Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

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From my memory, she didn't make the cheque book discovery and call the bank until after she got back home. When Cindy called, I think she still believed Casey's story re putting the money away in her sleep. It wasn't until mom picked her up, that she started to realise Casey stole from her. IMOO

She didn't make the checkbook discovery until she got home, but the $700 and $400 cash was the topic of discussion as A/R/JP drove home from the airport after A had dropped Crazey off.
I have been lurking on these boards for the last few weeks.
I decided to register.

About the dumpster: There could be a possibility that Casey parked next to the dumpster to get rid of her crime, intentional or accidental.

There are at least three landfill areas in Orlando.
Yahoo! Shortcut - AboutLandfills near Orlando
Trademark Metals Recycling LLC - (1)
(407) 422-9866 - 317 W Kaley St, Orlando, FL
Get DirectionsReviewsOfficial site
Waste Management Incorporated
(407) 428-1647 - 4978 Lb Mcleod Rd, Orlando, FL
Get DirectionsOfficial site
Seminole Recycling Incorporated
(407) 366-0097 - Orlando, FL
Get Directions
More Results...

Also, per WESH TV,
land on
Landfill on fire in Orlando, Aug. 14.

Just another odd twist in a very sad story.


Interesting that there was a recent fire.

This is stuff that should be passed along to TES.
lolol. Ya know, out of all the forums I'm on, you're the ONLY one who's ever commented that they've even known what that name was from. Rock on.

Yeah, I think it is because growing up as a kid I watched that movie literally over and over I can recite it verbatim! It still is one of my favorites.
I seriously doubt she dumped Caylee in that dumpster next to the car.

She may be stupid for leaving a car that reaked with death -- but she isn't THAT stupid.

I never thought she would have put Caylee there. I thought she might have left it by the dumpster so that if anyone noticed a smell, they would attribute it to the dumpster at least for a while. (a couple of other people stated this as well, just as a thought)
Sorry if this has already been discussed, I am just way too far behind to catch up so I decided to just give up on it. Did you guys see that BITEBOY band that played at Casey's house were not boys at all, they appear to be men, and one butchy woman. Here is a link to their myspace They have lyrics to the song they performed, at it appears that it wasn't written for Casy because they have renamed it.
Ok...those were the most painful documents to sort through BUT so worth the read.

Now that I have sifted through all of the friends interviews, the tow truck operators interview, and the countless other documents, I have to say that I am truly sick to my stomach. In my opinion, Caylee is not with us anymore. What was really compelling is in the impound lot owner's interview, he states that the smell inside the Pontiac was the same as in a car that a man committed suicide inside. So, now we don't just have the detective, dogs and Cindy - we have another person confirming that the car smelled like human decomp.

Casey's interview at Universal has to be my favorite in terms of understanding what a true sociopath she really is. The detectives continue to confront her with the truth - ummm Zani the Nanny does not exist - that she did not drop Caylee off to Zani- and they keep telling her that they understand that people do things that they are not proud of - things that they lie about and 'bury'.

I thought the detectives did a good job in trying to get her to tell them exactly what happened to Caylee...and how they kept using the word "bury" to elicit an emotional reaction. And, she had no reaction....creepy....

I think the detectives did a great job, there is no way I could have continued questioning her for as long as they did. I would be banging my head against a wall with the stories she told.
I thought the final 911 call starts at 9:41 or 9:44pm, wouldn't that fit with George coming home?

I think the first call was at 8:30 to the police. Something which bothered me is WHERE was George when all this was going on? In his statement he said he told Cindy and Lee he would be home between 10:00 and 10:30 then all accounts put him there about 9:30. WHERE was he? Was he at work?

Of course the car had been there for days, so that time frame may not be too important.
page 123 of pdf 1, casey questioning

Q: What about the baby's dad's parents, would you have left her with them too?

<this follows Casey saying she woudn't sell Caylee, she could have left her with Cindy and gone away on her own>

CA: I haven't talked to them since we were probably six or seven years old. Since we were little kids. That was probably the last time I talked to or saw them.

Who is she talking about there?

Caylee's father

D-Day is the day the s--t hits the fan. I was referencing this earlier post:
Originally Posted by Cagney
I always wondered what that meant, but now that I see it in reference to D-day it has peaked my curiousity even further.
According to Cindy's theory -- that man in the car might not have committed suicide -- he might have "sweated" to death.

LOL!!! Swa, you know this family too well already!
I think the detectives did a great job, there is no way I could have continued questioning her for as long as they did. I would be banging my head against a wall with the stories she told.

I agree...........they were SO PROFESSIONAL. I would have had my hands around her neck "choking the truth" out of her. LOL
Can someone please clarify for me why did she need to pull up bamboo shoots when Caylee was missing?

If the neighbor thinks its the 16th or the 23rd

16th senario:

George sees them leave for the day on the 16th, but later that day she comes over to pull up bamboo shoots ?? (while Caylee is with the "nanny") ??


23rd senario:

Casey and Caylee have been out of the house for a week now and Casey has a compelling need to stop by and pull up bamboo shoots???

Please someone figure this out for me and I apologize if its been discussed (the general thread is hard to keep up with sometimes)
From one of the pictures in the news reports she was actually parked a long way from the dumpsters. If she were going to use the dumpster, she would most likely parked closer.

One thing which is very strange by all accounts from Casey, family, etc. The car was broken or quit running due to lack of gas. Then her father goes there and drives it off the impound lot and according to the person there did nothing to it. Just started it and drove off.

Then we also have the lot manager saying it smelled just like the car they picked up which a man and committed suicide in and was not found for 5 days.

George put gas in the car according to the interview with someonone from the tow lot. He also said it smell when they opend the door and then opend the trunk and it smelled worse. Took a bag of garbage out of it that had food, left over pizza etc. [Didn't make down the PDF or pg sorry.]
But without Amy's phone records or reverse call charge records for Tony's house, how can you be sure??


It didn't seem like Amy and Tony were really people who talked much until after all of this happened. If she were really going to tip off Casey, why wouldn't she call her directly instead of going through Tony?
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