Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #146

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A call to the police is more than a threat, it is ACTING on a threat - that threat being a call to the police. Cindy acted on that threat because she was suspicious about Caylee, couldn't get answers from Casey, and because she had just learned that Casey lied to her about where she was and why she couldn't bring the car home like she'd been ordered to do 2 weeks earlier. The police were on the way to the Anthony home before the third call was made - that's what made Casey finally spill the beans and say that she herself did not know where Caylee was (a lie, of course).

I don't see all the lies told by Cindy. I see her trying to convince herself that the reality most of us see is false. I see nothing she's done to hamper the police investigation or conceal evidence. She's bent over backwards to be honest even when it worked against Casey.
CW- I think Cindy likes to "use" LE as a threat. Take a look at the call summary on the OCSO website. I think Cindy had "issues" before this began, but that's JMO.
But we don't want QA to turn blue and then pass out; KC might be close by and panic! Then what would we do? No more QA, and we'd have to start another forum! :crazy:

Now you just stop using the KC initials right NOW! Or I won't help no more with 'puter stuff!

Those are my RL initials, and I just get so squeamish each time I see them up there. And I can pick on QA all I want - trust me I get it back in spades (and coveralls!)
Now you just stop using the KC initials right NOW! Or I won't help no more with 'puter stuff!

Those are my RL initials, and I just get so squeamish each time I see them up there. And I can pick on QA all I want - trust me I get it back in spades (and coveralls!)
well my initials are JB so how do you think I feel?

between Jonbenet and Baez I think people are talking about me all the time.
I am off to check on the storms and let go to bed. Remember, KISS (keep it simple stupid) lol........when all the facts come out in this case, the side show that this family has attempted to divert the truth will be very obvious.
That is what I keep saying. It was like Caylee was an afterthought in those calls. Like screaming about the car being stolen, the credit cards, the money, come arrest her the grandaughter is missing.

I think she realized she really messed up by calling and they would then know what she already knew because they would question where Caylee was when arresting Casey, IMO. If you really stop to think about it a minute...let it soak in a makes sense.

ITA. Now I have a question: do you think Cindy was THAT angry at first that she honestly didn't think about Caylee? I guess what i mean is, what do you think the specific trigger was that finally made Cindy realize how badly she had screwed up?
You know the story about how Cindy and George didn't find out Casey was pregnant until she was 7 months along? I was wondering what happened when they took her to the doctor and it was confirmed. Did she act like she didn't know until then that she was pregnant? Or did she confess that she had been hiding it and lying about it? Just wondering how far Casey will go in her lies. I really thought she would have to break once the DNA came back but apparently she is still sticking to her lies. Only until she got to the office door at Universal did she admit she had been lying. Where is the door here?

Death Penalty???:eek:
CW- I think Cindy likes to "use" LE as a threat. Take a look at the call summary on the OCSO website. I think Cindy had "issues" before this began, but that's JMO.

Cindy definitely had issues before this. I think her and Casey share varying degrees of the same personality disorder.
I've never denied that she had a right to bond; everyone has a constitutional right to bond, unless a court refuses it. I still believe that TP and LP were duped by JB before they got here. In fact, that was asked of TP several times on his thread, and he eventually said he did not want to discuss that topic anymore.

And I know there are many more people on WS crying out for Caylee than the A family could ever imagine.

Sorry, I never said you did. I made the point for those who seem to feel some of us on the boards were against her constitutional rights, not you included. Yes crying for Caylee but here lately there are those that need to be stroked more than rightly even required. I'm just tired of the Anthony man made circus now crying foul. They made this bed...............
I am off to check on the storms and let go to bed. Remember, KISS (keep it simple stupid) lol........when all the facts come out in this case, the side show that this family has attempted to divert the truth will be very obvious.
Nite ML!
See this is the answer that I have been trying to get. Why did she need to be out? For the phone records? No.

Instead of looking like they are trying to find Caylee, they look like they are coddling Casey. I never could understand it. Not that I couldn't understand why they said they did it. Get her out, get her to talk....makes some sense. But then you find out you can't talk to her, why bail her out.

They kept saying that it was all about Caylee, but it didn't really look like that after they bailed Casey out. It was all about Casey. She got to go home and sleep in her own bed, watch tv, play video games, whatever. She got body guards to escort her. Everyone was spouting the party line and some still seem to be.

I mean really the girl in under home detention and is being monitored and she still has managed to be out of her house more than she has been in it.

What was the real reason for bailing her out? I was willing to go along with it and see what happened but there is something rotten in denmark. Something just never felt right about it and still doesn't. I smell a rat.

I still think, now, that LP's intentions were honorable. Honestly, I didn't think that at first, but I always retain the right to change my mind! I still believe that LP was duped by JB. I think he truly thought at first that he was going to be able to talk with her and get info to find Caylee. And he obviously doesn't feel comfortable in his 'body guard' position now. He has admitted he was wrong. Now, he should send her back. luck, dang it!

It isn't on the media thread either, so right now I am tracking back through Patty's previous posts yesterday. she linked to another youtuber's site that she said had everything.

Let ya know if I find it. I want to see CHC.
ITA. Now I have a question: do you think Cindy was THAT angry at first that she honestly didn't think about Caylee? I guess what i mean is, what do you think the specific trigger was that finally made Cindy realize how badly she had screwed up?
Casey and Lee in Casey's bedroom 31 days, Cindy walking past Caylee's room. I have been around more victims then I care to discuss, heart breaking....................something is wrong!
Now you just stop using the KC initials right NOW! Or I won't help no more with 'puter stuff!

Those are my RL initials, and I just get so squeamish each time I see them up there. And I can pick on QA all I want - trust me I get it back in spades (and coveralls!)

Sorry; didn't know! Those initials won't pass my fingers again. I swear! Well, at least until I forget and they slip out...:blowkiss:
Well I am with ya CTF's...I think the grandparents are adding to their stress and grief trying to "cloud the waters."

Law enforcement surely did not need Casey out too add to the load they are already shouldering.

Occam's Razor is getting pretty fuzzy with all the kleig lights and Bull@!#$ flying around. :rolleyes:
Cloud the waters?! Looks more like a mud puddle to me and they keep shoveling in the chit to make it smell even worse.

While LE didn't need Casey out adding to their headaches, I think it did them some good in the broader scope of things. When this goes to will show that Casey, given the opportunity of freedom, chose to continue to ignore the people who could assist her in finding Caylee along with the help of her parents. This is going to backfire on Baez in court in many ways, imo.
Things should be middle of the road personal involvement other than handling the case should not be in play. How often has LE been thanked lately in regard to this case? The true ones having to dig and pry everything out? LE has been subtly called liars and facts cast early aside as though there is was little fairness in how they were and are handling this case. These are people with families as well going with sleepless nights. Where are the balancing factors. TES was denied early on, offered up by WS board members, now Cindy gets credit? Please someone explain to me if you can. Why so much sympathy is garnered for the adults/Anthony's with the out landish comments over and over to the media for all to see. My patience has run out. This is about a child not magic predictions by her family and pats on the back for them, a little late NO? What is so fair about this a small child left alone? Remember her last moments.

I agree 100%

It's bad enough that it took 31 days for someone to finally report Caylee missing but then LE has to spend another month chasing false leads provided by Casey and endorsed by Cindy.

In the end LE will find Caylee and punish those responsible for harming her.

And to think after all they do Slick Willie & the Artful Dodger get all the credit

Sorry, I never said you did. I made the point for those who seem to feel some of us on the boards were against her constitutional rights, not you included. Yes crying for Caylee but here lately there are those that need to be stroked more than rightly even required. I'm just tired of the Anthony man made circus now crying foul. They made this bed...............

Sorry; I seem to be running a little off-center tonight! I like totally snarked at someone earlier, and then looked and they'd disappeared. Maybe it's time for me to say g'nite; sweet dreams; see ya'll tomorrow -- oops! Later today!:blowkiss:
That is what I keep saying. It was like Caylee was an afterthought in those calls. Like screaming about the car being stolen, the credit cards, the money, come arrest her the grandaughter is missing.

I think she realized she really messed up by calling and they would then know what she already knew because they would question where Caylee was when arresting Casey, IMO. If you really stop to think about it a minute...let it soak in a makes sense.

I'm sorry but it doesn't make sense to me. If the calls were mere threats, what was the purpose? Obviously to get Casey to tell where Caylee was. Why would Cindy do that if she already knew where Caylee was? Cindy mentioned her missing grandchild in the 2nd call, and then called back again hysterical after Casey finally admitted that Caylee was gone.

If a person has participated in concealing a murder, they don't call and report the murderer for stealing a car that has since been returned.
I still think, now, that LP's intentions were honorable. Honestly, I didn't think that at first, but I always retain the right to change my mind! I still believe that LP was duped by JB. I think he truly thought at first that he was going to be able to talk with her and get info to find Caylee. And he obviously doesn't feel comfortable in his 'body guard' position now. He has admitted he was wrong. Now, he should send her back.

See, I don't know. I go by my gut feeling, intuition, what ever you want to call it most of the time because when I go against it, I screw up and something felt wrong about the bail out to me from the beginning.

I didn't voice it because talking against it was a no-no and asking questions of them about it obviously were too.

While I understand their thinking, something did not mesh with me. Something felt wrong and still does.

They did not do their homework first, for one thing. We knew more than they did. That is a lot of money to throw away when you haven't even gathered the facts yet.

They appeared to be hired body guards instead of bounty hunters or investigators.

I don't know, I can't explain it, but my gut tells me there is more to this than we know right now. But I am sure that we will get to the bottom of it eventually.
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