Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #128

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I agree that she may have somehow known that the apartment was empty....I do not necessarily agree that any of her friends had anything to do with it.

It's not impossible; I'm just not there yet.

True, but I just can't see any other way that she would have known that this apartment was vacant for sooooo long, without someone telling her. Unless she was staying over there with friends so much that she noticed it herself. Either way, she knew that place was vacant, and someone fed her the name ZG which is why she used both to give to the cops...
That's where you lost me....using "class, intelligence, and common sense" in a post regarding the Anthonys' fundraising.

I think the prank is a funny comeuppance, a slap back from the community to whom Cindy screamed, "Get off your asses and find Caylee!!!" Meanwhile she's funneling in funds to "help find Caylee," yet I've not seen her or any other member of her family looking...not one time.

Oh, and I thought that the rock band on the trailer was funny, too...and the "with love and decomp" pizza made me chuckle.

When Cindy starts treating people who care about Caylee with a little respect, maybe she'll get some back.
you said a mouthful.. i think the pizza think is really funny.. the only time cindy told the truth and acted human was the 911 cal..then reality hit and she realized caylee was gone and casey was the reason.. cindy wanted the help of the media,, but wanted to talk and expected no one to ask questions..she disrespected greta on her own show.. if anyone said one thing about casey being responsible she would freak..and instead of appreciating the media coverage of caylee.. which is alot more then most real missing kids get she now is threating the media with a hose while dropping the f bomb on tv,, real class..let's talk about class and respect.. is that respectfull and classy to stand ther an except all those donations from people who give thier hard earned money to help a child they don't even know..and that childs own mother sits on her scuzzy @ss and won't even help the police find her.. and the same time they are collecting donations for a missing child they go on tv a few hours later and say they know where thier grand daughter is and the kidnappers are being watched.. and they no they are being watched.. but please send the donations for my missing grand child who is not missing anymore.. yeah this is a real classy family..saying they appreciate all the toys that were sent but they threw away the ones that smelled like cigarettes.. even if they did it took real class to say that.. it's discusting and cindy brought this to the media and now we all know about it so if she thinks were going to go away now..she's even crazier then we think.. it ain't over til it's over.. and these classless users who want everybody to do what they ain't doing my opion they deserve everything they get and we deserve to do whatver it takes to make the mom of the year tell where her daughter is.. and yes.. i wish i would have thought of the pizza joke was halarious and i hope there is more to come..
Hi All,

I gave this post its own thread but thought it a good idea to put it here too.

This case is getting to everyone. It is so frustrating. I understand this more than you know.

But please, stop with the plans or talking about the plans to annoy Casey or the Anthony. It makes Websleuths look like a mean gossip board.

If anyone wants to organize a protest because they HATE CASEY then I can't stop you but I will not allow you to use Websleuths as a gathering place to organize this. You can do what you want but you can't use Websleuths or its name in any way shape or form with anything without permission.

I read a post here about another forum sending blank Target cards to the family as a joke. I think that is childish, mean, and does nothing but make people look like jerks.

Please discuss the case, not how much you HATE CASEY and how many people are going to show up to protest. Honestly, if this protest happens it will accomplish nothing but make you look, well, hateful. And Websleuths wants NO PART OF IT.

Thank you,

Kudos to you Tricia.

Agreed, and if the CampCaseyites are going to start on the BlameAme campaign, realize she did not leave for PR until 7/8/08 and Casey ripped her off the night before she left, and SURPRISE, Caylee was not with her..
If you buy any of that crap in the first place she was missing close to a month by then anyway... Laughable how some people will continue to belabor an issue proven to be impossible..

My kids will be like ever other "normal" child who will be on the therapists couch because their safety obsessed Mom never left them alone for 3 seconds, if it does not make sense people because it's because it is NOT TRUE

:clap::clap::clap: Go Blink!!!!!
What's your take on Amy? I can see no motive for her to help Casey - after all, she's the one who physically brought Cindy to Casey's hideout at Tony's.

She was also victimized by Casey twice in the space of a month - first Casey stole $700 in cash Amy planned to use on vacation, and to add even more injury to that insult, Casey ripped her off again by stealing and forging a check while she was tooling around in Amy's car.

I can see Amy being mad enough to strike out at Casey in July, but the baby was already gone for a month by then.

Something about that trip to Puerto Rico that makes me interested.

Ya know, Robotdog, when I first heard about this story, my gut said KC killed her. I know that parents kill their children, but for some reason I want to be talked out of what I feel. Maybe its because this is my first case (I'm a newbie!) This little girl Caylee has just "gotten" to me. I just can't explain it. Oh well, at this point, I just want her found period.

i hear ya, loud and clear i wish she was found alive and heck- she might be
but i might win the lottery tomorrow too...

what a precious 3 year old, my goodness

how can anyone not cooperate with the police and tell them everything

i will tell you how... when they have killed her and want it to be a bucket full of unknowns so as to help her defense :mad:
That's where you lost me....using "class, intelligence, and common sense" in a post regarding the Anthonys' fundraising.

I think the prank is a funny comeuppance, a slap back from the community to whom Cindy screamed, "Get off your asses and find Caylee!!!" Meanwhile she's funneling in funds to "help find Caylee," yet I've not seen her or any other member of her family looking...not one time.

Oh, and I thought that the rock band on the trailer was funny, too...and the "with love and decomp" pizza made me chuckle.

When Cindy starts treating people who care about Caylee with a little respect, maybe she'll get some back.

I agree 100 perccent !:woohoo:
Hmmm so the car was borrowed and somehow it was used to transport a dead body. And it's just a coincidence that Casey lost Caylee. The smell in the car has nothing to do with a missing child. I'm not buying what your selling there.

I wasn't trying to sell you anything.

you said a mouthful.. i think the pizza think is really funny.. the only time cindy told the truth and acted human was the 911 cal..then reality hit and she realized caylee was gone and casey was the reason.. cindy wanted the help of the media,, but wanted to talk and expected no one to ask questions..she disrespected greta on her own show.. if anyone said one thing about casey being responsible she would freak..and instead of appreciating the media coverage of caylee.. which is alot more then most real missing kids get she now is threating the media with a hose while dropping the f bomb on tv,, real class..let's talk about class and respect.. is that respectfull and classy to stand ther an except all those donations from people who give thier hard earned money to help a child they don't even know..and that childs own mother sits on her scuzzy @ss and won't even help the police find her.. and the same time they are collecting donations for a missing child they go on tv a few hours later and say they know where thier grand daughter is and the kidnappers are being watched.. and they no they are being watched.. but please send the donations for my missing grand child who is not missing anymore.. yeah this is a real classy family..saying they appreciate all the toys that were sent but they threw away the ones that smelled like cigarettes.. even if they did it took real class to say that.. it's discusting and cindy brought this to the media and now we all know about it so if she thinks were going to go away now..she's even crazier then we think.. it ain't over til it's over.. and these classless users who want everybody to do what they ain't doing my opion they deserve everything they get and we deserve to do whatver it takes to make the mom of the year tell where her daughter is.. and yes.. i wish i would have thought of the pizza joke was halarious and i hope there is more to come..

Great post Angelz!!! You said it very well.
Something about that trip to Puerto Rico that makes me interested.


The fact it was to Puerto Rico makes it interesting to you? I lived in Puerto Rico for 3 1/2 year. What interests you there?
Word choice:
It would be interesting to pick through the Anthony's statements to analyze their word choice. For instance, Casey's first call home to Mom in which sarcastically mentions Cindy's "cameo". Doesn't someone make a cameo performance if they aren't the main player but makes themselves important? In Casey's mind was she the main player in this drama?
Also, on one of the myspace postings from Casey to Amy she bewails Puerto Rico has "stolen" all of her friends. Nice word choice for someone who was currently draining Amy's checking account. Freudian slips, perhaps?

I dont think that the first call home and her demeanor is more than a bi-product of abuse withdrawl; the entire phone call was rife with that.

As far as the myspace recounts, I am MOST interested in the 24th and the post to Jesse G from Casey about going to the beach with her, and the fact that he recanted his statement about hearing Caylee in the background- did you have any thoughts on that?
you said a mouthful.. i think the pizza think is really funny.. the only time cindy told the truth and acted human was the 911 cal..then reality hit and she realized caylee was gone and casey was the reason.. cindy wanted the help of the media,, but wanted to talk and expected no one to ask questions..she disrespected greta on her own show.. if anyone said one thing about casey being responsible she would freak..and instead of appreciating the media coverage of caylee.. which is alot more then most real missing kids get she now is threating the media with a hose while dropping the f bomb on tv,, real class..let's talk about class and respect.. is that respectfull and classy to stand ther an except all those donations from people who give thier hard earned money to help a child they don't even know..and that childs own mother sits on her scuzzy @ss and won't even help the police find her.. and the same time they are collecting donations for a missing child they go on tv a few hours later and say they know where thier grand daughter is and the kidnappers are being watched.. and they no they are being watched.. but please send the donations for my missing grand child who is not missing anymore.. yeah this is a real classy family..saying they appreciate all the toys that were sent but they threw away the ones that smelled like cigarettes.. even if they did it took real class to say that.. it's discusting and cindy brought this to the media and now we all know about it so if she thinks were going to go away now..she's even crazier then we think.. it ain't over til it's over.. and these classless users who want everybody to do what they ain't doing my opion they deserve everything they get and we deserve to do whatver it takes to make the mom of the year tell where her daughter is.. and yes.. i wish i would have thought of the pizza joke was halarious and i hope there is more to come..

Ok, well, I personally think it's sick to mock a little girl's disappearance with a pizza and a rock band. It's just not that funny to me, i guess. (Not that I'm implying Caylee missing is funny to you guys...I mean the prank wasn't funny to me.)

I just think that two wrongs don't make a right, and i think the pizza/rockband/card jokes dishonor Caylee. I wish those people would maybe do something nice in her honor, instead of something vile. Maybe they could try to get a law changed in her honor, or organize a charity in her honor. That would be great.
If you just take the family, baez, padilla statements since Aug. 11th or so. The kidnappers have been known to the defense and the family and have been watched for almost 13 days now. So now the kidnappers are friends Casey gave Caylee to, again being watched for the last 2 weeks, now named on national media. Even they admit they have not seen Caylee in those 2 weeks, so what, who, where and why should the american public believe them or continue to search as they say. They "know" 100x what we know and they seem to know exactly nothing.
I dont think that the first call home and her demeanor is more than a bi-product of abuse withdrawl; the entire phone call was rife with that.

As far as the myspace recounts, I am MOST interested in the 24th and the post to Jesse G from Casey about going to the beach with her, and the fact that he recanted his statement about hearing Caylee in the background- did you have any thoughts on that?

If they released her call records from June 16- July 15th my bet is Jesse is on there every other day or more, either by text or calling.
Perhaps you should start your own thread for all these things that interest you.

You can call it BYOK.. Bring your own Kool Aid, which btw, is an insult to my childhood beverage..:woohoo:
True, but I just can't see any other way that she would have known that this apartment was vacant for sooooo long, without someone telling her. Unless she was staying over there with friends so much that she noticed it herself. Either way, she knew that place was vacant, and someone fed her the name ZG which is why she used both to give to the cops...

I think it's as simple as that she was apartment hunting in all her free time, and planning to leave Mom 'n Dad's, and happened to see ZG's name on a visitor's card at Sawgrass Apts. That easy, that simple.
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