Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #137

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I got some of my thoughts as I read the thread ,from when a family member of mine was kidnapped and murdered. He wasn't saved in time, and I have a glimmer of hope that Caylee is alive. And this was the first time I felt that.

The only thing I go back to is the decomp/dogs.

I'm so confused. :(

Wow Drip Drop, I'm so sorry for your loss in such horrible circumstances. It seems that a lot of people on WS have been through terrible tragedy in their lives.
Hugs from all the way in Paris.
Since it's been asked that we not discuss it in this thread, I think that once the other thread gets reopened or a new one starts about KT we should maybe make an outline putting all the similarities and coincidences in one place. That way they can all be compared next to eachother without having to sort through pages and pages and going back and forth?
Um not trying to offend anyone but I have no clue where you guys were going with that closed thread. I didn't see anything on myspace to indicate anything that seems to have been suggested. Maybe someone would like to PM me and give me a rundown because the only thing I saw was about the dog being like the owners' friend casey. And then you look on her top 8 and there is a dude named casey. and also the room that had a door that looked like a "hotel room" had a nice fireplace mantle in it, i don't know many hotels like that. JMO but I don't think Yuri should be bothered unless there is something I missed'

If you discover anything can you let me know the gist of it? :) have no idea what's going on, I just woke up an hour ago
I caught the tail end of Bill O'Reilly tonight and he had a female attorney on that was discussing some of the details contained in the newly released 400 pages. She said one of the things that she remembered was a statement by Casey in which she said, "maybe I'll get drunk sometime and tell you what happened." I don't remember reading that! Does anyone else remember that quote? Bill O'Reilly asked if the prosecution had enough to proceed to trial without a body and she said yes.

It was supposedly said to Jessie G regarding her strange message that if her parents tried to contact him, not to answer the phone. When he asked for an explanation she said " It was a long story and I will probably call you when I get drunk to tell you". Don't think he ever did get an explanation.

It is from JG official statement to LE which is in section 1, handwritten page 41.
Um not trying to offend anyone but I have no clue where you guys were going with that closed thread. I didn't see anything on myspace to indicate anything that seems to have been suggested. Maybe someone would like to PM me and give me a rundown because the only thing I saw was about the dog being like the owners' friend casey. And then you look on her top 8 and there is a dude named casey. and also the room that had a door that looked like a "hotel room" had a nice fireplace mantle in it, i don't know many hotels like that. JMO but I don't think Yuri should be bothered unless there is something I missed'

After reading that thread......... I'm deleting my myspace. :confused:
Just thinking out loud......

Years ago I had to do some personal research w/r/t Bipolar Disorder.

Back then it was called Manic Depressive Disorder/Illness.

I need to keep updated with latest finds/meds/treatments so I often save Bipolar Illness web sites along with my regular NMHA updates.

This has probably been brought up a zillion times w/r/t Casey but after reading the docs and rewatching some video of her, and although I don't profess to be an expert in any way shape or form, I honestly feel in my heart (MHO) that we are seeing a severe case of Mania when it comes to this tragedy of the precious missing Caylee.

I am in NO way making excuses for Casey and as I tell people who ask---
Bipolar is NOT an excuse, but it's a reason.

Even in today's world where we are supposed to be so enlightened there is still a stigma related to mental illness.

In my experiencee I know two families right now who refuse to say the words 'mental illness' or 'Bipolar' when it comes to their adult children.

I know another family who would say the words but finish the sentence with "Not in OUR family".

The stigma is there.
Being a nurse doesn't mean you can come to terms with a mental illness in your own family.
Being someone (Cindy) who wants to make sure they present that perfect family facade, I can see a mental illness in the Anthony family being 'overlooked' or swept under the rug for years and years.

Through the years, talks with specialists, I've learned through many of them that if a person is predisposed to mental illness (runs in the family), especially Bipolar or Depression, sometimes it takes a traumatic event, a tragedy, or drastic change in life to bring the illness to the surface.
Could the birth of Caylee have been that catalyst for Casey?

I am including parts from several of the many Bipolar websites I have in my Favs List.
Although Bipolar Illness is talked about, I don't know that everyone knows the full array of symptoms, especially those of the Mania.
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Mania and Depression are the opposing phases in bipolar disorder.
  • Mania: A person in the manic phase may feel indestructible, full of energy, and ready for anything. Other times that person may be irritable and ready to argue with anyone who tries to get in the way.
    • Unrealistic plans, spending sprees, an increase in sexual affairs, or other reckless behavior, also may occur.
    • Less sleep and food than usual are needed.
    • The person with mania can stay up all night but may find that not much was accomplished because he or she was easily distracted.
    • The person in a manic phase may talk very quickly and jump from subject to subject. They often exhibit pressured speech during mania.
    • Self-esteem may be inflated.
    • Decisions regarding business and finances are often made hurriedly and without careful consideration; poor choices may be the result.
    • Clothing choices may also change, and the person in a manic phase may start wearing brighter, more sexual, more flamboyant clothes.
    • These behaviors, which can be quite upsetting, usually prompt a family member to take notice and try to get the person help.
    • Most people who are going through the manic phase of bipolar disorder deny that anything is wrong with them and refuse to see a medical professional.
    • They are grandiose and may have delusions (false ideas) of grandeur (greatness).
  • Some people with bipolar disorder cycle between the two extremes every few months or weeks. Other people with bipolar disorder may cycle several times within the same day.
  • Signs of mania
    • Increased activity and gestures (pacing, tapping feet)
    • Inflated self-esteem
    • Poor judgment
    • Racing thoughts
    • Decreased need for sleep
    • Poor temper control
    • Irritability
    • Pressured speech: The person speaks very fast, as if his or her mouth can't keep up with the rapid thoughts. The person may be unable to respond to social cues to stop talking.
    • Increased activities with high risk of painful consequences (sexual affairs, gambling, risky investments)
    • Psychotic symptoms
      • Delusions (false beliefs)
      • Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren't real)
      • ---------------------------------------------
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Decreased need for sleep (e.g., one feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep)
More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
Attention is easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant items
Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments
Just wanted to say nite all! 6 Am comes too early for me!!
I don't think the topic of the other thread is forbidden.
The problems seemed to be:
1. Personal information (addresses, etc.) were being posted.
2. When the mods asked what the thread was about (several times),
they were ignored.
We can wait for it to be reopened, its interesting, but not urgent.
I don't think the topic of the other thread is forbidden.
The problems seemed to be:
1. Personal information (addresses, etc.) were being posted.
2. When the mods asked what the thread was about (several times),
they were ignored.
We can wait for it to be reopened, its interesting, but not urgent.

Ok thanks, so we're not talking about discussion thread 136
I have noticed that newish people were ignored in the last thread though, I was surprised as I have always been very much answered and welcome
:clap:Exactly what I was wondering. I know LE was so focused on getting Casey to admit she did something to Caylee, but the obvious question that went unanswered as they hammered her about all of her lying was, "Well, after you dropped Caylee off, where did you go, since you didn't have a job?"


Exactly what I kept running through my mind as I read the docs!

Also, when she stated she dropped Caylee off with the babysitter between 9 a.m. & 1 p.m -----
I kept running it through my head "You mean you don't know what hours you worked on the day your little girl went missing?"
Nine to one is a bit of a spread of hours.
Who wouldn't know what time they dropped their kid off at the babysitter especially if it's the last day you saw your daughter!?! Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Good thing I'm not a drinking woman.
Imagine being a cop and trying to sort through Casey's lies.
I'd be in a straight jacket by now.:behindbar
Ok thanks, so we're not talking about discussion thread 136
I have noticed that newish people were ignored in the last thread though, I was surprised as I have always been very much answered and welcome

I think late at night, when fewer people are around, and there are many threads with a variety of topics open, people are often in other threads or multiple threads and/or trying to redirect conversations to other threads and there's far less discussion/answering/etc. in this thread...I honestly don't think it was intentional
I think late at night, when fewer people are around, and there are many threads with a variety of topics open, people are often in other threads or multiple threads and/or trying to redirect conversations to other threads and there's far less discussion/answering/etc. in this thread...I honestly don't think it was intentional

Thanks, Yes true I'm sure it wasn't and sometimes threads go so fast posts get lost
Imagine being a cop and trying to sort through Casey's lies.
I'd be in a straight jacket by now.:behindbar

I know this whole case is an enormous headache-obviously from her but also all the other parties too :bang:
Does it not seem awfully silent from BH and GP and JB since the docs were released? Gee I really really wish I could see what was going on in that house.
I do feel really sorry about the GP, even after reading all this I still don't know for sure if they covered up -they obstructed yes for sure- But I do know the immense and constant anguish they must be going through and they may never find peace
The BH was on NG earlier Waddles and he said if he knew then what he knows "now" (after all the docs were released and he read them) he would have never got involved.
I found something intersting about the Zanny. Has anyone looked at her my space page and read the thread about Kiomarie?
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