Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #127

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when my daughter was 3 i took her to see her first movie.. a few weeks later i was at the mall and just like you said i turned my head for a split sec. and she was gone.. she was found by security 5 minutes later in the movies, she managed to get in and she was by the candy.. just standing there looking at all the candy.. but that 5 minutes was like 5 days,, i couldn't even focus, the mall was spinning and all the people walking in the mall had blurry faces.. when i fist saw her i grabbed her and hugged her.. then i asked her why she walked away from mommy..she said she wanted to see a movie.. i explained to her that walking away from mommy made me scared and i was crying because i thought she was lost forever.. she said she didn't want me to cry.. she was only 3.. but i was so scared in that five minutes that it took 3 days for my stomach to calm down.. that was the worst feeling and it took a toll on me physically for days... so if my daughter was gone for 31 days i think i would die.. or be on suicide watch..

My 13 year old son didn't get off the school bus as usual last spring. I went into panic mode. I jumped in my truck and drove to the school all the while calling everyone. Turns out he and 8 other kids missed the bus and they put them on another one. He had left his cell phone at home. I would not have gone out clubbing.
I was so angry when I heard about "going to church" -- it is so unfair to make those people at that church associate with her.

Not for nothing, but this is precisely the reason why I haven't stepped foot into a church for 30 years, and won't. This kind of attitude.
Cindy & co. never ceases to amaze me.

They go to an event to raise money for missing children (commendable under other circumstances) while their daughter is sitting in their house and is "not allowed" to tell them where their grandchild is located or the circumstances in which she went missing.

I mean: There is something wrong in this picture!!

I so fact, I was surprised the organization didn't revoke the invitation to the Anthony's, fearing it would do them more harm than good. It's like they have become the perfect example of what not to do when your grandchild goes missing.

IMO only.
Sombody has to know something. She dumped the car on the 6/25,26th. She didn't have Amy car until 7/8. She wasn't walking around.
Good point. She might have been getting rides from TonE since she was staying with him, but I wonder if he ever asked her why it was taking so long for hers to be fixed since she apparently told him her dad was going to pick up her car?
Bounty Hunter Says Casey Anthony's Friends Have Caylee

POSTED: 10:20 am EDT August 21, 2008
UPDATED: 6:42 pm EDT August 24, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The bounty hunter who bonded Casey Anthony out of jail says her friends have her three year old daughter, Caylee.

Wow re the headline on this one...seems to be taking it a step beyond Geraldo last night! I wonder what sort of day the friends are having? If any are involved, this will rattle them.

Does anyone think any of her friends "may" have some involvement? I haven't completely discounted any of them yet, as we know so little about them other than the fact they like to party, and almost nothing about what they have told police. The police may be more interested in some of them than we know, or they may have completely exonerated hard to know!
And he got that information from whom????? I think he and JB are trying to get people to focus on anyone but Casey. If her friends have Caylee, she should have no problem with telling the police that.

We'd need 2 things...more WS'ers wanting to pitch in and back the plan...and someone local to ask the neighbors. And unlike a singing telegram, it would be more permanent.

So, we'll leave it there, and see how others Folks respond...but, hey I'd throw in 50-100 dollars. A sign wouldn't be too expensive...
Bounty Hunter Says Casey Anthony's Friends Have Caylee

POSTED: 10:20 am EDT August 21, 2008
UPDATED: 6:42 pm EDT August 24, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The bounty hunter who bonded Casey Anthony out of jail says her friends have her three year old daughter, Caylee.

Wow re the headline on this one...seems to be taking it a step beyond Geraldo last night! I wonder what sort of day the friends are having? If any are involved, this will rattle them.

Does anyone think any of her friends "may" have some involvement? I haven't completely discounted any of them yet, as we know so little about them other than the fact they like to party, and almost nothing about what they have told police. The police may be more interested in some of them than we know, or they may have completely exonerated hard to know!

If the bounty hunter is so sure Casey's friends have Caylee why doesn't she just admit it & send someone to go get her?
Swag in the 2nd call she said "I found my daughter,I can't find my Granddaughter, the third call she says, my Granddaughters been kidnapped. IIRC
I don't buy it. I think he's just blowing smoke, trying to stay in the limelight.

To my knowledge, her friends have cooperated with LE. Some came forward even before being asked to.

My opinion is that they just got mixed up with a sociopathic child-killer, and had no idea that her "problems" went that deep.

I'm quite curious where LP is getting his info, since Casey ain't talkin.

It is looking like he is on the defense team IMO. I do not see how getting Casey out of jail has helped one iota in finding this child. Sitting in a RV outside her house isn't going to get much done in that effort either. I'm having a hard time understanding how some believe he is a positive addition to this circus, unless it is for entertainment value. Making veiled or not so veiled accusations about an entire group of young people who more than likely are innocent of anything connected to this case is sleazy IMO.
How about a billboard that is on the way to her attorney's office:

How about somebody drops LP off at some drug store......

and sends him back to Calif. until Casey calls him on the phone & tells him WHERE he can find Caylee?
If GM was so worried about what could have happened then why did it tkae her to the THIRD 911 call to "just mention" her 3 yr old granddaughter was missing. In the first call - she doesn't even mention it. In the second call - its just a passing thing. IMO THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE VERY FIRST THING I WOULD HAVE SCREAMED AT THAT DISPATCHER!!! But with her it was just a "fleeting thought". I have always felt funny about those first 911 calls.

Cindi knows Casey is lying in the first 2 calls and Cindi is totally pizzed in the 3rd call to 911 and Casey knows it, tells Cindi what happened so there will not be a 4th call to 911. IMHO I would like to know at what point Ami was taken back to her abode.
it is looking like he is on the defense team imo. I do not see how getting casey out of jail has helped one iota in finding this child. Sitting in a rv outside her house isn't going to get much done in that effort either. I'm having a hard time understanding how some believe he is a positive addition to this circus, unless it is for entertainment value. Making veiled or not so veiled accusations about an entire group of young people who more than likely are innocent of anything connected to this case is sleazy imo.

The car may have smelled bad inside but I'll bet you it was someone opening the trunk that set the panic button. I just find it odd that Amy is off to P. Rico the last week. Tony made a trip to NY. JG quits his job and goes to Ga. No one has heard diddly about RM and Casey gets a surprise visit some some guy from highschool her first day in jail before her family and she claims she does not remember him. But she repeats to Lee the same name the this Patrick tell her in his 2 minuet conversation.
Cindi knows Casey is lying in the first 2 calls and Cindi is totally pizzed in the 3rd call to 911 and Casey knows it, tells Cindi what happened so there will not be a 4th call to 911. IMHO I would like to know at what point Ami was taken back to her abode.

Wasn't she at home posting on myspace by around 11:30?
Me too. Count me in.

I still can't believe that little psycho is out on bond! :furious:

So, we got 3 WS'ers...I wonder if we could get a local to canvas the neighbourhood? THAT might be the stickler...we could/might even get a sign company to do it at cost...they could have their company name on the sign, in a corner or something, big advertising benefit.

We await a local, to do the footwork...
How about somebody drops LP off at some drug store......

and sends him back to Calif. until Casey calls him on the phone & tells him WHERE he can find Caylee?

I'm in for THAT! Lol...
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