Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #130

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For the police to have found it they would have had to have been chucked on the 15th of July though? Casey didn't have any forewarning they were going to be called, Amy brought Cindy to her and they left with her. Curious to see what it is because the time line doesn't make sense to me. Unless this is where the July 9th date comes into play?

That's a really good point, I totally didn't think about the timeline while I was speculating. (My brain has a bad case of the Mondays today.)
It's a screenshot from the video that everyone was asking about.

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Just seem to want to be nasty to everyone in this thread.

I agree....that's why I asked if this place was always like this....

I don't know much about cadevar dogs, but hostorically, are they most always on the money? I just can't get passed that, that kind of seals it for me although I do hope Caylee is alive.
Why do you find that disgusting? Would it have been better if she was strapped into her car seat alive and sent into a lake? While living and breathing and fighting for her life but strapped down, as Susan Smith did to her sons?

Break time for me.

This is going overboard don't cha think?
Almost done with the upload--I'll post the link here and on the media thread.
Nope, I won't mention it again. So sorry for trampling on your 1 square foot of internet.

Kids, be nice or I will turn this car around and go home!!! :blowkiss:
Exactly. And apparently didn't ask any hard questions, even though they were roommates, and she hadn't seen Caylee in a month. Everyone keeps saying they'd be satisfied with their room mate saying she was with a babysitter, family etc. After a couple of days of those sorts of excuses, I'd be asking a lot more questions. I mean it's a 2 year old that is missing, not a CD or something. I don't get why Amy didn't think it odd that Casey wasn't with her own daughter for a whole month.


They were not roommates for a month. They were planning to move in together, Amy was delayed (see myspace comments) and Amy was also gone for a week during the Caylee unreported month. Casey was with Amy for about a week and told her Caylee was with GPs... which seemed to be standard for her. Caylee was not Amy's responsibility and she had zero obligation to be kept awake at night wondering if Casey was telling the truth abouth her whereabouts.
When you can't believe a mother can do these things, think of Diane Downs and Susan Smith. Also a theory on the car: Casey took the car without permission it was only a matter of time before it was reported stollen by Cindy and George. It would have been harder to find her without the car so she committed her crime and then left the car at the Amscot. However, Cindy got to Amy and found her anyway. Anyone notice that there is a dumpster right in front of that Amscot building. Wonder what time of day she dumped the car?
Yeah. That's just the one they shot.

But it's chilling to think that something that cold and disgusting might have been Caylee's grave.


I'm thinking it's more likely that it contains items of Caylee's clothing or something like that...I think if it was a body, we would have heard about it before now.

You ask why we're discussing this, yet you argue with everyone who states an informed opinion on the topic.

I work with a commission that assists women with obtaining benefits for their children. I'm not speaking with zero experience on this topic, nor basing the information I'm presenting on an anecdotal situation based on what one relative's experiences might have been.

Section 8 housing does not just cover slum situations. Many people who own homes accept Section 8 because it's a guaranteed rent payment that is never late. Lots of single-family homes are Section 8 eligible. Check out the Orange County website--there's a list of some decent homes there that accept Section 8 vouchers.

A lot of people who apply for state and federal benefits are decent, good people. I hope we're not going to perpetuate a stigma about that.

All I'll say on this topic...unless you wish to continue the discussion.

Great post!
Except.....who was decomposing in the trunk? In my opion, sold stolen or lost children do not smell like decompostion.

I do not discount the dogs.
They are reliable. Period. Especially two different dogs and two different handlers.

We have no proof that it was Caylee in that trunk. I don't discount the decomp in the trunk but have doubts whether or not it could be Caylee. I have my own theory now and do believe that there was a dead body of some sort in Casey's trunk but just not so convinced it was Caylee.
Forgive my ignorance. Would this need to be worked out over a period of time or could you just find the atty. and get rid of the child right away.
Is there a period of time in which to change your mind? Seems like this would be a legitimate way of doing things. If someone got Caylee thru these means - they would have no fear of stepping forward - right?

My daughter came to our family thru adoption. She was placed with us by an emergency order to put her in our home. Her birthmom identified us and placed her with us in less then 24 hours.
So it could be done and that would be protected information. Nobody would fear stepping forward except that grandparents or legal father could petition to have the adoption overturned.

I am NOT trying to guess what happened just brainstorming on what could be possible following this speculation of adoption which she has NEVER said(but who knows what will come out next). I am curious what the Florida law is on paternal termination and also on finalization of adoption time period. New York too.
Why do you find that disgusting? Would it have been better if she was strapped into her car seat alive and sent into a lake? While living and breathing and fighting for her life but strapped down, as Susan Smith did to her sons?

Break time for me.


Everyone who is getting frustrated, mad, annoyed, or is in a bad mood in general needs to step away from the computer for a bit.

If not I will start banning without any warnings.

Sutton Place is where TonE lived/lives.

Right, while I'm waiting on the video to be processed um I was asking about those apts because an emplyee said they saw Caylee at the pool in early June. Just wondered if she was wearing swimmies. Also, there are two retention ponds there as well as dumpsters.
Discovery Evidence to be released this afternoon.

Under the Florida Sunshine Law, we should all be able to access and read the 400 pages worth of documents and view the photos. Get ready for some serious reading !!
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