Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #141

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there is something to Cindy leaving her car at the attorney's office, was the realization that Caylee is gone more then she could handle or is her a$$ in a sling and that is more then she could handle, she obviously wasn't able to drive, I would donate my 401K to be a fly in that house right now

I'm right there with ya.
Cindy and Casey in seperate cars today, Casey being at the office for 10 mins., and Cindy there for hours tells me the jig is up, Cindy has finally seen the light, I would love to see her open the door shove Casey out it and let the media have time with her before the cruiser comes to get her, I can hope can't I???

:waitasec:Man that would be awesome wouldn't it?:highfive:
BAEZ is a defense attorney - he is trying to appeal to criminals and those that are falsely accused. Sooo, that being stated, let's try to sell his services, he has a nationally publicized case. Would it be in his career's best interest to encourage his client to take the deal right now?

IMHO, no way! He wants to see all the evidence first and even the family is in denial right now. Sure they have the preliminary report from the Body Farm, but that is all it is right now, and heck, I don't even know if it is in written form or if this information was just verbalized to the family and Casey and Bae. If I was on the defense, I would be holding my cards close to my chest to see what else they have. They do have until Sept. 2.

Baez wants to do a good job and get more business from this. Consider the dream team for OJ? My goodness, I couldn't believe it when they got OJ off!!!!! I would hire those guys to represent me - those guys were miracle workers!

In the criminal world, there is a big difference between representing a football player that got mad and and killed his wife, and representing a child killer. Representing rapists and child killers do not make lawyers popular in the jail...that is why those sorts of prisoners go into protective custody...they are not liked in the jail system.

And, a good lawyer is one that gets the best result he can for his client...if she gets the death penalty that sure as heck will kill his business. If he gets her off with a few years, different story.

All above is IMOO of course.
Anyone else feel that Casey should just be put into general prision population versus being in solitary? Usually people who harm a child don't last too long in general population.

ME !!!

:ban me: So I can get some rest.......LOL

Can't these people see that we need Greta and Ted and the whole panel to keep us up to date on the really important things?!!!!
They are STILL lying today after all the reports..............Jesus God......strike those people down if they tell another lie with their baby grandaughter lying in a shallow grave somewhere.
These people need to do the right thing with Casey, for the first time in their lives and hers.
They need to tell her it's over. They need to tell her that they expect her to do the right thing and tell them where Caylee is. They need to tell her that no longer will they listen to her lies.
They remind me of "love addicts" people who want the person with them so badly that they don't care how the person treats them. It's time to kick her to the curb, quit enabling and GO ON.
Yes, it hurts, yes it's not fair. But it is what it is.
Life will go on, and they have to except it.
I think that there is still a lot more to come out here. I am not ready to let Cindy and George off the hook yet.
I believe in people taking personal responsibility for their actions. Had they gotten Casey help a long time ago then there is a good chance Caylee would still be alive.
This is what happens when people don't practice tough love with their kids.
There is a point where people do their children more harm by letting them get by with stuff because "they love their children". This is the direct result of their actions.
I am still not convinced that they may have actually known more for a whole lot longer then they are letting on.
I am sorry for Caylee. I am sorry that she had adults in her life who were too involved in their own drama to take care of her.
They were negligent.

Not a rant, very insightful, I would only add that they were egregious enablers at a minimum. God Bless them, I dont think they have a clue what they are in for.
Anyone else feel that Casey should just be put into general prision population versus being in solitary? Usually people who harm a child don't last too long in general population.
:eek: Those are strong words from you! Wow! (((UCFA))) I know you are really upset! Hang in there. :blowkiss:
Thanks SS and to all those who have posted their thoughts. I will try to understand that I will never understand. But I can yes change the way I walk in the world, and I will take my son to get a happy meal tomorrow and order one too so he can have two toys, go back and read the thread about all the "gates" that made me laugh, think about all the great people here, jospeh jordan, TES, and how people take bad things and do great things.

Geez, just when I stop crying, there's another post. Thanks, SS and Sliver and PotatoHead and everyone else who has posted these wonderful thoughts. Honestly, I was hoping that the first case I followed on WS would have a happy ending. I'll start praying for the next, and sadly, there will be a next, to turn out differently.
These people need to do the right thing with Casey, for the first time in their lives and hers.
They need to tell her it's over. They need to tell her that they expect her to do the right thing and tell them where Caylee is. They need to tell her that no longer will they listen to her lies.
They remind me of "love addicts" people who want the person with them so badly that they don't care how the person treats them. It's time to kick her to the curb, quit enabling and GO ON.
Yes, it hurts, yes it's not fair. But it is what it is.
Life will go on, and they have to except it.

Cat, I dont think these people are even in the zipcode of your logical thoughts, unfortunately. Secondly, I think they have some issues of their own to work through..
Yes, and I can hope that....

Drew Peterson roars up on his motorcycle and rides off with CASEY!

:rolling::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Love it!!! I work in healthcare, and I guess you sort of have to develop a sense of humor to cope with misery and mahem. Thanks OldSarge!!! I needed that!
These people need to do the right thing with Casey, for the first time in their lives and hers.
They need to tell her it's over. They need to tell her that they expect her to do the right thing and tell them where Caylee is. They need to tell her that no longer will they listen to her lies.
They remind me of "love addicts" people who want the person with them so badly that they don't care how the person treats them. It's time to kick her to the curb, quit enabling and GO ON.
Yes, it hurts, yes it's not fair. But it is what it is.
Life will go on, and they have to except it.

Cindy's brother said they need to be "shocked out of their denial mode." If the information today doesn't do it ... then nothing will EVER fdi it!
Please revoke the bail -- do the right thing TP.
That was a completely different case with lots of tension brought about by racial divide. This case is another matter entirely.

The public is headstrong against Casey....I'd like to see a poll for how many think she will get away with this. Its obvious she's guilty....and almost all sentiment is against her now. Leonard was just on the air saying they did not know how they were going to protect her...the death threats are heating up and people are gathering outside her home to protest. Not only that, but evidence is beginning to roll in and its not good. Its plain to see she has other charges that await her such as theft and lying to Law Enforcement. Her child has not turned up alive and all the people she has named don't even exist as she claimed. The plea deal is good through tomorrow....and if I was her attorney (thank the good Lord I'm not) I would suggest she take it. In this case, my friend, the glove fits....

I agree.
Actually, no I want her to be completely isolated, with only her own thoughts and memories of what she has done. While I think she might not be capable of feeling guilt or remorse, I say let's give it a shot. I want her to have her freedom taken away and have to look at a picture of her beautiful daughter everyday while sitting in a jail cell.

If she ends up in prison she will end up like Susan smith, having affairs with the guards, etc..
I wonder if the timing of the release of the test results had anything to do with the arrival of TES. If LE had confidentially shared the results of the tests with TES, then it would have quickly become obvious that TES was setting up a search for a body, not a missing child.
I cannot believe that they are throwing around another Zanny story. Please give it a rest. The bones on that red herring have been licked clean.

Casey needs to talk.

LOL,, I've done decided that with Casey's habit of 'reinventing' herself in every relationship that 'Zanny' is really Casey. That when Casey had to do the Mommy thing she popped a couple of Zanny's. Of course when under pressure to talk about Caylee, she just began inventing a life for Zanny.
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