Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #128

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Sound asleep and I must have dreamed this as it jolted me awake and I had to come and mention it here.

Find the person or personS that lived in Sawgrass in the month of June, who would have known that apt. #210 was vacant and had been for a while, and that also had a reason or need to go to the apt. complex office who then took the opportunity to scan through the potential "leasee" sign in book, and you'll have the person who has helped Casey with hiding Caylee, whether she's dead or alive.

This is why Casey could give the excuse to the cops that the babysitter's name was Zaneida (because ZG had signed the visitor's/potential leasee sign in book), and that she lived in Apt. 210 (Casey knew the apt. was vacant which was why she used that number. Think about it - it would have really looked unbelievable had the cops knocked on apt. 210 and someone actually answered the door).

Ok - am I losing it, or what??

Good point, she seemingly would have had to known it would be empty.
Um, not sure why my quote necessitated that response, but if the defense is paying you to be objective, I recommend you review your posts and the definition of objective before they see it and you get the axe.

Always available to help out another "cough" legal professional..

Again...loves it...

If the "defense" had a DEFENSE they wouldn't need to read this board for inspiration.

I could be wrong, but were the 911 calls placed the same day that the car was reclaimed? Not sure of the dates here.


see, this is my problem, respectfully, if you are unfamiliar with the details of this case, which are paramount to developing a theory- how is it you have an informed opinion at all?
LOL-it goes with the song--she originally says "Check it Out"

I gotcha...OMG I was like is some whacko from some jail telling me to bail them out.. I think it's night night time for this mommy...
There was a theory that posed the thought that LE knows who has Caylee and are sitting on it because this person has every right to her. I was basically trying to debunk that theory.

Also want to add that I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion, just keeping things in perspective for myself, as I have personally gone back and forth on this from the beginning.

Anybody who thinks that Caylee is being held captive by anyone and that LE or anyone else, including Leonard Padilla, or anybody in a position of authority or any other conscious, functioning, rational human being, would be sitting on Caylee's whereabouts, is woefully oblivious to law, civil society, law, civilization, common decency, law, compassion,... OMG. Not to mention the public outrage at knowing such a thing could happen, the fiscal responsibility issues,manpower of public service and security people engaged ,... what would the political ramifications of sitting on this info be. Could the people who posted this have a clue as to what the USA and the vast majority of its citizens are about?
You are not losing it....its plausible and worth checking out in every respect. My belief is that she always made it up as she went along but you have a very good point there.

Aha! Glad someone agrees with me! Now if we could just find out who of Casey's friends, lived in the vacinity of Apt. 210 and had for a while, that knew that apt. was vacant for some time and then we may be on to something....
Not helpful, cathartic.

I think that is actually a good point. I am still against it, though, personally. I think protesting peacefully would be equally cathartic:)
I'd like to see Casey's spontaneous reaction if -- in 4 days, somebody announces they have found Caylee. (They get a just turned 3 year old girl who looks exactly like Caylee.) They bring the child to the Anthony house in front of all the news cameras and televise for the whole world to see -- Casey's reaction to Caylee being brought home. Keep the face hidden until Casey displays her reaction. If Casey knows Caylee is dead -- one set of possible reactions. If Casey believes Caylee is alive and BH was successful -- another set of possible reactions.

You are so in my head, but Ive decided the better thing to get info would be to see her face if they told her they had found a body, sadly.
You are so in my head, but Ive decided the better thing to get info would be to see her face if they told her they had found a body, sadly.

That should also create a spontaneous reaction -- very telling too.
I gotcha...OMG I was like is some whacko from some jail telling me to bail them out.. I think it's night night time for this mommy...

LMAO!! I admit, I can be somewhat crazy but I do not think I qualify as a full on whacko yet, hahahaha! :crazy:
Are you serious? Do you really not see any bashing/ranting in this thread?

I'm not saying everyone, there is a lot of good info in this thread, it just gets distracting sifting through to get to it.

This reply is predicated on what you expect as "good info." If I knew what that was, I'd understand better.

Yes, I'm serious. I've seen outright flaming and fighting on other boards and this is tame in comparison. You have 2 or 3 camps on this thread and others like it who discuss from different perspectives and naturally, people get emotional: we're all human behind the keyboard :) Some of it is bound to get out...
Aha! Glad someone agrees with me! Now if we could just find out who of Casey's friends, lived in the vacinity of Apt. 210 and had for a while, that knew that apt. was vacant for some time and then we may be on to something....

I agree that she may have somehow known that the apartment was empty....I do not necessarily agree that any of her friends had anything to do with it.

It's not impossible; I'm just not there yet.
So Leonard is now spreading that George was lying when Casey left on the 16th? George says it was a nice normal hugs and kisses day and now Leonard says they were arguing? I'm glad the boys drove by in the flat bed singing a little tune. People have the right to protest and they weren't there with pitchforks and a noose to really threaten anyone.

Well isn't that just a miracle! Imagine that George lieing!!!!

The Anthony's are lucky thats all anyone is doing is singing a song on a flat bed. People all over are talking this case & what a wretched piece of work Casey is for not helping LE.
I honestly don't get this theory now that one of the friends has her? How is anyone substantiating any of this? And that JP might be the dad? Don't you think this is all a stretch to throw off suspicion from Casey? I just caught that question on the padilla thread about JP's family having serious cash etc. It's so far off the mark and that's what perks Padillas' interest, go figure!
Word choice:
It would be interesting to pick through the Anthony's statements to analyze their word choice. For instance, Casey's first call home to Mom in which sarcastically mentions Cindy's "cameo". Doesn't someone make a cameo performance if they aren't the main player but makes themselves important? In Casey's mind was she the main player in this drama?
Also, on one of the myspace postings from Casey to Amy she bewails Puerto Rico has "stolen" all of her friends. Nice word choice for someone who was currently draining Amy's checking account. Freudian slips, perhaps?
This reply is predicated on what you expect as "good info." If I knew what that was, I'd understand better.

Yes, I'm serious. I've seen outright flaming and fighting on other boards and this is tame in comparison. You have 2 or 3 camps on this thread and others like it who discuss from different perspectives and naturally, people get emotional: we're all human behind the keyboard :) Some of it is bound to get out...

I can't even handle the other boards! This board is by far the most civil.
You're right robotdog every time I think "maybe , just maybe" I go back over all the strange things that have happened in this strange case. And, my heart drops. I can't think of one thing that clinches it for me, but its all of it.
The partys
The lies
The refusing to cooperate with LE
The on going games
The wheres Ts phone #
And so on.
I hate that this whole thing has me completly obsessed.
I come to the boards for a check in and can't get away.
The searching the tv station for updates and hearing the same thing.
She has not spoken yet.
Casey Please, give it up. Just do or say something.

i think most people that come to these boards are nice people and it just tears their hearts wide open, even the people that preach about IUPG
are very nice ( in most cases ) they are here not to fight but to try and help in small way. dont get me wrong the IUPG is one of the best things this country has.. but this aint a courtroom so we can comment on many things that would not be allowed in a court of law :crazy:

the people here know its a 3 year old that is missing and my hunch is most would take this child in and the child would be far better off than living with
a mother that abandoned her and abandoned anything even close to trying to find her.... the grandparents are stuck on numb - both on the way they do things now and the way they did things in the past

i feel for them but less and less as each day goes by that the defend this BULLCRAP :furious:
I honestly don't get this theory now that one of the friends has her? How is anyone substantiating any of this? And that JP might be the dad? Don't you think this is all a stretch to throw off suspicion from Casey? I just caught that question on the padilla thread.

I need to restrain myself to go over to that thread.......I'll wait here for everyone to get back.

Cant deal.

Fill me in.
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