Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #142

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This is kind of old news, but does anyone know why JG resigned from the police depertment and if he ever moved to Georgia?

I find the statements from JG and KT to be fishy. They both recanted on the fact that they heard a small child in the background when talking to Casey. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but I am pretty sure that JG and KT know each other.

Just strange....

I thought I read somewhere it was because of "emotional problems". Makes you wonder.
Have we heard whether LE is planning on searching the nearby landfills any time soon?

I personally do not believe that she is in the landfil, I think she is in the park but just a wondering....
I'm with you. She's not in a landfill. Those backpacks, etc., are connected to this case, even though LE tells us they aren't. They are covering their tracks very carefully, and Caylee's body is in that park/swamp close to the airport.

So true - I think the publicity that JB is getting will not help him with future clients. Honestly if I were Casey there were plenty of other criminal attorneys I would have called on first - Mark NeJame is the top criminal attorney here in Orlando - not Jose Baez

My question has been from the beginning is WHERE did she get Baez?

WHO is paying him?
Good point! The gas cans were removed on June 24th correct?

Okay, maybe this goes back to the fact that the cadaver dogs hit on the back yard. Maybe Caylee WAS buried out there for a while.

The actual time that the body was in the trunk had to be short, but probably leaked fluids and it had to be close to the time she abandoned the car because from what people say the stench is unbearable and can you imagine smelling it knowing it is your daughter. no way

So, if she was buried and moved it was sometime close to the 24th and maybe between the 24th and 27th. If George truly didn't smell anything then it would have to be after he saw CA on the 24th.
And grandparents are right in the middle playing a pivotal role in these negotiations and emotional game, the role they played for ever in Casey's life. Enable, hide, excuse, lie, cover, and an innocent baby in the middle being used as a shield and manipulation tool in the war of power between mother and daughter.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I agree GT with you statement above. They should have gone to court to get Caylee before they had Casey move out. Caylee would be alive today.

Geo. must have smelled the decompostion because he stated he had to roll the windows down when he was driving Casey's car home. Cindy is a nurse. She knows what a dead body smells like! Geo. was a deputy sheriff. He must have come across a deceased human in his line of work.
Tracey, just so you don't feel completely alone--I agree with you. I think she took care of everything all by herself.

I also agree..
I choose to believe that no one other than Casey in that Crazy family has anything to do with this. Their emotions are deep, crazy but deep.
As far as thinking she would have had to have had help with the body, I don't believe that for a second.
When I was 16, I severely cut the bottom of my foot..I weighed about 135 at the time, and my mom only weighed 110. That woman picked me up out of the front seat of the car and hurled me over her shoulder like it was nothing and ran me into the ER.
I think in moments of adrenaline, we are all stronger than what we think..
Have we heard whether LE is planning on searching the nearby landfills any time soon?

I personally do not believe that she is in the landfil, I think she is in the park but just a wondering....

I personally don't think Jay Blanchard Park... around the time that Caylee went missing Jay Blanchard Park was crawling with detectives, sheriff's deputies, etc after UCF grad student/jogger Nicole Ganguzza was found murdered off the Little Econ Trail that runs through the park.

Any other parks that people are thinking about?
And grandparents are right in the middle playing a pivotal role in these negotiations and emotional game, the role they played for ever in Casey's life. Enable, hide, excuse, lie, cover, and an innocent baby in the middle being used as a shield and manipulation tool in the war of power between mother and daughter.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I agree GT with you statement above. They should have gone to court to get Caylee before they had Casey move out. Caylee would be alive today.

One of the problems I have with this is look how they raised Casey. That little girl would have been better off adopted. IMHO.
My question has been from the beginning is WHERE did she get Baez?

WHO is paying him?
We have discussed this before, but I don't think we ever got an answer. I would think the Anthony's are paying him because they do have some money (value of their house, etc.), just not $500,000 worth of collateral.
Just logging on for the day and reading.

You know, sometimes, it's not a good thing to defend a guilty person. I realize everyone is entitled to a defense, but sometimes it's bad for your career, especially in a case as "big" as this one.

Baez needs to run like the wind if he has any hope for a future as a defense attorney. JMO.

ITA. No one in the jails would probably want to be at all associated with him right now (and that's where most business is), and i think he will have a rep for representing child abusers after 2 high profile cases like this. IMOO
I don't know if it's true or not yet, I will wait for actual official confirmation but does anyone else get this picture in their head when they hear LG speak or is it just me?

YES! Sorry, I know this was near the first of the thread, but it is worth repeating. CampCasey reminds me exactly of this situation. Keep looking into the camera and spouting lies while looking like you actually believe them. Given a body, they will still contend no connection to the death. (Even tho we know that Casey, George, and Cindy all have smelled her rotting little corpse. I hope that smell NEVER leaves them.)
Wonder if she was stashing the money away she was stealing from everyone to skip town to somewhere she couldn't be extradicted?

I think that was exactly her plan. She had already made contact with her Marine friend in California and had plans to go there. I believe she just did not have enough money yet when her mother showed up at her boyfriend's.

I believe she was going to California, let her parents believe she had Caylee and continue on her lascivious lifestyle. She may have been planning on going to Mexico from there or maybe the Marine was shipping out to somewhere she wanted to go. She was going to "work" him and get what she wanted in her mind.
IIRC George stated he last saw Casey and Caylee on June 16th prior to going to work. Then at the hearing he testified he was beginning work in the security line of business and prior to this that he had been unemployed ???? Am I imagining that?

If he was unemployed in June and Casey was unemployed it might be possible that THEY were working together doing who knows what...escort, etc...and possibly since Caylee was present and might have overheard or seen something that Caylee might share with Grandma that they both had to quiet Caylee somehow. Hence Casey would not know where she was IF George took care of the dirty work. George then would have reason to direct LE that Casey might be hiding something.

Just some rambling thoughts...
im with both of you

but i think its possible she had help...i just dont think she did

I don't think so either. I think she will stick with the nanny story to the end. This is the best story to stick with IMO.
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