Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

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Reading those documents was a bit unnerving. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a dream where I saw Caylee crying. I said "What's wrong, sweetie?" She said "My mommy hurt me." I said "How did mommy hurt you" and she said "With a knife"
EEKS. I guess the thought of Cindy washing that knife went right to my subconcious.
Correct me if I am wrong but some of these tape transcripts are after hours of talking to investigators. I mean Amy says in hers she has been talking or been at the station for 5 hours. The transcript is no more than 20-30 minutes of tape.
In the docs it talks about following up on a sighting. And I noticed that they never could find the video from the airport (geez this day and age we should keep that for a year I would think) and got some conflicting info on the passenger list. I can't remember if they said they contacted the family (I know they got the info) to make sure they were who that passenger list said they were, since video is out now it seems.

And we didn't see anything about the sighting that was discussed in detail here a while back, off 285 in Atlanta somewhere, Sandy Springs? Seems funny they would release documents on one but not the other.
It makes me sick that Casey is parading with that Caylee shirt on -- when she knows exactly where her daughter is.

Going to church this Sunday? Is that convenient . . . after that, why not go feed the homeless?

What a freaking sham.

Well her bond prevents her from working with children, so the homeless would have to do.
BH even seemed a little discusted with Miss Casey last night, huh guys? BH is going to follow Casey's friends trail because LE is so incompetent and hasn't already done that.

RV RENTAL:---------$900 PER WEEK
FOOD & DRINK:-----$700 A WEEK


I would say I detected hatred
If Cindy was involved, and knew that something terrible had happened to Caylee, and cleaned-up evidence, how do we explain her threatening Casey during 911 call about going to child services?
also the way she said to george that caylee was missing and he said what ? i heard it on the calls .. they didnt know what happened
Oh yes!!!!! That's true!

I never thought about them testing the hair they found in the car for drugs, good thought..I wonder if Cindy, George, Casey was prescribed Zanax? If not she could have bought it of the street, IMO.
What if Caylee fell asleep in the car and Casey just pulled it into the garage, left Caylee in her seat sleeping? Casey probably checked on her but if she left the car running then Dianeb's post about the Carbon monoxide might be a good working theory. If Caylee died that way, Casey might've panicked, put her in the yard at first and then moved her.

When my kids were little,they sometimes would fall asleep while I was out driving them in the car.When I got home,I would let them continue to nap in the car.If it was a hot day outside,I would keep the air conditioning on for them.Of course I left the car in the driveway during this time because of possible carbon monoxide poisoning if left in the garage...
It seems that all the players in this case are LIARS. Who can you trust. LE. And as far as I can tell they do not have enough evidence to charge her with murder at any level. Which concerns me greatly. I read all 400+ pages and how do I know that any of them are telling the truth. It appears with the June 9th date in almost everyone's statement that they all spoke and worked out this date. Too weird. I do not like to convict someone with out hard core proof. I am sorry but a bunch of partying college students statements is not hard core evidence. I am not saying she is not guilty - that is not for me to decide. I want to know where Caylee is.
We all pretty much decided that she has used all of her vacation time from Universal -- since she worked at Sports Authority also -- do you think she might have some benefits left from there? Uncashed 401k? Possibly some un-used leave?
Plus, odd that he says first he heard of it was when Sherrif's officers came to his place, but later says he spoke to Lee about it night before. And, if Casey had any sort of plan re reporting the car stolen etc when it was left at Amscot, it's odd that she had Tony pick her up. And, I wonder, did Amy call Casey and warn her that she was coming with her mom before they showed up?? And I wonder, will phone records show she spoke to Tony before being taken into custody. All IMO only.

Re his pic, I'm pages behind and hope you have a link by now, I think I saw him on some of her photobucket pics.

It definitely did NOT sound like Amy warned Casey. Amy went as far as to have Cindy stand out of sight, then go to the door herself, and get in the door before she motioned to Cindy to come, and then Amy got almost stuck in the corner once Cindy was in the house. It seemed like Amy pulled a very "fast one" on Casey and Tony as far as showing up with Cindy.

Reading what Amy said, it seemed pretty clear she knew if Casey knew that she was bringing Cindy that there was no way Casey would have hung around.
I'm with ya there too. Casey acts like she knows the number 1 rule of getting away with a crime: don't tell ANYONE. Tell EVERYONE the same story, so you don't get confused. If you tell even one other person, your chances of being ratted out increase exponentially. I'm telling you, her lips are sealed. IMO.

I also agree...
If Cindy was involved, and knew that something terrible had happened to Caylee, and cleaned-up evidence, how do we explain her threatening Casey during 911 call about going to child services?

Good point!!
If Cindy was involved, and knew that something terrible had happened to Caylee, and cleaned-up evidence, how do we explain her threatening Casey during 911 call about going to child services?

The first call was made after Cindy picked up Casey from TonEs and Cindy may not have had much access to Casey's car. George drove it home while Cindy went searching for Casey . . . the comment about the smell was in the third 911 call, right?
I agree with the poster earlier who said Casey had used the fake emails in the past to explain money or other "job" situations or questions that came up in the past. Like Mom her is the email watch Caylee. etc.
So where did George go after he brought the car home?! He called Lee to "check on his mom" and stated he would not be back until later (around tenish IIRC).
Didn't George say during the bond hearing that he was starting a new job that day -- and that was one reason why he was unavailable by phone and couldn't rush home?
I'm with ya there too. Casey acts like she knows the number 1 rule of getting away with a crime: don't tell ANYONE. Tell EVERYONE the same story, so you don't get confused. If you tell even one other person, your chances of being ratted out increase exponentially. I'm telling you, her lips are sealed. IMO.

Agreed. My only problem/question is why didn't she make up a story that wasn't so easy to check? She is meticulous, but not very smart - why not say the nanny was british, not a resident/citizen, with a name like...Jane Smith. Instead of Universal, say she worked from home doing x y z. Say she didn't have any friends. Say Caylee went to a playgroup at the park, not someones apartment.

I mean, I think she'd still be F-ed, but how can you lie and say you work at an the same town? Did she not think they'd check? And after she stole the $700 what did she buy? It doesn't seem like she has many nice things - why didn't she just...leave?

I sound more like a crime-counselor, but I just can't fathom the blatent short-sightedness. Unless she really thought she was "untouchable"
When my kids were little,they sometimes would fall asleep while I was out driving them in the car.When I got home,I would let them continue to nap in the car.If it was a hot day outside,I would keep the air conditioning on for them.Of course I left the car in the driveway during this time because of possible carbon monoxide poisoning if left in the garage...

I did the same thing. My kids were terrible nappers and if they fell asleep in the car I was thrilled and didn't move them. I don't have a garage so being in Florida, I'd leave the a/c on and I sit in the car and read till they woke up or I took a nap myself. I think Casey took it as an opportunity to get some time alone. Perhaps she left the a/c on and had the car in the garage, not realizing that within a couple of hours tragedy could strike.
It seems that all the players in this case are LIARS. Who can you trust. LE. And as far as I can tell they do not have enough evidence to charge her with murder at any level. Which concerns me greatly. I read all 400+ pages and how do I know that any of them are telling the truth. It appears with the June 9th date in almost everyone's statement that they all spoke and worked out this date. Too weird. I do not like to convict someone with out hard core proof. I am sorry but a bunch of partying college students statements is not hard core evidence. I am not saying she is not guilty - that is not for me to decide. I want to know where Caylee is.
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