Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #126

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I'd tell the attorney, "Lookahere, buddyro, this is how its gonna be. I'll get your girl out but by golly, she's gonna talk. She's gonna tell me everything I ask....and she's gonna tell the truth or I'll leave her to rot in jail for the duration.".

JB would have just told Padilla "to hit the road Jack, don't you come back no more, no more ...."
"It's not front page news on any of the news stations in Orlando anymore and I could hardly find it today in the Orlando

Unless something big breaks on this (body found, new charges), I think politics will take over most of the talking heads shows.
Right....but this case is so different. No one from the criminal's family has put up a dime (that I know of). I'd be danged if I would put up the whole amount claiming to want to help find the child, and then have some attorney tell me I couldn't ask questions. How stupid is that?
I'd tell the attorney, "Lookahere, buddyro, this is how its gonna be. I'll get your girl out but by golly, she's gonna talk. She's gonna tell me everything I ask....and she's gonna tell the truth or I'll leave her to rot in jail for the duration."
The fact that this convo didn't take place tells me that Mr. Lawyer Man and Mr. Bounty Hunter must be in cohoots.

I think at the time Leonard put up 50 grand of his own money, his expectations were different than what turned out to be the reality.

I agree with the phrase McSev used on the last thread - at this point, Leonard Padilla is a 'wild card'.

What Baez can control is Leonard's access to his client, which so far he has blocked.

What Baez can't control is what Padilla does to mount an investigation into finding Caylee - after all, locating Caylee is what Baez wants to happen.

Isn't it? [/sarcasm]
IMHO Casey will never confess to anybody. Not even her attorney. She will play him also. That's how she has gotten by her whole life. She lies so much that she even may start to believe her lies.
Exactly! How is he going to control her interactions inside the home with the BH assoc. or even her own family members. I thought I read some where earlier today that two of her girlfriends were coming to the house to see her. Is JB going to be monitoring her every conversation. I thought he had other clients. Please, this girl is going to say something incriminating to somebody real soon imo.

What girlfriends?
If you're doing it for all the publicity, why not?

Well, whats the use of publicity if you can't deliver on your promise? These guys said they wanted to solve this case..... so "where's the beef?" LOL
IMHO Casey will never confess to anybody. Not even her attorney. She will play him also. That's how she has gotten by her whole life. She lies so much that she even may start to believe her lies.

You can already see it in JB as he is convinced of what Casey is telling him as the truth! Now JB is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Originally, BH WAS to be allowed access to her.
Something changed.....?????
I keep wanting someone to speculate about this, or tell me if it has been discussed.

Hi All! (yes another Newbie who has been "lurking" for some time now!) But I've been wondering about that myself. I think LP thought that he would have more access to Casey. IMO he sounded a little miffed on Geraldo last night. What about the female inside with Casey though? Can she report to LP anything that she hears or observes?
I think people are under estimating Casey's intelligence. She'll go to the grave with this secret before she confides in anyone.
I wonder how life is at the Anthony house as of late?
I think the fact that Cindy and George took off says it all. She seems to be h*** to live with, if we believe the neighbor who said he constantly hears yelling coming from her, from that home. They probably were just getting used to some peace and quiet from her when she came home. LOL
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I read on another blog that we all are asking the wrong question of Casey:

Where is Caylee?

In our opinion, the better is question is:

"Who, exactly, did you give Caylee to?"
The latter is a harder question for Casey to lie the answer to and for every name she pops out, there is a check and and validation of that name. You get to the end of that question session with no credible, viable and validated names, and THEN do you ask the "where" question. You have to eliminate the who for Casey to be cornered with "where".

I think LE is eliminating every WHO that Casey could implicate, they know their is no WHO. Defense is trying to implicate any possible WHO. We are waiting for LE to get all their ducks in a row. Even if there is no DNA in the car, they will have disproved every WHO, but Casey Marie WHO.
Why would he need to question her if JB is giving him the only answers he needs to know?

My first post!

To start with, have to say I've been lurking for awhile and am so impressed with the sleuthers here!

And thanks right away to Patty G for keeping me up to date on the tv interviews, most of which I don't get here.

Observation re JB...seems to me he is going to get himself in trouble if he keeps going the way he is as he is putting himself in a position where he could easily become a witness in this matter. It is not at all uncommon for desperate people to turn on their lawyers if they think there is something in it for them, and one day in the future, she may allege that she gave him info that would have located Caylee, but he wouldn't let her give it to which case, she presumably would be waiving legal professional privilege and he would have to testify.

Re LE stating last night that they are searching for her alive...I'm not convinced they are, though I hope of course that she is alive....I think they want Casey to start talking again...the more lies she tells, the stronger the case they have, if they want to proceed without a body.

Re my theory of what happened...I think anything is possible....for weeks I was convinced she left Caylee in the car while she was with Tony and Caylee died from the heat, however, after watching her parents, and her demeanour, I can't help but wonder if there is a lot more evil going on here than I first thought. I felt very sorry for the GPs until 2 nights ago, when I re-watched all their interviews, and I'm convinced that they are not just in denial, but rather they are trying to play the public for fools, are insulting our intelligence, and don't appear to show any emotions consistent with concern for Caylee (as oppposed to Casey).

I don't get why Cindy's so venemous with the media, and I don't think despair alone explain her or George's inconsistencies. Sometimes I think they may have been involved from the beginning (I am not sure that when Casey says "you don't know what my involvement is" to her mom in the phone call, she is merely being indignant...her mom's response is odd too...I think there is a real chance she was saying "of course you know mom".
Hi All! (yes another Newbie who has been "lurking" for some time now!) But I've been wondering about that myself. I think LP thought that he would have more access to Casey. IMO he sounded a little miffed on Geraldo last night. What about the female inside with Casey though? Can she report to LP anything that she hears or observes?

Welcome. If the female bodyguard spills info .... not a good idea!
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