Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #136

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Ok - that makes sense. George told the tow owner his daughter was missing. Ok

Then why when both of them opened that trunk and the flies and the maggots and the smell spewed out, WHY did George not call 911 right there? How did he NOT know that something MAY have happened to BOTH Casey and Caylee? He had just admitted that his daughter was missing. Yet, he drove that smelly car home with his head hung out the window like a puppy dog - pulled it completely into the garage - where usually it was parked in the driveway, garage was for George and Cindy's cars. Yet stinky car gets pulled into garage? His story about the car retrieval is full of more holes than a slice of swiss cheese.

That, I can't answer. I'm still intrigued why Mr. Birch didn't call the police.
Hey SS - do you know if TP is gonna be on here later on tonight?

Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch will be arriving in Orlando tomorrow afternoon... anyone who is currently in our volunteer search group interested in assisting them in the search MUST fill out a volunteer form and e-mail it this evening or fax it. After many calls to Cindy Anthony, she has agreed to have TES search for Caylee Anthony. THANK YOU TIM MILLER! LET'S BRING CAYLEE HOME!
Office: (281) 309-9500
Fax : (281) 534-6719
Toll Free: (877) 270-9500

Joseph S. Jordan
Board Member/Child Advocate
S.A.V.E. Kaylee
(Save Abuse Victims Everywhere)

"Respectable men and women content with good and easy living are missing some of the most important things in life. Unless you give yourself to some great cause you haven't even begun to live." Merrill, William P. Entrepreneur (1867-1954)
Hey, now! Don't be mad if I do that when McCain is speaking at the Republican Convention next week! :bang:

(I don't like talkin' politics on non-political boards, but I thought Hillary looked great and presented an excellent speech tonight....and that's all I'll say on the board. :chicken: )

Whoa! Are you trying to call McCain a Republican?:confused:
Casey obviously has self-esteem problems. From what has now surfaced about the Anthony family dynamic it is much more so. I guess I'm speaking from firsthand experience. I have only spoken of this a couple of times but my mother WAS CASEY ANTHONY TO A "T". And even tho my grandma was pretty close to Cindy - she wasn't a "denial" person. I grew up in it - I watched it - I never understood a whole lot of what was going on. As I became more and more of my own person and growing older certainly lends new insights to things you don't comprehend, I put more and more pieces of the puzzle together. Now, my mother never did anything as sinister as this - her behavior was CA day in and day out. That's why I'm saying the Feb seizure "misfired" something. Casey could not longer control Casey. She couldn't perform anymore and she still had the "family dynamic" top deal with along with Caylee growing older.

I believe it was the "beginning of the end" for her.

I also grew up in a home riddled with mental illness. My own mother (diagnosed with Borderline personality) is much like Cindy and I could even see my mother covering for me if I were to murder my own child (not that I would LOL). I myself am mentally ill, having been "stable" for only 6 short years. I speak of what I know, what I have lived. I realize she has self- esteem issues... she has *self* issues.

Her behaviors are learned and she perfected them on her own. She was raised in that home, seizures have nothing to do with it! I realize it is difficult for some to believe that something may just be wrong with Casey but I believe that is the case.

I understand the life you grew up in was not easy and you still have pain from it, I know how that feels.. I have my mother living with me now because she is so F'd up she can't live on her own. But you cannot really think that something like a seizure brought it all on?
Hello to all Seuthers,
Recorded NG earlier and just got to watch it. Why is everyone so po'ed at LP. So he got some free publicity, big deal! At least his heart was in the right place. But JB now that's another story, how in the world can he defend Casey?

While his heart *might* least be honest and say "yep and this can't hurt my career either. That is my issue and my opinion FWIW.
WOW. I have never heard any of this. Do you know how many people live with seizures every day and do not have anything you are describing. They are just normal people... Sorry I have to disagree with just about everything in your post.
Casy's police officer friend took her to the hospital for a seizure. Was linking that to possible drug use and the fact that she stated she was not on any meds. It will come into play, I am sure, in any forthcoming trial.

ETA: bad....I noticed you were responding to the misfiring theory... a seizure could be a symptom of an underlying disorder as well. I am sure Hose A will cover all those bases (and play em to his advantage) in the future)
I have to say that It makes me VERY uncomfortable to watch George as he speaks.

His facial expressions are so strange -- the way he constantly closes his eyes and makes that weird little grin and shakes his head. It's as if he's trying to make everything seem smooth and easy and fine.

He gives me the creeps.


I am so glad someone noticed this too. I have been trying to figure he makes those facial expressions in an attempt to convince himself, the reporters, LE or the public.

IMO, it is not working.
my puke man was due to the fact she is covering politics LOL... and not Caylee LOL.... (kind of lol....we are a military family politics from the nurse)

Sounds a little like a Cindy answer -- but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.:)

I watched Greta for an hour and a half last night -- I saw nothing on Caylee. The bad thing is is that this year the conventions are back to back -- so all next week it will be the republicans. I would think it would be great for someone to counter program with non-convention news.

Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch will be arriving in Orlando tomorrow afternoon... anyone who is currently in our volunteer search group interested in assisting them in the search MUST fill out a volunteer form and e-mail it this evening or fax it. After many calls to Cindy Anthony, she has agreed to have TES search for Caylee Anthony. THANK YOU TIM MILLER! LET'S BRING CAYLEE HOME!
Office: (281) 309-9500
Fax : (281) 534-6719
Toll Free: (877) 270-9500

Joseph S. Jordan
Board Member/Child Advocate
S.A.V.E. Kaylee
(Save Abuse Victims Everywhere)

"Respectable men and women content with good and easy living are missing some of the most important things in life. Unless you give yourself to some great cause you haven't even begun to live." Merrill, William P. Entrepreneur (1867-1954)

Wow, I sure wish I was able to help search. I am in Vegas and a long way from Florida but I did Email Tim to ask how I can donate money if needed. I sure pray they find Caylee.
Are you ok?:poke:

No just kidding....your empathy and compassion are very admirable!!!

i dont have much left in the tank for casey but the grandparents-even if they were not the greatest parents didnt deserve this bucket of horrors
Originally Posted by robotdog

im trying to be a better person.

RobotDog the Hippo Killer trying to be a warmer gentler dog
Who are you and what did ya do with Robotdog?!?! Put down the scotch and walk away s l o w l y.
Epival (dival Proax) is a medication that is commonly used to treat seizures. It is also very commonly used to treat Bi-Polar Disorder patients.

Just another little nugget to store in your database brain.

Wonder if she's on that...hmmmm. I've thought that her posting style demonstrated some bipolar stuff.
I would love to be able to help but I am in AZ :( My heart is there with those of you who are able to go though!
or --she put her in a dumpster and doesn't know where the body is now - or - she did "hand her off" and doesn't know where she is -- no conclusions possible and no lie...

ya know, I'm not even convinced Caylee is dead..
The dumping the car thing gets me too. What a way to call attention to yourself. Why leave your purse on the seat. Tony picked her up according to her statement. I don't remember seeing anything on Tony's statement about going to get her.

I think she dumped the car thinking they'd think something happened to her AND Caylee...only the car wasn't found soon enough for her family to respond and then Casey to "turn up" having escaped or something...nor was it then she had to come up with another story.

I think the intention was to pin whoever "took" her and Caylee (either like a feigned carjacking or something or a dual kidnapping she 'escapes' from) as the person who ultimately killed Caylee and it'd make her family feel grateful they got "one of their girls" back...

Only the car part didn't play out how she wanted...her mom never saw the car though Casey thought she'd see it there...nor was the car taken...but it was already there (and perhaps then towed) before she could come up with another scenario involving the when she ultimately got found, she had to have some way to have gotten home and said it was TonE (whether that was true or not who knows)
George is more suspect as I go through the docs for a second time. Can you imagine...if the car smelled in the tow it would increase exponentially once you pulled in into the confines of the garage?
I am SO with you. To be blunt, if your kids car is towed, you haven't seen/spoken to your granddaughter, and the car reeks of death when you open the trunk? I'm hitting 911 for sure pronto. (A side note, why wouldn't the TOW guy have called as well??)
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