a week. She might be a frequent churchgoer. I imagine that soon enough, the media will discover what Casey's churchgoing habits were, if any, prior to this Caylee case.

BTK! Good catch. That should put to rest the idea that a regular churchgoer is cloaked in goodness. Good people and evil people come in all shapes and sizes and are found everywhere.
Is anyone else sick of Leonard Padilla sitting on his butt on TV interviews 24/7? Wasn't he going to find Caylee? Now he says for whoever has her to just "DUMP"????? her in a store and call two days later for the reward. That man deserves every threat he gets. BTW, why doesn't he show us some of those threats??? He's a total fraud, nothing more imo. HE NEVER INTENDED TO DO ANY LOOKING FOR CAYLEE. His actions prove that. I hope he loses his $50,000 bond.

How dare he point fingers at other people? I am writing CA to get his bounty hunter's license revoked. All he does is complain about how poor Casey was treated. How it was LE's responsibility to protect her exit from jail. I don't think so. LE weren't the people bonding her out. Don't you think that Baez could have asked for her to be released in the atea they load the vans for court - it's usually fenced in and access is very limited.


I agree 100%!!!!
Please note...I did NOT post that. That person went back to a previous thread to dig up something to "gotcha" me with. I'm still kinda WTF-ing over why she did that. I hope your reply wasn't to me.

No, this was not posted towards you.

I am just annoyed that religion/spirituality has come into play in regards to WS posts. RodeRed believes that we're all a bunch of bitter Heathens.

Time to step away from the keyboard because that does/did me annoyed.
I am so lost. I was A.W.O.L yesterday and seems I am missing something. Has anything important happened in the last 48 hours? I will backtrack myself, was just wondering if anyone could fill me in briefly so i know what im looking for.
Okay, you had me freaking out, because that was not what your original rply said and when I went to quote you because your reply was actually very funny, it came up with this (above) reply and then I hit my back button and saw your original reply again. I thought the board was seriously glitching. lmao

HAHAHA..that is freaky isn't it...SRY <<<<<:confused:
Is anyone else sick of Leonard Padilla sitting on his butt on TV interviews 24/7? Wasn't he going to find Caylee? Now he says for whoever has her to just "DUMP"????? her in a store and call two days later for the reward. That man deserves every threat he gets. BTW, why doesn't he show us some of those threats??? He's a total fraud, nothing more imo. HE NEVER INTENDED TO DO ANY LOOKING FOR CAYLEE. His actions prove that. I hope he loses his $50,000 bond.

How dare he point fingers at other people? I am writing CA to get his bounty hunter's license revoked. All he does is complain about how poor Casey was treated. How it was LE's responsibility to protect her exit from jail. I don't think so. LE weren't the people bonding her out. Don't you think that Baez could have asked for her to be released in the atea they load the vans for court - it's usually fenced in and access is very limited.

I am convinced that Leonard & his circus are shameless exploiters of missing children. He has lied & changed his tune almost as much as Casey......JMO
The house where Amy lived with JP and Ricardo, and where Casey stayed sometimes prior to approx June 15th/16th. They referred to it as 'the Oviedo house' in some myspace/facebook posts.

I don't think that is correct.
She might be going to bolster her public image. Someone already suggested this as a possibility. She might merely be trying to maximize every opportunity she has in order to get out of the house for awhile. Defendants under house arrest are typically allowed to visit a religious house of worship once a week. She might be a frequent churchgoer. I imagine that soon enough, the media will discover what Casey's churchgoing habits were, if any, prior to this Caylee case.

I think it's public image, since she made the call to request the trip from her attorney's office.

I've wondered if she made arrangements to meet someone there. Hard for me to imagine her sitting through a church service, unless she's going to get something she wants out of it.
I thought the Oveida house was the one that Casey and Amy were going to move into, right???
I was referring to the cadavor dogs picking up a scent and alerting to something that had been worn and then come in contact with a dead body. I know some dogs like to drag clothes around Heck my cats drag clothes around my house. They love stinky socks.

See Rozey, I wasn't the only one who saw that first reply! lmao :blowkiss:
No I am being real here. She does not show disregard for social norms, she does not show aggresiveness, she does not show any documented or convicted disregard for others ....

She might've stolen money from Amy and even worse, her grandparents. She stole her parents car at least once and ran up unauthorized credit card bills on her parents' cards. It is said that she wrote unauthorized checks on her parents account as well. So there's that.
Not that anyone asked my opinion, but that hasn't stopped me before...

If George and Cindy are at that kid's fair tomorrow, I doubt we'll be seeing Casey give up her alone time to go to a church she may never have set foot in.
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