Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #141

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They are reporting on local news that Caylee is dead. Plain and simple. The dna from the trunk tested positive, the hair and the stain are Caylee's. Sorry if this is a repeat but I'm just hearing it.

Hi Floridamom,

Do you have a link? This is the first I have heard of confirmation that the dna is definitely Caylee's?

The whole thing makes me sick, sick, sick!
I think that there is still a lot more to come out here. I am not ready to let Cindy and George off the hook yet.
I believe in people taking personal responsibility for their actions. Had they gotten Casey help a long time ago then there is a good chance Caylee would still be alive.
This is what happens when people don't practice tough love with their kids.
There is a point where people do their children more harm by letting them get by with stuff because "they love their children". This is the direct result of their actions.
I am still not convinced that they may have actually known more for a whole lot longer then they are letting on.
I am sorry for Caylee. I am sorry that she had adults in her life who were too involved in their own drama to take care of her.
They were negligent.
Children are not toys that you dress up and play with and then put back on the shelf.
Sorry for the rant. I am just not able to put up with much more of the Anthonys BS.
BAEZ is a defense attorney - he is trying to appeal to criminals and those that are falsely accused. Sooo, that being stated, let's try to sell his services, he has a nationally publicized case. Would it be in his career's best interest to encourage his client to take the deal right now?

IMHO, no way! He wants to see all the evidence first and even the family is in denial right now. Sure they have the preliminary report from the Body Farm, but that is all it is right now, and heck, I don't even know if it is in written form or if this information was just verbalized to the family and Casey and Bae. If I was on the defense, I would be holding my cards close to my chest to see what else they have. They do have until Sept. 2.

Baez wants to do a good job and get more business from this. Consider the dream team for OJ? My goodness, I couldn't believe it when they got OJ off!!!!! I would hire those guys to represent me - those guys were miracle workers!

That was a completely different case with lots of tension brought about by racial divide. This case is another matter entirely.

The public is headstrong against Casey....I'd like to see a poll for how many think she will get away with this. Its obvious she's guilty....and almost all sentiment is against her now. Leonard was just on the air saying they did not know how they were going to protect her...the death threats are heating up and people are gathering outside her home to protest. Not only that, but evidence is beginning to roll in and its not good. Its plain to see she has other charges that await her such as theft and lying to Law Enforcement. Her child has not turned up alive and all the people she has named don't even exist as she claimed. The plea deal is good through tomorrow....and if I was her attorney (thank the good Lord I'm not) I would suggest she take it. In this case, my friend, the glove fits....
I believe in forgiveness, am a Christian, pray for Casey daily with that said I think I could throw the first shovel of dirt, I'm so angry!!

On the subject of forgiveness, God will not forgive someone UNLESS THEY ASK FOR IT -- I believe he expects the same from us.

As a Christian, I am not entitled to forgive unless they sincerely ask for it -- and I believe that there are some situations -- such as this -- where some just cannot do it.
There are some questions about the very recent events that I have.

Limited immunity? That tells me one or two (or both) things. 1) Someone else is involved - maybe not with the deed but the cover-up or disposal. There are certainly several players that would fit into this category. 2) They (LE) want to find the body and bring this to a close.

But what if this poor little angel died from a blow to the head. That would still be quite evident - even if she is down to just bones. A cracked skull will never go away. If CA knows this - she might not ever talk = she doesn't want that body found.

Another - why did Cindy stay and extra two hours with all those guys? Local head investigator, FBI investigator and a rep from the state DA's office. What did they talk about all that time? Is she "up" for something as well and they were discussing "her terms"? Or, does she have vital, crucial information about what exactly went down and who else is involved? It just doesn't make sense why she spent so much "extra" time alone with these guys. She had made several trips to Sheriff's office in the past couple of weeks - alone as well.

I don't think TP will have to revoke her bond. She is probably going to charged with much more serious crimes by Friday and back in jail.


Curious, why does the limited immunity offer lead you to think that others are involved?

Also, I heard that Cindy stayed and Casey left Baez's office this afternoon, b/c she had to be back home b/c of the monitoring device (4pm)
I remember the first case I followed like this and it was so difficult. The range of emotions was extreme. I think we interject our own feelings, our own fears, and see ourselves in that "what if" situation when we get so involved. I had to learn to step back, stay more objective, and realize that my life...while it is touched by such sorrow and sometimes such removed from what is going on here.

You can't dwell for all the missing and the dead. You can't submerse yourself in the remorse, the anger, and the injustice. You have to walk away because you need to preserve yourself for your own children, your family, and your life. So you learn to hold your children a bit tighter, to give them that extra minute of your attention, and to keep in mind how precious time really is when it is spent with those you love. You learn to live a deeper life and as Christine reminds us daily...You learn to walk in this world differently than ever before.

Great post SS. Sometimes you don't look back for sometimes months, I have found.
Cindy and Casey in seperate cars today, Casey being at the office for 10 mins., and Cindy there for hours tells me the jig is up, Cindy has finally seen the light, I would love to see her open the door shove Casey out it and let the media have time with her before the cruiser comes to get her, I can hope can't I???
DNA Tests From Car Trunk Indicate Caylee Anthony Is Dead

"Just putting the hair under the microscope, one can tell the difference between a normal hair root and one that's been infected with bacteria after death," said forensics expert Michael Baden. Baden said the inside linings of the mouth and nose release fluid when they begin to decompose. The fluid can be identified by DNA.

The sheriff's office, though, is not commenting on this development and issued the following statement late Wednesday afternoon: "Preserving the integrity of the investigative details of a case of this magnitude is paramount to its successful conclusion. We are unable to comment any further on information that has recently surfaced regarding the Caylee Anthony investigation. Any future returns in regards to evidence or submissions pertaining to this case will remain privileged or exempt unless the release of such information will be beneficial to the investigation or if it becomes a matter of public record in a legal proceeding."

I KNEW when those things went to UT Body Farm it was OVER for Casey. I said that the day they said U.T. was there.

I am really impressed with the professionalism of the sheriff's department. They have worked long hard hours to find the answer to this and we most likely don't know the tip of the iceberg of this investigation.

There have been hundreds of interviews and thousands of leads to chase down and they have done it very professionally and quickly.

I want to salute them for all their efforts in this case.:clap::clap::clap:
DNA Tests From Car Trunk Indicate Caylee Anthony Is Dead

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Tests have confirmed the stench in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car did come from a dead human body and evidence indicates it is that of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony. A California bondsman is reconsidering his decision to put up the money to free Casey.

"Just putting the hair under the microscope, one can tell the difference between a normal hair root and one that's been infected with bacteria after death," said forensics expert Michael Baden. Baden said the inside linings of the mouth and nose release fluid when they begin to decompose. The fluid can be identified by DNA.

Casey Anthony has another meeting scheduled with her lawyer Thursday morning.

All I can say is sleep well tonight Casey because tomorrow you will have a new and harder bed to sleep in. :behindbar
...I hope anyway.:furious:
I think that there is still a lot more to come out here. I am not ready to let Cindy and George off the hook yet.
I believe in people taking personal responsibility for their actions. Had they gotten Casey help a long time ago then there is a good chance Caylee would still be alive.
This is what happens when people don't practice tough love with their kids.
There is a point where people do their children more harm by letting them get by with stuff because "they love their children". This is the direct result of their actions.
I am still not convinced that they may have actually known more for a whole lot longer then they are letting on.
I am sorry for Caylee. I am sorry that she had adults in her life who were too involved in their own drama to take care of her.
They were negligent.
Children are not toys that you dress up and play with and then put back on the shelf.
Sorry for the rant. I am just not able to put up with much more of the Anthonys BS.

That was not a rant at all and sad but true.
Cindy and Casey in seperate cars today, Casey being at the office for 10 mins., and Cindy there for hours tells me the jig is up, Cindy has finally seen the light, I would love to see her open the door shove Casey out it and let the media have time with her before the cruiser comes to get her, I can hope can't I???

Yes, and I can hope that....

Drew Peterson roars up on his motorcycle and rides off with CASEY!
There are some questions about the very recent events that I have.

Limited immunity? That tells me one or two (or both) things. 1) Someone else is involved - maybe not with the deed but the cover-up or disposal. There are certainly several players that would fit into this category. 2) They (LE) want to find the body and bring this to a close.

Another - why did Cindy stay and extra two hours with all those guys? Local head investigator, FBI investigator and a rep from the state DA's office. What did they talk about all that time? Is she "up" for something as well and they were discussing "her terms"? Or, does she have vital, crucial information about what exactly went down and who else is involved? It just doesn't make sense why she spent so much "extra" time alone with these guys. She had made several trips to Sheriff's office in the past couple of weeks - alone as well.

Thats what I want to know!!!
Anyone else feel that Casey should just be put into general prision population versus being in solitary? Usually people who harm a child don't last too long in general population.
On the subject of forgiveness, God will not forgive someone UNLESS THEY ASK FOR IT -- I believe he expects the same from us.

As a Christian, I am not entitled to forgive unless they sincerely ask for it -- and I believe that there are some situations -- such as this -- where some just cannot do it.

agree 100% and I think at this point her asking for forgiveness is a slim shot but I'm praying for her to be convicted by someone a lot more important then LE
I'm sure Casey is going to come up with some lame story, that she let someone (babysitter?) borrow her car or something. Lame, lame, lame. I can only hope she will confess but I doubt it. I hope we will have more answers tomorrow.
I remember the first case I followed like this and it was so difficult. The range of emotions was extreme. I think we interject our own feelings, our own fears, and see ourselves in that "what if" situation when we get so involved. I had to learn to step back, stay more objective, and realize that my life...while it is touched by such sorrow and sometimes such removed from what is going on here.

You can't dwell on all the missing and the dead. You can't submerse yourself in the remorse, the anger, and the injustice. You have to walk away because you need to preserve yourself for your own children, your family, and your life. So you learn to hold your children a bit tighter, to give them that extra minute of your attention, and to keep in mind how precious time really is when it is spent with those you love. You learn to live a deeper life and as Christine reminds us daily...You learn to walk in this world differently than ever before.

Bumping this post, which I need to read frequently. Words to the wise more than you know, SS
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