Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #136

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Thinking Tony won't have time to be on tonight. He would be reading all the documents, etc. Also think he might be playing catch up on other details about this case. Not because he has to for his part in it, but like the rest of you it gets you curious at first, and then full blown addiction.
Maybe Tony and uncle have lots to discuss because Leonard took a hit today and appeared lots. I would imagine this would distress Tony some as he adores that uncle of his.
I think there are other reasons Tony may not be on tonight, but that is one of them. They do have a lot to discuss, but as Leonard said Tony's job isn't subject to innocence or guilt and he doesn't see him sending her back. His job is and has been to get her released until time for her to go back to court. Period.
IMO Casey is probably squirming tonight.

I suspect the fact that cops knew all of this and the computer forensics JUST CAME BACK on Sunday (per the LE press release to employees about the LE guy Tony saying that the confronted him when they got the computer forensics back on August 18th) is news to at least Casey and probably JB.

If they JUST got perhaps some of the more detailed computer stuff back THIS weekend, we could see a whole lot more happening very soon I suspect.

Well if there's another 7 hour meeting tomorrow with Jose, we'll know it was a surprise to them.
I mentioned that earlier as well! He should have called the police when he smelled the car!!!!! Maybe LE would have had alot more evidence!!!!!! IE the washed pants and knife!
Exactly!!! A LOT MORE!! No telling how much had been cleaned up inside that car and trunk before LE got it. It just burns me that George and Cindy aren't sitting in jail right now for that alone!! :furious: Robotdog and I definitely do not see eye to eye where they are concerned. I have NO sympathy for them and even LESS since reading those reports. I think they are in this up to their eyeballs and that is my HONEST OPINION!
I think there are other reasons Tony may not be on tonight, but that is one of them. They do have a lot to discuss, but as Leonard said Tony's job isn't subject to innocence or guilt and he doesn't see him sending her back. His job is and has been to get her released until time for her to go back to court. Period.

LP did say that he lost the confidence of two of his associates and they left today. He didn't mention any names.
Ok I need some serious feed back here . I missed allot the past few days what with reading the 400 pages and all so this might have been brought up already.

Has anyone else made the round about connection to ZG , the tattoo place and Lake Vaj ??
Would you mind if I PM you? I don't want you to have to reveal personal stuff on the boards.


Please do. I realize that this thread is about Caylee and I always try not to go off track but my story is here on WS. I have no shame about who and what I used to be. I talk of it so that others won't be afraid to, I speak of it because stigma sucks and I want it gone when my son is an adult!

But I realize I have gone off track, I'm sorry!
I can't even begin to tell you how many meals I've eaten at my desk trying to stay afloat in here. :)

Hot Pockets are perfect for Websleuths posting...just beware the foreign objects the've been putting in that kinda-like-food!
Do you think it was after that call that Amy and JP went to the mall?


Amy, JP and Ricardo were AT the mall immediately after their return b/c of the excitement of the new iphone and they were AT the mall in line WHEN Cindy called Amy. Amy left the mall with Cindy and the guys still there.

I believe this is also all in the timeline of July 15th of a step-by-step what happened when per what testimony that someone posted a thread of earlier today.

its just too much, i dont like the grandparents but they didnt kill the baby
they never would have harmed her - in my opinion

are they and were they stupid ? YEP

its really as simple as that for me

the grandfather creeps me out a little but he didnt kill her
when I worked pediatrics many years ago if we had a kid that just looked strange...but there was nothing really wrong we called it a FLK (funky looking kid) thing didn't have to look far....usually one of the parents confirmed that differential diagnosis LOL
well, i agree the coverup is ridiculous. but i think it will end soon or has ended

if cindy is having the texans come to search, she knows or is trying to face the truth.

the only words to describe how the grandparents are feeling is Earth Shattering" the two grandparents are the one that need to be on suicide watch - i think

Did I miss something? Did Cindy call for a search??
Hi. My first post. Been here watching for 2 weeks or so. Lots of insight here @ WS - I respect that. Lots of curiosity - I can relate.

After reading all the interviews from the document files, I find myself fascinated with the psychological aspects of Casey's personality, her life experiences and the dysfunctional family dynamic. So, I was actually wondering if there were any psychologists (and/or legal eagles/counselors) on line who’ve read the docs and thought about them a bit and would be willing to share their wisdom. Assuming these docs confirm old insights or offer new insight or as to Casey's state of mind/mental health, I would really like to try to understand it better. I’ve read the thread(s) on sociopath & personality disorders, but it looks like Casey can fit in may of these categories…And I wonder…is she sick, or, as some say, is she just a sociopath. I was just wondering if anyone with more experience might feel Casey could, with good reason, move into “diminished capacity” territory. Or is she somehow, through what you’ve read, automatically a purposeful sociopath? And who decides these things – court psychologists, I suppose?

Reading Casey’s interviews & interviews with her friends rivetted me & brought me right back to the time I witnessed my college roommate’s slow and eccentric descent into mental illness. It was especially frightening to read these interviews because I recognized so many parallels to what we saw my college roommate go through. As I read, (30 years of life later), it certainly seems to me that Casey has experienced a psychotic break or mental crisis of some kind, and with, her tendency to lie and deny moving into the realm of the lies fantastic and denials delusional – and it’s ongoing. It does seem her mom, Cindy might be medicated, (nurse knows doctors) - such low emotion there. It made me wonder if Cindy’s been diagnosed, and if Casey should be. But those are just a few of my amateur observations; I’m no way qualified really to have even a humble opinion. I just have an intuition based on years ago …

If we wake up tomorrow and DNA evidence arrives, and there is a murder charge brought forward, (of course I’d rather wake up tomorrow and find out LP pulls a smiling Caylee out of his 10 gallon hat) - I wanted to learn a bit about psych defenses…and about how that all works.

Anyway, I wonder if it would be possible to seriously discuss the psychological issues surrounding this case & its characters & the Anthony family with WS-ers with a little experience in the psychology/legal areas … Or, perhaps that’s not an appropriate topic?

This case makes me so sad, and I almost wish I’d not found the WS site! Nevertheless, I’m happy to be a new member of Websleuths. As one who is consoled by understanding, by science, and by logic, the way this is going, I am going to need a lot of consoling. While justice served is normally quite satisfying, (and hopefully we’ll get there with this case in time), I have a feeling that satisfaction will feel a bit hollow with a decimated family lying in it’s wake. It would be so much easier if LP could just wave his magic hat and out pop smiling Caylee!

Sorry, that was longish for a newbie, huh?!
Ok I need some serious feed back here . I missed allot the past few days what with reading the 400 pages and all so this might have been brought up already.

Has anyone else made the round about connection to ZG , the tattoo place and Lake Vaj ??

uh-uh :waitasec:
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